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双语新闻播报(November 28)

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双语新闻播报(November 28)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-11-28 15:39

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> Why are elections held on Tuesdays?为什么美国总统大选日定在星期二?

A voter waits to cast his ballot in the midterm election at Considine Little Rock Recreation Center in Detroit, Michigan, Nov 8, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]


Ever wonder why Americans always vote in federal elections (and many state and local elections) on Tuesdays? 你是否曾好奇过为什么美国的大选(还有很多州和地方的选举)总是在星期二举行?


There are a few reasons—including a little something to do with the horse and buggy.这里有几个原因,其中有的原因和马车有点关系。


Between 1788 and 1845, states decided their own voting dates. 1788年至1845年间,美国各州自行决定自己的选举日。

.In 2012, Senate historian Don Ritchie told NPR that that strategy resulted in chaos, a “crazy quilt of elections” held all across the country at different times to pick the electors. 2012年,参议院历史学家唐纳德•里奇告诉美国国家公共电台,这一策略导致了混乱,美国各地选出选举人的时间不同,选举活动就像“用一条碎布缝成的被单一样”。


However, there was one constant: white, male property owners would cast their votes for president on the first Wednesday of December.那时的选举人都是拥有不动产的白人男性,他们将在12月的第一个星期三投票选举总统。


In 1792, a law was passed mandating that state elections be held within a 34-day period before that first Wednesday, so most elections took place in November. 1792年美国通过了一条法律,规定州选举必须在12月第一个星期三之前的34天内举行,因此大部分州选举都在11月举行。


The glacial pace of presidential elections wasn’t a huge issue in the late 18th and early 19th centuries—communication was slow, so results took weeks to announce anyway—but with the advent of the railroad and telegraph, Congress decided it was time to standardize a date.在18世纪末和19世纪初,大选进展缓慢不是什么大问题,因为那时的通讯很慢,大选结果出来了也要过上几周才能通知到各方,但是在铁路和电报面世后,美国国会决定是时候统一选举日了。


Monday was out, because it would require people to travel to the polls by buggy on the Sunday Sabbath. 星期一被排除了,因为这样人们可能得在安息日乘坐马车赶往投票处。


Wednesday was also not an option, because it was market day and farmers wouldn’t be able to make it to the polls. 星期三也不行,因为星期三是赶集日,农民无法在这天去投票。


So it was decided that Tuesday would be the day that Americans would vote in elections and, in 1845, Congress passed a law that presidential elections would be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.因此就决定让美国民众在星期二这天进行大选投票。1845年,美国国会通过了一项法律,规定11月第一个星期一后的星期二为总统大选日。

> Sino-US ties to benefit other economies中美关系改善利好全球经济



Despite multiple geopolitical tensions and mounting uncertainties, China and the United States should work together and rebuild trust to bring about a win-win outcome, as closer economic cooperation between the world's two largest economies will benefit even other economies, experts said.专家表示,尽管多重地缘政治局势紧张、日益增加的不确定性依然存在,但中美两国应共同努力,重建信任,实现双赢,世界上最大的两个经济体之间更紧密的经济合作将使其他经济体受益。


Jin Xu, chairman of the China Association of International Trade, said he sees huge growth opportunities and great potential for Sino-US cooperation, especially in trade, finance, green development, technology and the digital economy.中国国际贸易学会会长金旭表示,他看到了中美合作的巨大发展机遇和潜力,尤其是在贸易、金融、绿色发展、技术和数字经济领域。


"I have a rosy view of the future relationship and cooperation between the two countries," he told China Daily in an exclusive interview recently. "Sino-US cooperation will not only benefit businesses and citizens in both nations but also help stabilize and boost global economic development."金旭近日在接受《中国日报》专访时表示:“我对两国未来的关系和合作持乐观态度。中美合作不仅使两国企业和民众受益,也有助于稳定和促进全球经济发展。”


Citing the recent meeting between the presidents of the two countries in San Francisco, Jin said that meeting has sent a positive signal, suggesting stabilization and improvement in bilateral ties between the two nations. 金旭称,近日中美元首在旧金山举行会晤,释放出积极信号,表明两国双边关系趋于稳定和改善。


He said he expects further moves to enhance mutual trust and deepen ties between the citizens and enterprises of China and the US.他期待中美两国进一步增强互信,深化两国公民和企业之间的交往。


Bilateral trade between China and the US hit a record high of $759.4 billion last year, up 0.6 percent year-on-year, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.中国海关总署数据显示,去年中美双边贸易额创下7594亿美元的历史新高,同比增长0.6%。


Jin said Sino-US economic and trade ties were impacted by some Western countries' "decoupling" or "de-risking" strategy, adding that such attempts will also harm global trade and investment.金旭表示,中美经贸关系受到一些西方国家“对华脱钩”或“去风险”战略的影响,这种企图也将阻碍全球贸易和投资。


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