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Input系统: InputReader 处理触摸事件

2024-02-02 22:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. InputMapper 处理触摸事件

由 [Input系统: InputReader 处理按键事件]可知,InputReader 从 EventHub 获取到事件后,最终把事件交给 InputMapper 进行处理。

classDiagram InputMapper = mSlotCount) { // ... } else { // 2. 根据索引,获取 Slot 数组的元素,并填充信息 Slot* slot = &mSlots[mCurrentSlot]; ​ if (!mUsingSlotsProtocol) { slot->mInUse = true; } switch (rawEvent->code) { case ABS_MT_POSITION_X: slot->mAbsMTPositionX = rawEvent->value; break; case ABS_MT_POSITION_Y: slot->mAbsMTPositionY = rawEvent->value; break; // ... case ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID: if (mUsingSlotsProtocol && rawEvent->value < 0) { // The slot is no longer in use but it retains its previous contents, // which may be reused for subsequent touches. // SLOT 协议: ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID 事件的值小于0,表示当前 slot 不再使用。 slot->mInUse = false; } else { // SLOT 协议 : ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID 事件的值为非负值,表示当前 slot 正在使用。 slot->mInUse = true; slot->mAbsMTTrackingId = rawEvent->value; } break; // ... } } } else if (rawEvent->type == EV_SYN && rawEvent->code == SYN_MT_REPORT) { // MultiTouch Sync: The driver has returned all data for *one* of the pointers. // 非 SLOT 协议 : EV_SYN + SYN_MT_REPORT 事件,分割手指的触控点信息 mCurrentSlot += 1; } } ​

收集 slot 协议上报的数据的过程如下

首先根据 ABS_MT_SLOT 事件,获取数组索引。如果上报的数据中没有指定 ABS_MT_SLOT 事件,那么默认用最近一次的 ABS_MT_SLOT 事件的值。根据索引,从数组 mSlots 获取 Slot 元素,并填充数据。

很简单,就是用 Slot 数组的不同元素,收集不同手指所产生的事件信息。

3. 处理同步事件


void TouchInputMapper::process(const RawEvent* rawEvent) { mCursorButtonAccumulator.process(rawEvent); mCursorScrollAccumulator.process(rawEvent); mTouchButtonAccumulator.process(rawEvent); // 处理同步事件 if (rawEvent->type == EV_SYN && rawEvent->code == SYN_REPORT) { sync(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->readTime); } } void TouchInputMapper::sync(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime) { // Push a new state. // 添加一个空的元素 mRawStatesPending.emplace_back(); // 获取刚刚添加的元素 RawState& next = mRawStatesPending.back(); next.clear(); next.when = when; next.readTime = readTime; // ... // 1. 同步累加器中的数据到 next 中 // syncTouch() 由子类实现 syncTouch(when, &next); // ... // 2. 处理数据 processRawTouches(false /*timeout*/); }


