倾向值匹配与因果推论:方法论述评 您所在的位置:网站首页 因果方法论 倾向值匹配与因果推论:方法论述评


2024-06-18 20:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Propensity score matching method has attracted more and more attention as sociological studies begin to pay closer attention to causal relationship. This article reviews the method from the following aspects. First,the author systematically reviews the history and development of propensity score matching as well as its implications for sociological survey research. Second,this research demonstrates how to perform propensity score matching using an example. Third,based on Mill's discussion on causality and statistical counterfactual framework,this article shows how propensity score matching contributes to causal conclusion by controlling for confounding variables and satisfying the unconfoundedness assumption. Fourth,this paper compares propensity score matching with regression discontinuity design and instrumental variable method. Finally,after summarizing the major limitations of propensity score matching,this article discusses the newly development of propensity score matching in recent years.






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