高铁报站英文(北京地铁的语音报站谁能告诉我那些英文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 地铁推手英文介绍 高铁报站英文(北京地铁的语音报站谁能告诉我那些英文)


2023-04-21 09:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ⅰ 北京西终点站火车报站英文的怎么说

北京西终点站火车报站Beijing West terminal station railway station北京西终点内站火车报站容Beijing West terminal station railway station

Ⅱ 高铁到站英语提示语

The train is approaching:.. Please get ready to get off

Ⅲ 北京地铁的英文报站句子有哪些




Welcome to subway line 1. This train is bound for SIHUI East. The next station is GUCHENG. Please get ready for your arrival.


We are arriving at GUCHENG station.



The next station is BABAOSHAN. Please get ready for your arrival. The door on the left side will be used, please keep clear of the door.


We are arriving at BABAOSHAN station.



The next station is WUKESONG. Please get ready for your arrival. Passengers for Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium, please prepare to get off.


We are arriving at WUKESONG station.



The next station is FUXINGMEN. FUXINGMEN is a transfer station. Passengers for Line 2, please prepare to get off.



We are arriving at FUXINGMEN station.



The next station is SIHUI East. The terminal of the train. Please get ready for your arrival and make sure you have all your belongings with you.

The door on the right side will be used. Please keep clear of the door.

SIHUI East is a transfer station. Passengers for the BATONG line, please prepare to get off.



The next station is SIHUI East. The terminal of the train. Please get ready for your arrival and make sure you have all your belongings with you.

The door on the right side will be used. Please keep clear of the door.

SIHUI East is a transfer station. Passengers for the BATONG line, please prepare to get off.


We are arriving at SIHUI East. Thank you for taking Beijing Subway. You are welcome to take this line on your next trip. Have a nice day!

Ⅳ 北京地铁的语音报站谁能告诉我,那些英文

报站来:The next station is ***,please get ready for you arrive.前方到站是***,请准备下车自。到站时报站:We are arriving at ***.***到了。换乘站:interchange 或 transfer方向:东east 西west 南south 北north 1号线:Line 1环线:Loop Line八通线:BATONG Line13号线:Line 13特殊的站名:国贸:International Trade Centre传媒大学:Communication University of China北京站:Beijing Railway Station雍和宫:YONGHEGONG Lama Temple军事博物馆:Military Museum八角游乐园:BAJIAO Amusement Park

Ⅳ 西安地铁报站时的英语都是什么呀


Ⅵ 我想要动车和高铁上的中英文双语广播稿

我试着用给你中英文对照的答案,我不知道是我自己没有完全听准确,还是稿词本身就是这样的,我听出来的英文稿件语法上错洞百出,毫无章法。我这边的稿词是江浙沪大部分高铁上播放的,其他地方可能有所不同,一共有三段,一段是即将到站,一段是已经到站,还有一段是刚从一个站出发,分别如下:女士们,先生们!前方到站是XX站,请下车的旅客提前整理自己的行李,做好下次准备,您下车时从列车运行方向的前部车门下车,XX站就要到了!Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station.女士们,先生们!XX(广告厂商冠名)号提醒您列车已经到达XX站,由于列车到站停车时间短,不是本站下车的旅客不要下车散步,列车停站时站台上不能吸烟,请给予配合。Ladies and Gentlmen, we have arrived at XX station, as stopping here is very short, passengers don't have reached final destination, please don't get off for a walk. Also please(这个转折点我听了无数万套,实在不知所云,只能按照发音凑成两个单词),smoking is not allowed on the platform, thanks for your cooperation.女士们,先生们!欢迎您乘坐XX号动车组列车,我代表动车组全体乘务人员向您问好,祝您旅行愉快,XX号提醒您,列车前方到站是XX站。女士们,先生们!本次列车是绿色环保无烟列车,车门设有烟雾报警器,为了您和他人的乘车安全,请不要在车上“用火具去吸烟”(用双引号标注的那段话没怎么听清楚),放置在行李架上的行李请确认摆放稳妥,以免物品坠落砸伤自己或其他旅客,为了保持车厢内设备设施功能良好,请您在使用时多加爱护,感谢您的合作。Ladies and Gentlmen, welcome aboard XX(冠名厂商英文名),I would like to send our regards to you on behalf of all crew members, wish you have a pleasant journey, the next station is XX. Ladies and Gentlmen, you are taking is a green smoking-free train, it equips smoking detect. For your and others' travelling safety, please don't smoke within any area in the train. Please make sure your luggage on luggage rack has been laid safely, so that they are not fallen out of rack, and hurt yourself and other passengers. For keeping equipments and facilities have good functions, please be considerate when you use that, thanks for your cooperation.写到这里,我有一些话要说。也许我听到的上述英文内容不一定完全准确,但是大致框架绝对是没有问题,各位看看这个英文稿词都是什么样的水平,怕是谷歌自动翻译器翻译出来的内容都比这些狗屁英文都好太多,彻彻底底的中式英语,害人不浅。泱泱铁路总公司里,我想英语水平远超于鄙人的肯定一大堆,却竟然能让如此粗制滥造的英文稿词播放在承载着中国梦的高铁上,真是令人大跌眼镜。在这等日常公共性服务上,政府部门却这般随意敷衍,怎能让国人相信其权威,怎能让老外喜欢咱中国,中国梦,不仅需要让高铁高速跑起来的硬实力,更需要高铁上广播听起来很专业的软实力!