调用 syncTouch() 把累加器收集到数据,同步到 mRawStatesPending 最后一个元素中。syncTouch() 由子类实现。参考【3.1 同步数据】处理同步过来的数据。同步过来的数据,基本上还是元数据,因此需要对它加工,最终要生成高级事件,并分发出去。参考【3.2 处理同步后的数据3.1 同步数据void MultiTouchInputMapper::syncTouch(nsecs_t when, RawState* outState) { size_t inCount = mMultiTouchMotionAccumulator.getSlotCount(); size_t outCount = 0; BitSet32 newPointerIdBits; mHavePointerIds = true; ​ for (size_t inIndex = 0; inIndex < inCount; inIndex++) { // 从收集器中获取 Slot 数组的元素 const MultiTouchMotionAccumulator::Slot* inSlot = mMultiTouchMotionAccumulator.getSlot(inIndex); ​ // 如果 tracking id 为负值,槽就会不再使用 if (!inSlot->isInUse()) { continue; } ​ if (inSlot->getToolType() == AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_PALM) { // ... } ​ if (outCount >= MAX_POINTERS) { break; // too many fingers! } ​ // 把累加器的Slot数组的数据同步到 RawState::rawPointerData 中 RawPointerData::Pointer& outPointer = outState->rawPointerData.pointers[outCount]; outPointer.x = inSlot->getX(); outPointer.y = inSlot->getY(); outPointer.pressure = inSlot->getPressure(); outPointer.touchMajor = inSlot->getTouchMajor(); outPointer.touchMinor = inSlot->getTouchMinor(); outPointer.toolMajor = inSlot->getToolMajor(); outPointer.toolMinor = inSlot->getToolMinor(); outPointer.orientation = inSlot->getOrientation(); outPointer.distance = inSlot->getDistance(); outPointer.tiltX = 0; outPointer.tiltY = 0; ​ outPointer.toolType = inSlot->getToolType(); if (outPointer.toolType == AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { // ... } ​ bool isHovering = mTouchButtonAccumulator.getToolType() != AMOTION_EVENT_TOOL_TYPE_MOUSE && (mTouchButtonAccumulator.isHovering() || (mRawPointerAxes.pressure.valid && inSlot->getPressure() getTrackingId(); int32_t id = -1; // 把 tracking id 转化为 id if (trackingId >= 0) { // mPointerIdBits 保存的是手指的所有 id // mPointerTrackingIdMap 是建立 id 到 trackingId 的映射 // 这里就是根据 trackingId 找到 id for (BitSet32 idBits(mPointerIdBits); !idBits.isEmpty();) { uint32_t n = idBits.clearFirstMarkedBit(); if (mPointerTrackingIdMap[n] == trackingId) { id = n; } } ​ // id < 0 表示从缓存中,根据 trackingId, 没有获取到 id if (id < 0 && !mPointerIdBits.isFull()) { // 从 mPointerIdBits 生成一个 id id = mPointerIdBits.markFirstUnmarkedBit(); // mPointerTrackingIdMap 建立 id 到 trackingId 映射 mPointerTrackingIdMap[id] = trackingId; } } // id < 0,表示手指抬起 if (id < 0) { mHavePointerIds = false; // 清除对应的数据 outState->rawPointerData.clearIdBits(); newPointerIdBits.clear(); } else { // 有 id // 保存id = id; // 保存 id -> index 映射 // index 是数组 RawPointerData::pointers 的索引 outState->rawPointerData.idToIndex[id] = outCount; outState->rawPointerData.markIdBit(id, isHovering); newPointerIdBits.markBit(id); } } outCount += 1; } ​ // 保存手指的数量 outState->rawPointerData.pointerCount = outCount; // 保存所有的手指 id mPointerIdBits = newPointerIdBits; ​ // 对于 SLOT 协议,同步的收尾工作不做任何事 mMultiTouchMotionAccumulator.finishSync(); } ​

累加器收集的数据是由驱动直接上报的元数据,这里把元数据同步到 RawState::rawPointerData,它的类型为 RawPointerData ,结构体定义如下

// TouchInputMapper.h /* Raw data for a collection of pointers including a pointer id mapping table. */ struct RawPointerData { struct Pointer { uint32_t id; // 手指的 ID int32_t x; int32_t y; // ... }; // 手指的数量 uint32_t pointerCount; // 用 Pointer 数组保存触摸事件的所有信息 Pointer pointers[MAX_POINTERS]; // touchingIdBits 保存所有手指的ID BitSet32 hoveringIdBits, touchingIdBits, canceledIdBits; // 建立手指ID到数组索引的映射 uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; // ... };

介绍下 RawPointerData 的几个成员变量,就可以知道同步后的数据有哪些了

uint32_t pointerCount : 保存触摸的手指数量。BitSet32 touchingIdBits : 保存所有手指的ID。Pointer pointers[MAX_POINTERS] : 保存所有手指的触摸事件的元数据。uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1] : 保存手指 ID 到 index 的映射。这个 index 就是数组 pointers 的索引。


只有手指 ID 才能唯一代表一个手指。index 只能作为数据的索引,来获取手指的触摸事件信息。如果你知道了手指ID,那么就可以通过 idToIndex 获取索引,然后根据索引获取手指对应的触摸事件信息。

我曾经写了一篇文章 多手指触控,其实也不是很难 ,这篇文章中强调了,在多手指触摸的情况下,只有手指 ID 能唯一代表一个手指,如果想获取某一个手指的触摸事件,那么必须先将 ID 转化为 index,然后使用这个 index 从数组中获取触摸事件的数据。现在,你懂了吗?

