街访:土耳其是亚洲国家还是欧洲国家呢? 您所在的位置:网站首页 土耳其是欧洲西部的吗还是东部 街访:土耳其是亚洲国家还是欧洲国家呢?


2024-01-30 18:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Q: We have a quite random question for you. Does Turkey belong to Asia or Europe? 问:我们有几个随机的问题。(首先)你认为土耳其属于亚洲还是欧洲呢?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A: I think it belongs to Europe. 答:我想属于欧洲。 A: Of course, Turkey belong to Asia. 答::土耳其当然属于亚洲了。 Q: Why do you think that? 问:你为什么这么认为呢? A: Well, our culture is more like Asian. A:哦,我们的文化更偏向亚洲国家。 A: I think it belongs to Asia geographically and culturally. Throughout our history since the Ottoman period, it has always been in Asia. Well, we got some mixed answers. Technically everyone is right because geographically Turkey is on both continents. A:我认为无论从地理上还是文化上,土耳其都是个亚洲国家。自奥斯曼帝国以来,土耳其就一直归属于亚洲。当然,我们也有一些不同的回答。但几乎每个人都有理,因为土耳其的确在地理上跨越两大洲。 Q: Do you know why Turkey is on two continents historically? 问:你知道为什么在历史上土耳其跨越两大洲吗? A: Actually, I don’t know much about it. But I know that the Ottoman Empire ruled some areas throughout its history. 答:实际上,我也不是很清楚。但是我知道奥斯曼帝国在历史上统治过土耳其。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A: Geographically it requires it. Since we have land both on the European continent and on the Asian continent, we act as a bridge. 答:更多的是地理上的原因吧。自从我知道土耳其横跨亚欧大陆后,我认为土耳其这个国家起着桥梁的作用。 Q: There seems to be much confusion abroad about which continent Turkey belongs to. So here today, we’d like to get the local people’s opinion on this subject. First, what do you think about Turkey being located on two continents? 问:似乎针对土耳其究竟属于亚洲还是欧洲存在很多争议。所以今天,我们很想听听当地人对这个事情的看法。首先,你是怎么看待土耳其在地理位置上横跨亚欧两洲的呢? A: It’s a negative thing in my opinion. Because people can’t feel like they belong anywhere. 答:这在我看来不是好事儿。因为土耳其人没有归属感。 A: Actually, for the people living in Turkey, I think this is an advantage. Both socioeconomically and culturally, we can somehow identify with both Asian and European cultures. 答:实际上对于住在土耳其的人们来说, 这是个优势。在社会经济和文化层面,我们发现我们能同亚欧两种文化都产生认同感。 A: I think this is something beautiful and unusual for the people coming here from other countries. I mean, personally, I love it. And I think to the people abroad, Turkey probably seems like an unusual country. 答:我认为对其他国家的人来说,这是一件很有趣也很不一般的事情。我个人十分喜欢这一点。我想对于国外的人来说,土耳其可能是个不寻常的国家。 Q: Well, we are in Istanbul right now. This city is a rarity as it is located on two continents. What kind of European and Asian influences do you see in this city? 问:我们现在在伊斯坦布尔。这个城市很特别,因为它的位置横跨亚欧两洲。你能看到欧洲和亚洲分别对这个城市有着什么影响? A: Europe, for example, is more lively, and I live on the European side. The Asian side is a little more modest, people with family culture live there mostly. 答:举个例子,欧洲的话更有活力,我也住在欧洲这一边。而亚洲就有点保守了,住在那里的大部人看重家庭文化。 A: For instance, architecture can vary considerably from district to district. There are also very modern and European buildings on the Asian side. But there are also many ethnic style buildings, be it mosques, madrasas, etc. 答:举个例子,每个街道的建筑风格都不同。当然,在亚洲一侧也有现代的欧洲建筑。但是那里更多的是少数民族特色的建筑,例如清真寺、伊斯兰大学等等。 A: This side is a little more fast-paced. The other side is a little slow-paced for me. 答:这一边节奏相对更快。另一边节奏慢些。 Q: When you say this side, you mean Europe? 问:当你说“这一边”的时候,是指欧洲嘛? A: Of course, the European side is a little more fast-paced. People are open-minded, decent, polite. 答:当然,欧洲这一边节奏快些。人们思想更开放,更得体,更有礼貌。 Q: Do you sometimes see Western and Eastern cultures clashing? 问:你会不会有时候看到东西方文明冲突? A: I’m from the eastern part of Turkey. I was born in the east, but I can’t see anything like that. 答:我来自土耳其的东部,我就在那里出生,但是我没看到类似冲突。 A: This happens in every country, not just in Turkey. 答:冲突会发生在每个国家,不只是土耳其。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Q: Can you give an example? 问:能举个例子吗? A: Politics, I mean nothing more. Politics and political situations. 答:也就是政治上的冲突呗。政治和政局。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A: That’s why I just said it’s bad. It is bad for me. This conflict. No one can place themselves, and nobody feels like they belong anywhere. Conflict may arise of all sorts of issues, between the people who adopt the Eastern culture and the people who adopt the Western culture. 答:这就是为什么我觉得冲突不好。这种冲突在我看来是不好的。人们居无定所,没有归属感。各种各样的事情都能引起冲突,这包括接受西方文化和东方文化的不同的人的冲突。 