盘点各国常见手势 教你如何表达赞美与感谢(组图)[1] 您所在的位置:网站首页 外国人说话手势 盘点各国常见手势 教你如何表达赞美与感谢(组图)[1]

盘点各国常见手势 教你如何表达赞美与感谢(组图)[1]

2023-05-21 07:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

When words fail - and they usually do - holidaymakers resort to hand gestures to communicate with locals in a country where they don't speak the language. 每当旅客去到一个语言不通的国家游玩又无法用言语清楚表达自我时,他们总会用手势与当地人沟通。

But it can be a tricky endeavour as gestures that represent something innocent in one country could be offensive in another. 但即便这样也会问题多多,因为同样的手势在一个国家可能没什么恶意,但在另一个国家可能就会带有冒犯之意。

This helpful guide demonstrates 42 hand gestures that are common in 14 countries where visitors from abroad could run into a language barrier. 以下的指南介绍了14个国家常见的42个手势,它可以帮助国外游客克服语言障碍。

The infographic was created by Work the World, which helps health-care professionals and students find short-term placements abroad. “工作世界”绘制了这张信息图以帮助医疗界的教授和学生在国外找到短期实习工作。

It said the gestures will come in handy for those who don't know the country's mother tongue or only know a few words or broken phrases but are intimidated when they communicate with locals. 对于那些不会说该国母语,或者只懂说只言片语,和当地人说话又会怯场的人来说,这些手势就会派上用场了。

In Italy, diners can tell their waiter or chef that their meal is 'delicious' by running their finger into their cheek. 在意大利,用餐者可以用手指在脸颊上滑动来告诉餐厅侍者或厨师饭菜非常“美味”。

In Mexico - an increasingly popular destination for Britons - visitors who are unable to speak a lick of Spanish can hold up their arm with their palm towards their face to say 'thank you'. 墨西哥现在颇受英国游客的青睐,在这个国家,游客要是不会说西班牙语的话,可以举起手掌面对着自己的脸来表示“谢谢你”。

Around the world in 42 hand gestures 来学学世界各地的42种手势

It's great to learn to speak a whole new language for a trip abroad, but it can take a lot of time and efforts before you can converse easily. An easy approach to understanding the locals is to know the physical cues-especially considering 93% of communication is non-verbal. 为出国旅游而学习一门全新语言不失为一个好的想法,但是在能够熟练运用之前可能会花上大量时间与精力。考虑到93%的交流是非语言的过程,那么要了解当地人的意思一个简单的方法就是理解肢体上的暗示。

Brush up on your body language with this simple guide to some of the most common gestures from around the world. 以下简单介绍一些世界上最常用的手势,大家一起来学习一下吧。

1. Italy 意大利

Gesture: Run finger into your cheek. 手势:在脸颊上滑动手指。

Meaning:"Delicious!" 意义:“真好吃!”

Gesture: Cup your hands together as if trapping a bird. Wave them up and down. 手势:将双手捧在一起,就像捉住一只鸟一样。上下挥动双手。

Meaning: "I can’t believe I’m hearing this! What are you saying?!" 意义:“我不相信自己的耳朵!你在说什么?!”

Gesture: Swipe your upturned palm outwards from your chin. 手势:手背朝上蹭下巴。

Meaning:"I don’t give a damn." 意义:“我不在乎。”






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