3.2 处理同步后的数据

现在数据已经同步到 mRawStatesPending 最后一个元素中,但是这些数据基本上是元数据,是比较晦涩的,接下来看看如何处理这些数据

void TouchInputMapper::processRawTouches(bool timeout) { if (mDeviceMode == DeviceMode::DISABLED) { // ... } // 现在开始处理同步过来的数据 const size_t N = mRawStatesPending.size(); size_t count; for (count = 0; count < N; count++) { // 获取数据 const RawState& next = mRawStatesPending[count]; // ... // 1. mCurrentRawState 保存当前正在处理的元数据 mCurrentRawState.copyFrom(next); if (mCurrentRawState.when < mLastRawState.when) { mCurrentRawState.when = mLastRawState.when; mCurrentRawState.readTime = mLastRawState.readTime; } // 2. 加工以及分发 cookAndDispatch(mCurrentRawState.when, mCurrentRawState.readTime); } // 成功处理完数据,就从 mRawStatesPending 从擦除 if (count != 0) { mRawStatesPending.erase(mRawStatesPending.begin(), mRawStatesPending.begin() + count); } if (mExternalStylusDataPending) { // ... } }

开始处理元数据之前,首先使用 mCurrentRawState 复制了当前正在处理的数据,后面会使用它进行前后两次的数据对比,生成高级事件,例如 DOWN, MOVE, UP 事件。

然后调用 cookAndDispatch() 对数据进行加工和分发

void TouchInputMapper::cookAndDispatch(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime) { // 加工完的数据保存到 mCurrentCookedState mCurrentCookedState.clear(); ​ // ... ​ // Consume raw off-screen touches before cooking pointer data. // If touches are consumed, subsequent code will not receive any pointer data. if (consumeRawTouches(when, readTime, policyFlags)) { mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.clear(); } ​ // 1. 加工事件 cookPointerData(); ​ // ... ​ // 此时的 device mode 为 DIRECT,表示直接分发 if (mDeviceMode == DeviceMode::POINTER) { // ... } else { updateTouchSpots(); ​ if (!mCurrentMotionAborted) { dispatchButtonRelease(when, readTime, policyFlags); dispatchHoverExit(when, readTime, policyFlags); ​ //2. 分发触摸事件 dispatchTouches(when, readTime, policyFlags); ​ dispatchHoverEnterAndMove(when, readTime, policyFlags); dispatchButtonPress(when, readTime, policyFlags); } ​ if (mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCount == 0) { mCurrentMotionAborted = false; } } ​ // ... ​ // 保存上一次的元数据和上一次的加工后的数据 mLastRawState.copyFrom(mCurrentRawState); mLastCookedState.copyFrom(mCurrentCookedState); } ​


使用 cookPointerData() 进行加工事件。加工什么呢?例如,由于手指是在输入设备上触摸的,因此需要把输入设备的坐标转换为显示屏的坐标,这样窗口就能接收到正确的坐标事件。参考【3.2.1 加工数据】使用 dispatchTouches() 进行分发事件。底层上报的数据毕竟晦涩难懂,因此需要包装成 DOWN/MOVE/UP 事件进行分发。参考【3.2.2 分发事件3.2.1 加工数据void TouchInputMapper::cookPointerData() { uint32_t currentPointerCount = mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.pointerCount; mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.clear(); mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCount = currentPointerCount; mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.hoveringIdBits = mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.hoveringIdBits; mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.touchingIdBits = mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.touchingIdBits; mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.canceledIdBits = mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.canceledIdBits; if (mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCount == 0) { mCurrentCookedState.buttonState = 0; } else { mCurrentCookedState.buttonState = mCurrentRawState.buttonState; } // Walk through the the active pointers and map device coordinates onto // surface coordinates and adjust for display orientation. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentPointerCount; i++) { const RawPointerData::Pointer& in = mCurrentRawState.rawPointerData.pointers[i]; // Size // ... // Pressure // ... // Distance // ... // Coverage // ... // Adjust X,Y coords for device calibration float xTransformed = in.x, yTransformed = in.y; mAffineTransform.applyTo(xTransformed, yTransformed); // 1. 把输入设备的坐标,转换为显示设备坐标 // 转换后的坐标,保存到 xTransformed 和 yTransformed 中 rotateAndScale(xTransformed, yTransformed); // Adjust X, Y, and coverage coords for surface orientation. // ... // Write output coords. PointerCoords& out = mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords[i]; out.clear(); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X, xTransformed); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y, yTransformed); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_PRESSURE, pressure); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_SIZE, size); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MAJOR, touchMajor); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOUCH_MINOR, touchMinor); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_ORIENTATION, orientation); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TILT, tilt); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_DISTANCE, distance); if (mCalibration.coverageCalibration == Calibration::CoverageCalibration::BOX) { out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_GENERIC_1, left); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_GENERIC_2, top); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_GENERIC_3, right); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_GENERIC_4, bottom); } else { out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOOL_MAJOR, toolMajor); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_TOOL_MINOR, toolMinor); } // Write output relative fields if applicable. uint32_t id =; if (mSource == AINPUT_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD && mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.hasPointerCoordsForId(id)) { const PointerCoords& p = mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoordsForId(id); float dx = xTransformed - p.getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X); float dy = yTransformed - p.getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_X, dx); out.setAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_RELATIVE_Y, dy); } // Write output properties. PointerProperties& properties = mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties[i]; properties.clear(); = id; properties.toolType = in.toolType; // Write id index and mark id as valid. mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex[id] = i; mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.validIdBits.markBit(id); } }