Q: Geographically, only 3% of Turkey is in Europe. So, does that mean the majority of Turkey is culturally more influenced by Asia than by Europe? 问:从地理上讲,土耳其只有3%的国土在欧洲大陆。所以,是不是意味着大部分土耳其人受亚洲文化的影响比欧洲要大? A: Yes, 3% of Turkey is in the West. But in terms of religion, we have a belief system closer to Eastern culture. 答:没错,从地理上讲土耳其只有3%的国土在西方。但是就宗教角度来说,我们的信仰体系也更偏向东方文化。 Q: Do you personally describe yourself as more European or Asian? 问:你认为自己是欧洲人还是亚洲人? A: I was born and raised in Istanbul so I can’t really call myself European. I learned the customs and traditions of Asia. Since I’ve never lived in Europe, I’d say Asian. 答:我在伊斯坦布尔出生长大,所以我不能称自己为欧洲人。我学习了亚洲的习俗传统。还有我从来没在欧洲生活过,所以我认为自己是亚洲人。 A: I can describe myself as European. I can describe my way of life as European. Because more liberal ideas and so on are very common nowadays. 答:我认为自己是欧洲人。我的生活方式也是欧洲式的。因为现如今,这里有更多的自由观点,已经非常普遍了。 A: I see myself as a global citizen. There is no Europe, Asia, West or East for me. 答:我将自己视为全球公民。对我来说,没有所谓欧洲亚洲、西方东方之分。 A: I would say we are in the middle. It is not very precise because it changes according to the lifestyle. 答:我认为我们在中间。因为随着生活方式的不断变化,没有一个统一的标准。 A: Actually, I generally feel as a Turk. I think that Turks are neither Asian nor European, but in the middle, and unique to their own culture. When you look at it from a political perspective…Well, politics in Turkey is strange, too. For instance, leftists all over the world generally support refugees. In Turkey, it’s the opposite. Right-wingers support refugees. 答:我认为我们就是土耳其人,既不属于亚洲,也不属于欧洲。我们处于两种文化的中间,有我们自己独特的文化。而当你从政治角度来看的话……当然,土耳其的政治也很奇怪。举个例子,全世界一般是左翼支持难民。而在土耳其,情况正好相反。支持难民的是右翼。 Q: Do you think the younger generation feels like there is a gap when comparing themselves to the older generation? 问:你认为在年轻一代的眼里,在和老一代相比的时候,存不存在代沟? A: Yes, Definitely. We want to say that we are more European, but the older generation thinks that we are more Asian because of religion and Islam. 答:答案是肯定的。我们想说的是我们更偏向欧洲,而老一代人呢,因为我们的宗教是伊斯兰教,所以认为我们更偏向亚洲。 A: I identify myself as Asian, but of course we’d like to be in Europe. 答:我将我自己归为亚洲人,但是实际上呢,我们很想成为欧洲人。 Q: Why? 问:为什么? A: Because of stronger currency and working conditions. For example, I’d like to live in Switzerland. The minimum monthly wage there is 42,000 Turkish Lira(US$2,900), so I’d like to live there. I’m selling balloons for a living here in this weather, my hands are cold. 答:因为更强的经济实力和更好的工作环境。例如,我想生活在新西兰。在那里,最低月均工资为42,000土耳其里拉(约合2,900美元),所以我想生活在那里。在这么冷的天我还得为了生计卖气球,手都冻麻了。 Q: Earlier this year, President Erdogan stated that a full membership to the EU remains Turkey’s strategic priority. Why do you think Turkey insists so much on joining the EU? 问:今年早些时候,埃尔多安宣布加入欧盟成为土耳其的战略重点任务。你认为为什么土耳其这么执着于加入欧盟? A: The Turkish government insists because they have no one to turn to. Look at Europe, the technology and science are more advanced, the economy is better. Look at the other side, there is war and tears. 答:土耳其政府坚持的原因是他们没有其他人可以指望了。看看欧洲(那边),科技更为先进,经济水平更高。再看看另一边(亚洲),到处是战争、眼泪。 A: There are so many advantages that come with joining the EU. It helps its citizens economically and attracts more tourists when you are in the EU. This means reliability, but it is difficult to join. Because EU means real democracy, and you need to have real democracy. 答:加入欧盟有很多的好处。会提高国民经济,吸引更多游客。这很可靠,但是要知道我们也很难加入欧盟。因为欧盟需要的是真正的民主,而这在土耳其目前是缺乏的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Q: So, do you personally think that Turkey should join the EU? 问:所以你认为土耳其应该加入欧盟? A: Of course, everything will be easier. Travelling, visas, Schengen visas, lifestyle… 答:当然。(加入欧盟后)所有事情都会变得容易。旅行,护照,申根签证,生活方式…… A: Well, nothing that is portrayed as good in the world of politics is good behind the scenes. People’s goals and ambitions are not like, “Let’s make the whole world perfect and everyone will live happily.” So whether Turkey joins the EU or not is not the main issue. If Turkey joins the EU, it will negatively impact its relationship with Russia. If not, it will negatively affect the relationship with the US. 答:恩,政治里描述的那些美好事物,并不像它们看上去那么好。人们的野心雄志也不是说,“让我们将世界变完美,每个人都能开心生活。”所以土耳其是否加入欧盟不是主要的问题。如果土耳其加入欧盟,不可避免地会影响它和俄国的关系。如果不加入欧盟,则会影响与美国的关系。 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处






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