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2024-07-15 23:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”做粽子过程“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The pcess of zongzi。以下是关于做粽子过程高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The pcess of zongzi

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a special festival in China. On this day, we usually eat zongzi, a kind of food made of ce.

Today, I want to cook some zongzi first. I bought some bamboo leaves, which are an important part of zongzi. The leaves are made into all bottles.

I put some ce and meat, so that the leaves can make the ce delicious. Then, I found some stng, tied up the leaves, and then finished the zongzi. The last step is to boil, although it is very hard, but I try my best, this is the most delicious zongzi I have r eaten.




The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown has many kinds of zongzi. The leaves have a requirement. The fresh bamboo leaves are green and green.

If the bamboo leaves are not fragrant with ded zongzi, all the raw mateals are prepared the day before the Dragon Boat Festival. White glutinous ce is soaked in water, full of red beans and peanuts. They are ready, or the pork tpe is chopped.

The ingredients used are art hands The hardworking hostess will fold left and ght, and then fold layers of pe, a delicate zongzi is soon cooked pot, the om is filled with fragrance, bamboo zongzi and zongzi in addition to eating zongzi and eggs, these o kinds of food are put together to eat, n if you do not eat, just watch is to enjoy, red oval eggs, meat green, irregular shape of zongzi, fm the color With the combination of shapes, it is oked. On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, Artemisia ari is g on the lintel, and decorations of vaous shapes are g. Cloth makes it bght, and spices are put in it.

My mother buys one for me to hang on my chest ry year.




The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, on the day before the festival, my mother and grandmother be to make zongzi. Of cose, I would be an assistant, but it tned out that after they finished eating, I was like an obstacle than a .

It took them a long time to start cooking zongzi, becse I could eat Zongzi the next day, the Dragon Boat Festival Tianzongzi is very delicious. O family will prepare dinner after breakfast. All of us will go home to eat solid diet chicken.

It is an indispensable delicacy on the table of traditional Chinese festivals. It makes me water and I eat a lot. This is a wonderful festival.



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