加工的元数据保存到了 CookedState::cookedPointerData 中,它的类型为 CookedPointerData ,结构体定义如下

struct CookedPointerData { uint32_t pointerCount; PointerProperties pointerProperties[MAX_POINTERS]; // 保存坐标数据 PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; BitSet32 hoveringIdBits, touchingIdBits, canceledIdBits, validIdBits; uint32_t idToIndex[MAX_POINTER_ID + 1]; // ... };



// Transform raw coordinate to surface coordinate void TouchInputMapper::rotateAndScale(float& x, float& y) { // Scale to surface coordinate. // 1. 根据x,y的缩放比例,计算触摸点在显示设备的缩放坐标 const float xScaled = float(x - mRawPointerAxes.x.minValue) * mXScale; const float yScaled = float(y - mRawPointerAxes.y.minValue) * mYScale; ​ const float xScaledMax = float(mRawPointerAxes.x.maxValue - x) * mXScale; const float yScaledMax = float(mRawPointerAxes.y.maxValue - y) * mYScale; ​ // Rotate to surface coordinate. // 0 - no swap and reverse. // 90 - swap x/y and reverse y. // 180 - reverse x, y. // 270 - swap x/y and reverse x. // 根据旋转方向计算最终的显示设备的x,y坐标值 switch (mSurfaceOrientation) { case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_0: x = xScaled + mXTranslate; y = yScaled + mYTranslate; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_90: y = xScaledMax - (mRawSurfaceWidth - mSurfaceRight); x = yScaled + mYTranslate; break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_180: x = xScaledMax - (mRawSurfaceWidth - mSurfaceRight); y = yScaledMax - (mRawSurfaceHeight - mSurfaceBottom); break; case DISPLAY_ORIENTATION_270: y = xScaled + mXTranslate; x = yScaledMax - (mRawSurfaceHeight - mSurfaceBottom); break; default: assert(false); } } ​


首先根据坐标轴的缩放比例 mXScalemYScale,计算触摸屏的坐标点在显示屏的坐标系中的x, y轴的缩放值。根据显示屏 x, y 轴的偏移量,以及旋转角度,最终计算出显示屏上的坐标点。3.2.2 分发事件


void TouchInputMapper::dispatchTouches(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags) { BitSet32 currentIdBits = mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.touchingIdBits; BitSet32 lastIdBits = mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.touchingIdBits; int32_t metaState = getContext()->getGlobalMetaState(); int32_t buttonState = mCurrentCookedState.buttonState; ​ if (currentIdBits == lastIdBits) { if (!currentIdBits.isEmpty()) { // No pointer id changes so this is a move event. // The listener takes care of batching moves so we don't have to deal with that here. // 如果前后两次数据的手指数没有变化,并且当前的手指数不为0,那么此时事件肯定是移动事件,需要分发 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE 事件 dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource, AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE, 0, 0, metaState, buttonState, AMOTION_EVENT_EDGE_FLAG_NONE, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, currentIdBits, -1, mOrientedXPrecision, mOrientedYPrecision, mDownTime); } } else { // 前后两次数据的手指数不相等 // There may be pointers going up and pointers going down and pointers moving // all at the same time. BitSet32 upIdBits(lastIdBits.value & ~currentIdBits.value); BitSet32 downIdBits(currentIdBits.value & ~lastIdBits.value); BitSet32 moveIdBits(lastIdBits.value & currentIdBits.value); BitSet32 dispatchedIdBits(lastIdBits.value); ​ // Update last coordinates of pointers that have moved so that we observe the new // pointer positions at the same time as other pointers that have just gone up. // 参数 moveIdBits 表示有移动的手指,这里检测移动的手指,前后两次数据有变化,那么表示需要分发一个移动事件 bool moveNeeded = updateMovedPointers(mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, moveIdBits); if (buttonState != mLastCookedState.buttonState) { moveNeeded = true; } ​ // Dispatch pointer up events. while (!upIdBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t upId = upIdBits.clearFirstMarkedBit(); bool isCanceled = mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.canceledIdBits.hasBit(upId); if (isCanceled) { ALOGI("Canceling pointer %d for the palm event was detected.", upId); } // 有手指抬起,分发 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP 事件 dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource, AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP, 0, isCanceled ? AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_CANCELED : 0, metaState, buttonState, 0, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mLastCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, dispatchedIdBits, upId, mOrientedXPrecision, mOrientedYPrecision, mDownTime); dispatchedIdBits.clearBit(upId); mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.canceledIdBits.clearBit(upId); } ​ // Dispatch move events if any of the remaining pointers moved from their old locations. // Although applications receive new locations as part of individual pointer up // events, they do not generally handle them except when presented in a move event. // 如果移动的手指前后两次数据有变化,那么分发移动事件 if (moveNeeded && !moveIdBits.isEmpty()) { ALOG_ASSERT(moveIdBits.value == dispatchedIdBits.value); dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource, AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE, 0, 0, metaState, buttonState, 0, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, dispatchedIdBits, -1, mOrientedXPrecision, mOrientedYPrecision, mDownTime); } ​ // Dispatch pointer down events using the new pointer locations. while (!downIdBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t downId = downIdBits.clearFirstMarkedBit(); dispatchedIdBits.markBit(downId); ​ if (dispatchedIdBits.count() == 1) { // First pointer is going down. Set down time. mDownTime = when; } ​ // 有手指按下,分发 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN dispatchMotion(when, readTime, policyFlags, mSource, AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN, 0, 0, metaState, buttonState, 0, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerProperties, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.pointerCoords, mCurrentCookedState.cookedPointerData.idToIndex, dispatchedIdBits, downId, mOrientedXPrecision, mOrientedYPrecision, mDownTime); } } } ​


