《命运2》战争思维DLC大师金枪Perk效果一览 您所在的位置:网站首页 命运二五张图perk 《命运2》战争思维DLC大师金枪Perk效果一览


2023-08-25 11:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





  Borealis - +20 Reload Speed   北极光:+20换弹速度

  Coldheart - +20 Stability/+20 Reload Speed   寒冰核心:+20稳定/+20换弹速度

  The Colony - +10 Magazine/+30 Weapon Size/Deeper Pockets (Perk) Increased ammo reserves   集群效忠:+10弹夹/+30武器大小(???)/大口袋(天赋)—增加备弹数量

  Crimson - +20 Range   Crimson(红死神手炮):+20射程

  D.A.R.C.I. - +20 Stability   达西大帝:+20稳定

  Fighting Lion - +30 Reload Speed/Chimera (Perk) After this weapon fires, equipped Kinetic and Power weapons gain a brief period of increased handling and precision damage   格斗狮:+30换弹速度/奇美拉(天赋)—当发射后,动能和高能武器会获得短暂时间的操作和爆头伤害加成

  Graviton Lance - +20 Range/+15 Aim Assit/Hidden Hand (Perk) Better target acquisition.   引力子长矛:+20射程/+15瞄准辅助/隐蔽之手(天赋)—更好的目标获取能力

  Hard Light - +25 Stability   强光:+25稳定

  The Huckleberry - Ambitious Assassin (Perk) Overflows the magazine based on the number of rapid kills before reloading   The Huckleberry(新smg):大胆刺客(天赋)—在装弹时依据击杀数在弹夹内填入更多子弹

  Jade Rabbit - +30 Stability   玉兔:+30稳定性

  Merciless - +40 Range/+40 Stability   冷酷无情:+40射程/+40稳定性

  MIDA Multi-Tool - Outlaw (Perk) Precision kills greatly decrease reload time.   米达多功能:法外之徒(天赋)爆头击杀后极大增加换弹速度

  Polaris Lance - Dragonfly (Perk) Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.   Polaris Lance:蜻蜓(天赋)爆头击杀会产生元素爆炸

  Prometheus Lens - +20 Stability/+20 Handling   普罗米修斯透镜:+20稳定性/+20操纵性

  The Prospector - +40 Blast Radius/+70 Weapon Size/Deeper Pockets(Perk) Increased ammo reserves.   淘金客:+40爆炸范围/+70武器大小(???)/大口袋(天赋)更多弹药

  Rat King - +20 Aim Assistance/+20 Recoil Direction/Infestation(Perk) Improved aim assist and recoil direction. Refreshes health on Vermin invisibility trigger.   鼠王:+20辅助瞄准/+20后坐力方向/鼠潮(天赋)增加瞄准辅助和后坐力方向,在敌方隐身后刷新血量?

  Riskrunner - +30 Range   风险管理人:+30射程

  Skyburner Oath - +30 Range   焚天者誓言:+30射程

  Sleeper Simulant - +75 Charge Time/Accelerated Coils(Perk)Speeds up weapon charge.   睡炮:+75充能时间/加速线圈(天赋)—加速冲能速度

  Sturm - +20 Range/+40 Handling   突进:+20射程/+40操纵

  Sunshot - +30 Range/+20 Stability

  SUROS Regime - +50 Recoil Direction/SUROS Ascendance (Perk) Increased chance for kills to regen health.   SUROS制霸:+50后坐力方向/SUROS优越(天赋)击杀后恢复血量的几率增加

  Sweet Business - Serious Business (Perk) When this weapon is fully spun up, the flinch from incoming damage is greatly reduced.   美好生意:大生意(天赋):当这把武器达到最大射速后,因为伤害造成的硬直减少

  Telesto - 60 Magazine/+40 Wepon Size/Deeper Pockets (Perk) Increased ammo reserves.   Telesto:+60弹夹/+40武器大小(?)/大口袋(天赋)更多弹药

  Tractor Cannon - 70 Magazine/+50 Weapon Size/Deeper Pockets (Perk) Increased ammo reserves.   牵引加农炮:+70弹夹/+50武器大小/大口袋(天赋)更多弹药

  Vigilance Wing - Full Auto Trigger System (Perk) Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto   警戒之翼:全自动发射板机—按住板机会全自动发射此武器

  Wardcliff Coil - Pinpoint Guidance Module (Perk) Improved tracking on projectiles.   线圈:精确制导模组(天赋)—增加发射物的目标追踪能力

  Wordline Zero - Another Dimension (Perk) Reduces the activation time of Tesseract.   零度世界线:另一维度(天赋)—减少超立方体的触发时间


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