Ⅶ 求高铁乘务广播词安全提示中英文

欢迎您搭乘京港地铁列车,希望您有一个愉快的旅程!Welcome to Beijing MTR, we hope you will have a pleasant journey!列车即将到站,请小心列车与站台之间的空隙。本次列车去往XXX及沿途各站。The train is arriving. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train stops service at XXX station.请照顾好您的小孩,保管好随身携带的行李物品。谢谢配合!Please take care of your children and belongings. Thank you!换乘车站,乘客较多,请提前做好下车准备。 Please be ready to exit as the platform is very busy.为了您的安全,请携带大件行李的乘客使用升降电梯。谢谢配合!For safety reasons, please use our lift if you have a baggage for bulky items. Thank you for your cooperation!为了您的安全,在候车的时候请勿倚靠安全门。For your safety, please stand back from the platform screen-doors.请到站台中间位置等候,那里比较容易上车。谢谢合作!Please move along the platform to of the middle of the train for easier boarding. Thank you!当您使用自动扶梯时,请站稳,扶好;请勿奔跑逆行! When using the escalators, stands firm, holds the handrail. Please don't run or walk in the wrong direction. Thank you!为了保持良好的乘车环境,请勿在站内及车厢内吸烟,丢弃杂物。乘车时,请将座位让给有需要的人士,谢谢配合! To keep a clean and healthy environment, don't smoke or litter in trains and stations. Please offer your seats to anyone in need. Thank you for your cooperation!由于前方站台的列车还未开出,本次列车的运行将受到延误。敬请谅解!It will be in a short delay because the train is still in the next platform. Please accept our apology!远途的乘客请往车厢中部走,谢谢配合!If you're traveling a distance, please move further inside the train, thank you!请不要手扶或倚靠车门,以免发生危险。谢谢配合!Please do not slim or put hands on the doors.请注意,严禁携带易燃,易爆,有毒危险品进站,谢谢配合!Your attention, please. Inflammable explosive and poisonous items are strictly prohibited anyway in the system. Thank you!请按照地面标志排队候车,先下后上,谢谢合作!Please wait inline, while passengers exit from the train. Thank you!

Ⅷ 高铁英文播报词三百字要翻译

女士们先生们早晨好,欢迎乘坐中国高铁我们的终点站是哈尔滨西站,现在我们到达的是沈阳北站,门会在左侧打开Good morning ladies and gentleman,welcome to take China railway high-speed trian,our destination is harbin west station,we are now in ShenYang North station ,the door will be open in the left side.女士们,先生们!前方到站是XX站,请下车的旅客提前整理自己的行李,做好下次准备,您下车时从列车运行方向的前部车门下车,XX站就要到了!Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station.

Ⅸ 北京地铁报站时的英语都是什么呀



Please stand firm and hold the handrail. 请站稳扶好。


2、Passengers with bulky items, please use the lift.



The train bound for Zhongguancun is arriving; please keep away from the screen door. 开往中关村的列车即将进站,请远离屏蔽门。


The next station is Beijing Railway Station.Please get ready for your arrivl. 列车运行前方是北京站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。

We are arriving at Beijing Railway Station.北京站到了。


The next ststion is Chongwenmen.Please get ready for your arrivl.Chongwenmen is change station.Passenger can take the subway line.列车运行前方是崇文门站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。各位乘客,崇文门站是换乘车站,换乘地铁5号线的乘客,请从崇文门站下车。


We are arriving at Chongwenmen station.崇文门站到了。




(英语)The destination of this train is XXX.

下一站:XX,可换乘 X号线。

(英语)The next station is XXX ,the interchange with line X,please exit the train to the X.



(英语)The next station is Dongshankou,the interchange with line 6.



(英语)The next station is Gongyuanqian.


(英语)Please exit the train to the right, to transfer to line two, please take the stairs in the middle of the platform.


(英语)The next station is Guangzhou East Railway Station, the terminal of this journey, and interchange with line 3.

Ⅹ 为什么高铁英文报站的时候 地名用那么拗口的发音







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