英文作文介绍在火星上生活 您所在的位置:网站首页 在火星上行走英文翻译 英文作文介绍在火星上生活


2024-07-14 13:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”介绍在火星上生活“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Life on Mars。以下是关于介绍在火星上生活初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Life on Mars

At first glance, any living thing on Mars is unpopular. It has almost no oxygen and water. The temperate at night is lower than a few miles per ho.

Wind can cse sre dust storms. Howr, the sface of Mars seems to show that water has flowed thugh it at some time in the past. It is belid that there is enough ice at the poles.

If Mars melts, it will be covered with water. Although there is no life on Mars now, some scientists have done so It is belid that a long time ago, there might have been some form of life on Mars, when there were active volcanoes on the earth, the atmosphere was thicker and the temperate was higher. In fact, there was water in some aspects.

Mars might be similar to the earth and there was life there. Some people beli that Mars can support life in the fute if the ght conditions are d. The first step is to use some gases to warm the earth.

These gases collect the heat of the sun in the planetary atmosphere. With warmth, water and carbon dioxide, plants can start to gw. These plants can gradually make Mars suitable for svival.

It is estimated that the whole pcess may take up to years. People can start living in a special closed envinment on this planet This will pvide a lot of useful information about the state of Mars and issues related to living there ([ http://wwwyzuowencn : https://wenwensogoucom/login/redirectl=httpAFFwwwyzuowencn.


乍一看火星上任何生物都不受欢迎它几乎没有氧气和水,夜晚温度低于每小时几英里风会造成严重沙尘暴然而,火星表面似乎显示过去某段时间有水流过它,据信两极有足够冰,如果火星融化,它就会被水覆盖,虽然现在火星上没有生命,但一些科学家认为,在很久以前,火星上可能有某种形式生命,那时地球上有活火山,大气更厚,温度更高,事实上在某些方面有水火星可能与地球相似,那里有生命存在。一些人认为,如果能创造出合适条件,火星在未来可以支持生命。第一步是用某些气体使地球变暖,这些气体将太阳热量收集在行星大气中,用温暖、水和二氧化碳,简单植物就可以开始生长了这些植物可以慢慢地使火星更适合生存,估计整个过程可能需要到年时间,人们可以开始在这个星球上生活在一个特别封闭环境中,这将提供许多有用,关于火星状况以及与生活在那里有关问题([http://wwwyzuowencn: https://wenwensogoucom/login/redirectl=httpAFFwwwyzuowencn。


I am a Martian immigrant. I have lived on Mars for sral years. My first task is to study, which is the most important time and ener in my life.

Therefore, my life sometimes seems a little bong, but it is not so bad. First of all, the knowledge that learning gives me will be useful. Learning new knowledge in my life will bng me a sense of achiment.

I like to work with my fends and clasates Stay together, o daily life is very interesting, which makes o school life colorful. We play s or exercise in o spare time. We share o happiness, and when we feel upset, we support each other.

Life is betiful, although we must spend most of o time on study, we should have a positive attitude towards life.





O own planet, earth, is becoming and cwded and polluted, and we can start over and build a better world on Mars. First of all, transportation should be better in a short time. The shuttle will fly at half the speed of food needed by light man.

Svival scientists hope that plants that can gw on Mars can pduce the food and oxygen we need. Howr, it is not se whether these plants can pduce water or not. The gravity on Mars is only three eighth of the gravity of the earth, and people on Mars must wear them Special boots make you taller.



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