跨境物流交货方式及外贸常用词汇中英文、缩写大汇总 您所在的位置:网站首页 外贸术语大全中英文缩写是什么 跨境物流交货方式及外贸常用词汇中英文、缩写大汇总


2024-07-04 05:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 代理商:agency - AG

2. 代理:agent - AGT

3. 委派:appoint - AP

4. 仲裁:arbitration - ARB

5. 指定:assign - ASN

6. 产品售价单:invoicing data sheet - IDS

7. 制作精巧:skillful manufacturing - SM

8. 高精技术:sophisticated technology - ST

9. 分销网络:distribution network - DN

10. 等级:grade - GR

11. 高科技产品:high-tech products - HT

12. 令人不满意的:unsatisfactory - UNS

13. 索赔:claim - CLM

14. 品质优良:excellent quality - EQ

15. 质量可靠:reliable quality - RQ

16. 佣金:commission - CM

17. 赔偿:compensation - CP

18. 合作企业:cooperative enterprise - CO

19. 信用地位,信誉:credit standing - CS

20. 被损害的:damaged - DM

21. 直达船只:direct vessel - DV

22. 耐用消费品:durable consumer goods - DC

23. 财务状况:financial position - FP

24. 包装说明:packing instruction - PI

25. 订购单:purchase order - PO

26. 制造说明:manufacturing instructions - MI

27. 毛重(毛重是指商品本身的重量加包装物的重量,这种计重办法一般适用于低值商品):gross weight - GW

28. 净重:net weight - NW

29. 不便:inconvenience - IN

30. 调查:investigation - INV

31. 发票:invoice - IN

32. 规格:specification - SP

33. 标准:standard - ST

34. 制裁:sanction - SN

35. 许可:license - LC

36. 限制:restriction - RS

37. 监管:supervision - SV

38. 保税区:free trade zone - FTZ

39. 报关:customs declaration - CD

40. 关税:customs duties - CD

41. 报验:inspection - IN

42. 验货:goods inspection - GI

43. 包装:packaging - PK

44. 唛头:shipping mark - SM

45. 标记:mark - MK

46. 数量:quantity - QT

47. 质量:quality - QL

48. 规格:specification - SP

49. 标准:standard - ST

50. 集装箱:container - CON

51. 集装箱号:container number - CN

52. 报关单:customs declaration - CD

53. 每:each - EACH

54. 每个,各:each - EACH

55. 重量:weight - WT

56. 毛重:gross weight - GW

57. 净重:net weight - NW

58. 海关:customs - CU

59. 关税收:customs duties - CD

60. 边境:border - BD

61. 边境检查:border inspection - BI

62. 产地证明:certificate of origin - COO

63. 普惠制:generalized system of preferences - GSP

64. 贸易术语:trade terms - TT

65. 贸易伙伴:trade partner - TP

66. 交易:transaction - TR

67. 交易量:transaction volume - TV

68. 运输:transportation - TR

69. 运输方式:transport mode - TM

70. 运输工具:transportation equipment - TE

71. 延误:delay - DL

72. 装运:shipment - SH

73. 装卸:loading and unloading - LU

74. 贸易术语:trade terms - TT

75. 贸易伙伴:trade partner - TP

76. 交易:transaction - TR

77. 交易量:transaction volume - TV

78. 付款:payment - PM

79. 付款方式:payment method - PMT

80. 货款:payment for goods - PFG

81. 信贷:credit - CT

82. 信用证:letter of credit - L/C

83. 银行保函:bank guarantee - BG

84. 保险:insurance - IN

85. 保险单:insurance policy - IP

86. 保险费:insurance premium - IPM

87. 破损:damage - DM

88. 损失:loss - LS

89. 补偿:compensation - CP

90. 纠纷:dispute - DS

91. 调解:arbitration - ARB

92. 仲裁机构:arbitration institution - AI

93. 法律法规:laws and regulations - LR

94. 合同:contract - CT

95. 合同履行:contract performance - CTP

96. 售后服务:after-sales service - ASS

97. 客户满意度:customer satisfaction - CS

98. 业务:business - BU

99. 业务增长:business growth - BG

100. 竞争对手:competitor - CP

101. 竞争力:competitiveness - C

102. 市场:market - MK

103. 市场营销:marketing - MKT

104. 市场份额:market share - MS

105. 市场调研:market research - MR

106. 潜在客户:potential customer - PC

107. 销售:sales - SL

108. 销售额:sales volume - SVL

109. 促销活动:promotion activity - PA

110. 品牌:brand - BD

111. 品牌知名度:brand awareness - BA

112. 品牌形象:brand image - BI

113. 产品:product - PR

114. 产品研发:product research and development - R&D

115. 产品线:product line - PL

116. 产品规格:product specification - PS

117. 产品说明书:product manual - PM

118. 产品认证:product certification - PC

119. 产品品质:product quality - PQ

120. 产品安全性:product safety - PS

121. 产品生命周期:product lifecycle - PLC

122. 渠道:channel - CH

123. 分销渠道:distribution channel - DCH

124. 渠道合作:channel cooperation - CC

125. 渠道拓展:channel expansion - CE

126. 渠道管理:channel management - CM

127. 网上销售:online sales - OS

128. 电子商务:electronic commerce - EC

129. 出口:export - EX

130. 进口:import - IM

131. 进出口业务:import-export business - IEB

132. 清关:customs clearance - CC

133. 结算:settlement - ST

134. 汇率:exchange rate - ER

135. 外币:foreign currency - FC

136. 外汇:foreign exchange - FEX

137. 贸易救济:trade remedy - TR

138. 反倾销:antidumping - AD

139. 反补贴:countervailing - CV

140. 贸易战:trade war - TW

141. 自由贸易区:free trade area - FTA

142. 双边贸易:bilateral trade - BT

143. 多边贸易:multilateral trade - MT

144. 区域经济一体化:regional economic integration - REI

145. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization - WTO

146. 贸易政策:trade policy - TP

147. 贸易壁垒:trade barriers - TB

148. 贸易保护主义:trade protectionism - TP

149. 贸易促销:trade promotion - TP

150. 跨国公司:multinational corporation - MNC

151. 跨国经营:multinational operation - MO

152. 国外市场:overseas market - OM

153. 国际市场:international market - IM

154. 全球市场:global market - GM

155. 市场营销策略:marketing strategy - MS

156. 市场定位:market positioning - MP。返回搜狐,查看更多






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