吃太多垃圾食品影响英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 发表职称论文查重率不能超过多少 吃太多垃圾食品影响英文作文


#吃太多垃圾食品影响英文作文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”吃太多垃圾食品影响“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The effect of eating too much junk food。以下是关于吃太多垃圾食品影响中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The effect of eating too much junk food

Junk food junk food is like lollipops, soft dnks, French fes, hot chips, ice cream, while hambgers, hot dogs and other kinds of takeout food are called junk food. The pblem with junk food is that junk food contains too much fat, such as hambgers, pizza, fed chicken and French fes, which usually contain a large amount of satated fat. Too much satated fat in the diet can make people fat Fat or obesity (too much fat is a sk for heart health and can lead to other diseases.

Too much salt. Junk food usually contains too much salt, such as bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits and cakes, so when people eat junk food, they get salt than they need. Too much salt is unhealthy for the heart.

Soft dnks, dnks, biscuits, cakes and so on Lollipops contain a lot of sugar, which makes them taste good, but too much sugar can make people fat, corde teeth, junk food is harmful to blood, and may lead to other diseases. Junk food does have some good things for o health. When we work and play, o bodies need some salt, fat and sugar to bn ener.

Howr, too much fat, sugar and salt is harmful to o health. Will eating a lot of junk food overload yo body? Sometimes eating junk food may be OK, but people should look for low-fat, low salt and low sugar food, choose glled fish and chicken instead of fed food, fish bger instead of beef, ast lean beef bger, vegetaan pizza and seafood pizza instead of beef It's a fat type pizza. It eats a lot of fresh food.

Most of the time, healthy food only chooses to eat junk food occasionally.




How to keep healthy? How to keep healthy? How to keep healthy? How to eat too much junk food? There are too many homework. We should do exercise. Eat a balanced diet.

Enough sleep. How to keep healthy? Students' physical fitness is declining year by year. I think there are some reasons why students have too much homework to do, so they seldom have time to exercise.

Some students eat too much junk food First of all, students should do exercise. Secondly, students should eat a balanced diet. They should eat vegetables and fruits.

Finally, they should eat less junk food. It is also very important to get enough sleep.




Recently, o class discussed whether the school should ban junk food. Some students think that schools should not allow junk food. Junk food, such as ham and snacks, is not nuttious and may be harmful to o health.

Eating too much junk food in schools will affect teaching and students' life. Students always think of junk food in class. They can't concentrate on their study, but other students hold different views.

They suggest that schools allow these foods becse they are delicious and close to students. Some students feel gry in class and they can eat junk food dung recess. In my opinion, junk food should be banned in schools.

School is just a place for students to learn. Anything that is not good for teaching should be banned.




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