东南大学游泳馆,大跨度连续拱形结构 / 东大设计院周琦工作室 – 有方 您所在的位置:网站首页 圆拱形屋顶 东南大学游泳馆,大跨度连续拱形结构 / 东大设计院周琦工作室 – 有方

东南大学游泳馆,大跨度连续拱形结构 / 东大设计院周琦工作室 – 有方

2024-03-25 12:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

东南大学游泳馆,大跨度连续拱形结构 / 东大设计院周琦工作室 东南大学游泳馆,大跨度连续拱形结构 / 东大设计院周琦工作室 编辑:楼樱 | 校对:楼樱 | 2023.06.19 17:04 剖面模型  ©东大设计院周琦工作室蓝色的水面与灰色的混凝土  ©东大设计院周琦工作室

设计单位  东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司周琦工作室

项目地点  江苏南京

建成时间  2022年10月

建筑面积  5650平方米





The Natatorium of Southeast University is located near the east gate of the Jiulonghu Campus, on the north side of Jiulonghu Gymnasium. It is a vital place for student activities on the campus, and also the first indoor swimming hall in the history of Southeast University. When faced with this long-awaited project, we wanted to create a sense of intimacy, place, and continuity of the university context to the campus. Considering that Jiulonghu Campus is relatively empty and sports buildings are often huge in scale, the design uses continuous circular arches to break the body into pieces, to eliminate the sense of alienation of the volume. The arc of the building is like a flower, woven together in 7 repeating forms, which makes it look lively. In addition, the building does not have a so-called "top roof", its roof and wall as a whole. You can even climb up the slope, with the whole arch under your feet.


项目定位图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室游泳馆与校园的关系  ©东大设计院周琦工作室连续的圆拱消解建筑体量  ©东大设计院周琦工作室连续的混凝土拱构成立面韵律  ©东大设计院周琦工作室


The internal space of the natatorium is made up of multiple curved surfaces to form a sense of space rhythm, fluid water, dynamic people and static architecture, gray concrete and blue water, sunlight refracted by louvers and shadows formed by geometric form, all of which stimulate a strong sense of place. We hope that the architectural personality can bring students a positive sports spirit. The natatorium also follows the real logic of construction, without any superfluous additions and decorative elements. The arch structure of concrete is in line with the mechanical requirements, and the facade uses a large area of glazing, which forms an interaction between behaviors and sights of the people inside and outside. In this campus building, young bodies move indoors, while people outside feel the energy, which is designed to bring vitality to young people and the campus.


室内外通透的视线联系  ©东大设计院周琦工作室现浇混凝土拱结构  ©东大设计院周琦工作室

▲ 项目视频  ©东大设计院周琦工作室



It is worth mentioning that the old campus of Southeast University is the Sipailou Campus, which contains many historic buildings with red roofs and becomes a major feature of the campus. In the Jiulonghu campus, we use red clay tiles as the building surface, deliberately introducing the architectural characteristics of the old campus, so that the history and culture of Southeast Univerisity can continue.


局部混凝土拱立面  ©东大设计院周琦工作室夜间灯光下的连续拱  ©东大设计院周琦工作室





The main function of the Natatorium of Southeast University is to provide the campus with a fitness venue for swimming and training. The plane is rectangular, the swimming pool is a standard size of 20*50 meters, and the water circulation equipment and machinery are set underground. The internal space of the natatorium is organized in the manner of a regular gymnasium, with a changing room and swimming pool on the ground floor and a gym and classrooms on the second floor. The indoor space of the natatorium is under the arch structure directly, and we use the way of " tectonic" to form this place naturally.


室内透视模型  ©东大设计院周琦工作室现浇混凝土结构形成的室内空间  ©东大设计院周琦工作室





In the process of construction, the natatorium used cast-in-place concrete, requiring much manual prefabrication of formwork, which cost a lot of manpower. The bottom of the swimming pool was pre-dug, and then scaffolding covered the whole site, which was more than 10 meters high and covered an area of 120*40 meters. Casting curved arches in mid-air is an anti-trend, anti-industrial architectural behavior. Each concrete arch meets a point when it falls to the ground. We let several elements fall naturally, and the excess is "sheared" off to form a natural arch bottom, which cannot be accomplished through the assembly.


水槽和两处拱连接的细部  ©东大设计院周琦工作室





In this design of the natatorium with 7 continuous concrete curved arches, the main problems here are: one is span, and the other is humidity. If a steel structure is used in the design, a beam with a height of 2 meters is needed for a span of 40 meters. However, using a concrete curved arch can well meet its structural requirements. In addition, the moisture of a swimming pool can corrode metal components over time, but concrete does not fear water. The ceiling of the natatorium is not equipped with lamps, which are all installed on both sides, and the concrete surface is also free of paint and other decorations, to present the most authentic state of the structure and materials. 


结构形成连续的室内空间  ©东大设计院周琦工作室灯具置于两侧  ©东大设计院周琦工作室


The skin of the building is dry-hung with red terracotta tiles, which are fired at 1200 degrees Celsius by modern technology. The tiles are sustainable and can be replaced for 150 years. The scale of the terracotta tiles is similar to the bricks, and the use of cross-peak splicing, this artisanal effect contrasts with the huge size of the concrete, allowing people to touch and feel the delicate construction technology. The glazing, terracotta tile, aluminum alloy, and concrete all show the natural colors of materials, no artificial decoration, so that the structure is the building, the building is the structure itself. Therefore, real construction will save a lot of maintenance costs. We believe that good architecture does not have to be expensive architecture, nor does it have to be magnificent architecture, it should be a very pure and real state of nature.


屋顶构造细节  ©东大设计院周琦工作室砖红色陶瓦与四牌楼校区呼应  ©东大设计院周琦工作室吸音板构件细节  ©东大设计院周琦工作室吸音板在地面的阴影,同时遮阳防止炫光  ©东大设计院周琦工作室


模型照片 ▽


游泳馆与周边校园的关系  ©东大设计院周琦工作室立面模型  ©东大设计院周琦工作室内部空间模型效果  ©东大设计院周琦工作室


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室负一层平面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室一层平面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室二层平面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室屋顶平面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室东立面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室西立面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室南立面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室北立面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室1-1剖面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室2-2剖面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室3-3剖面图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室墙身大样图  ©东大设计院周琦工作室























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