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2023-04-09 01:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”女排精神“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Women's volleyball spirit。以下是关于女排精神的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Women's volleyball spirit

In China, everyone is proud of the women's volleyball team of the S. they have won the world championship five times, which makes the women's volleyball team a symbol of strong will, but no one can always win. Since the team suffered setbacks, a few years later, the new team won the championship again.

What an exciting story Everyone on women's volleyball TV likes the team. Their games will be shown, people will watch and shout for them. My parents told me that their idols are women's volleyball players, because they are moved by their strong spirit.

I witnessed these girls at the peak and then began to degenerate. Now they are on the top again. They never give up.

In the past few years, the women's volleyball team has experienced a bad period in a turning point. The old players have retired and the new players are not strong enough. Although they are not good at playing, they have practiced hard and finally become the champion again.

I am really moved. They deserve the most warm applause.


在我国,每个人都为年代的女排感到骄傲,她们曾五次夺得世锦赛冠军,这使女排成为坚强意志的象征,但没有人能一直赢下去,自从球队遭遇挫折,几年后,新球队再次夺冠,这是一个多么振奋人心的故事 女排电视上的每个人都喜欢球队,他们的比赛会被播放,人们会观看并为他们呐喊我的父母告诉我他们的偶像是女排队员,因为他们被他们的坚强精神所感动我亲眼目睹了这些女孩在巅峰时,然后开始堕落,现在她们又一次登上了巅峰,她们从未放弃过。在过去的几年里,女排经历了处于转折期的不好时期,老队员退役了,新队员不够强壮,虽然她们打得不好,但她们刻苦练习,终于再次登上冠军宝座,我真是太感动了,她们活该最热烈的掌声。


In Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team brought them the biggest surprise. They won the championship many years later. The spirit of this traditional team was mentioned again.

People were also moved by the great success of coach Lang Ping. Lang Ping is the longest member of Lang Ping, who is well known in China. Especially in our father's generation, she is a strong female athlete, She has helped the team win the world championship many times.

She is famous for her image of never giving up after retirement. When the country needs her, she becomes a coach. When she retires for many years, she will come to help us.

In Lang Ping's decision to be a coach, the women's Volleyball team is not so strong. She won the second place in the Olympic Games. After the Beijing Olympic Games, she quit her job Lang Ping was called to coach again when she went abroad to coach.

People hope she can change again this time. Lang Lang once again saved the Chinese team. She is the soul of this team.




Teamwork is very important in our work. One can't finish a job alone. He needs more people to do it together.

We can say that some important work cannot do without teamwork. For example, in a football match, each member plays a different role, which is very important. All players must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent team.

Only with good teamwork can we win the game, otherwise we will be defeated.





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