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2024-06-09 02:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 因澈景观 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks Interesting Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Interesting Landscape.



Interesting Landscape: “Eastern Suburb Memory” is one case of urban renewal for cultural heritage preservation worth sharing.







Before the renovation, we conducted multiple visits and investigations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project and the current situation of the site. Especially in our further understanding of cultural relic protection clauses, we have also felt a sense of restraint.

Of course, many cultural heritage renovation projects have varying degrees of constraints. In our preliminary communication with owner and relevant departments, we proposed many ideas and plans and engaged in multiple rounds of intense discussions, but no consensus was reached. Especially for the renovation and utilization plan for cultural relics protection buildings, opinions were divergent among all parties, and the preliminary discussion lasted for several months.

In our visits to the project users, we found that the majority of young people hope for major renovations and improvements, as there were too many idle and abandoned areas that can be reused to inject some vitality and breath of life. But for other senior residents who have been living here for many years expressed reluctance to change. This place was once prosperous and flourishing, carrying memories of many in their youth, and it was also an important historical imprint of this city.

The Eastern Suburb carries far beyond design and business management.


▽改建前图片 Pre-conversion picture


01.成都东区的一段历史,历史中的文化记忆。A stretch of history in Chengdu Eastern Area, and a cultural landmark.


As one of the 156 projects supported by the Soviet Union in China during the First Five Year Plan, Chengdu State-owned Hongguang Electronic Tube Factory was opened in 1950. Located in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu, it is a comprehensive enterprise mainly engaged in the production of electronic tube components. At its peak, the factory had tens of thousands of employees. Many employees got married, raised children here, even lived here for decades, they had given part of life to drive the development of Chengdu’s industry. However, with the changes of the times and the rapid development of technology, electronic tube devices have gradually been eliminated. This building with industrial symbols has ultimately become a precious historical relic of the industrial civilization of the times.


▽早期东郊记忆图片 Early eastern suburbs memory picture


02.读懂历史的价值,才能打开新的思路。 Understanding the value of history is essential for unlocking new perspectives.


“与其去改建,不如去利用。” “Instead of renovating, it’s better to make full use of it.”


With this sense of respect for history, we seem to have also found the crux of the project. Later in our discussion, the project owner expressed their hope for substantial updates and renovation, and the cultural heritage department is also determined to uphold the cultural and historical protection bottom line. And we have found key ideas after continuous discussion and exploration of the project.

Firstly, it is necessary to respect cultural relics, protect them, and utilize them based on cultural protection. The use of immovable cultural relics must adhere to the principle of not changing the original state of the cultural relics: first, to maintain their original state, i.e., the state of the building at the time of its completion; second, to restore the original state, i.e., improper construction that affects the historical style of cultural relics and buildings in the later stage, as well as places that damage or replace cultural relics, must be restored to their original state.


▽场地空间生长动图 Site space growth GIF



The most difficult thing is to define the scale of the utilization. The style and structural safety of cultural relics buildings are the focus of approval. The exterior facade should be kept untouched as as possible without affecting safety of cultural relics buildings, while renovation or change to the indoor part are open.


▽改造后实景图 Real scene after transformation


03.尊重历史的本色,才能唤醒被尘封的印记。 Respecting the true essence of history is crucial to awaken the sealed imprints.


Although the factory site is dilapidated, it is actually where the beauty of history lies. Therefore, the design scheme retains the original unique elements and incorporates a small amount of contemporary landscape design that is just right. We hope to use the natural tone of history and incorporate some modern life aesthetics that match it so that everyone can “reflect on the old through the new” and discover its internal historical and cultural heritage through details.


▽焕新的厂区遗址 Huan new factory site



我们将这项措施成为——“打开”。We will turn this measure into “unlocking”


It is worth mentioning during the process that there were two thick walls on the east side of the factory facing the street, surrounding two abandoned buildings and seriously blocking the external view. Under the principle of protecting the status quo, we boldly proposed the idea of demolishing the walls, and then building an open-air square here, as we believe this is an important step in awakening this old land.

Unlock the factory area and join the public’s view in both directions, bringing the dusty outskirts under sunlight. Unlock history, revive the memory and value of this period of history, and allow more people to learn about it. We believe that this is the meaning of “Eastern Suburb Memory”.


▽改造前的厂区现状 The current situation of the factory before the transformation

▽开放共享的露天广场 Open and shared plazas


04.把历史归还于生活,用生活书写另一段历史。 Return history to life and write another section of history with life.


The core of the Eastern Suburb Memory Project is how to handle the old historical values and new development needs, and how to reconcile the cultural contradictions between the new and the old. This is also the most important step that designers should take in the renovation project. The most gratifying aspect of the project is the significant changes that this new venue has brought to the surrounding life after the unlocking, whether it is the visible popularity and open view, or the revival of cultural significance.


▽改造后的厂区为周边社区带来更多活力与生活气 The renovated factory brings more vitality and life to the surrounding community



Now you can sit, stand, or walk in this area, and feel the beauty of life in the present. But history is also there, in the past that you cannot see, and more so in the present that you can see.




项目名称:东郊记忆·东山 项目类型:城市旧改 项目地点:成华区建设南路中段4号 项目面积:17018㎡ 业主单位:成都东方正火文化传媒有限公司 设计单位:成都因澈设计 主创设计:刘明扬、何钦 完成年份:2023年01月

Project Name: Eastern Suburb Memory · Dongshan Project type: Urban renovation Project location: No. 4, Middle Section of Jianshe South Road, Chenghua District Project area: 17,018 ㎡ Owner: Chengdu Aflame Cultural Media Co., Ltd. Design unit: Chengdu INCH Design Creative designers: Liu Mingyang and He Qin Project completion: January 2023


“ 厂区的改造更新,唤醒了尘封的历史,在充满烟火气的同时能“忆新思旧”。”

审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about:Interesting因澈景观 






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