void TouchInputMapper::dispatchMotion(nsecs_t when, nsecs_t readTime, uint32_t policyFlags, uint32_t source, int32_t action, int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags, int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState, int32_t edgeFlags, const PointerProperties* properties, const PointerCoords* coords, const uint32_t* idToIndex, BitSet32 idBits, int32_t changedId, float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime) { PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS]; PointerProperties pointerProperties[MAX_POINTERS]; uint32_t pointerCount = 0; while (!idBits.isEmpty()) { uint32_t id = idBits.clearFirstMarkedBit(); uint32_t index = idToIndex[id]; pointerProperties[pointerCount].copyFrom(properties[index]); pointerCoords[pointerCount].copyFrom(coords[index]); ​ // action 添加索引 // action 中前8位表示手指索引,后8位表示ACTION if (changedId >= 0 && id == uint32_t(changedId)) { action |= pointerCount = 0 && pointerCount == 1) { // Replace initial down and final up action. // We can compare the action without masking off the changed pointer index // because we know the index is 0. if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN; } else if (action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP) { if ((flags & AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_CANCELED) != 0) { action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL; } else { action = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP; } } else { // Can't happen. ALOG_ASSERT(false); } } ​ float xCursorPosition = AMOTION_EVENT_INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION; float yCursorPosition = AMOTION_EVENT_INVALID_CURSOR_POSITION; if (mDeviceMode == DeviceMode::POINTER) { auto [x, y] = getMouseCursorPosition(); xCursorPosition = x; yCursorPosition = y; } const int32_t displayId = getAssociatedDisplayId().value_or(ADISPLAY_ID_NONE); const int32_t deviceId = getDeviceId(); std::vector frames = getDeviceContext().getVideoFrames(); std::for_each(frames.begin(), frames.end(), [this](TouchVideoFrame& frame) { frame.rotate(this->mSurfaceOrientation); }); ​ // 把数据包装成 NotifyMotionArgs,并加入到 QueuedInputListener 队列 NotifyMotionArgs args(getContext()->getNextId(), when, readTime, deviceId, source, displayId, policyFlags, action, actionButton, flags, metaState, buttonState, MotionClassification::NONE, edgeFlags, pointerCount, pointerProperties, pointerCoords, xPrecision, yPrecision, xCursorPosition, yCursorPosition, downTime, std::move(frames)); getListener()->notifyMotion(&args); } ​

可以看到,数据最终被包装成 NotifyMotionArgs 分发到下一环 InputClassifier

但是,在这之前,还对 action 做了如下处理

为 action 添加一个 index。由于 index 是元数据数组的索引,因此 action 也就是绑定了触摸事件的数据。如果是第一个手指按下,把 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN 转换为 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN。如果是最后一个手指抬起,把 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP 转换成 AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP

第2点和第3点,在自定义 View 中处理多手指事件时,是不是很熟悉。


闭上眼睛,想想 InputReader 如何处理触摸事件的。其实就是通过 InputMapper 把触摸屏的坐标点转换为显示屏的坐标点,然后对比前后两次的数据,生成高级事件,然后分发给下一环。so easy !









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