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双语新闻播报(April 3)

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双语新闻播报(April 3)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-04-03 21:21

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> Two Malaysia-born giant panda cubs to return to China in May又有两只要回国!大熊猫为何近期扎堆“返乡”?

Giant panda cub Sheng Yi celebrates its first birthday at the Giant Panda Conservation Center of Zoo Negara near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 31, 2022. The 48th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia on Tuesday was made more meaningful with the first birthday of the third baby giant panda born in Malaysia. [Photo/Xinhua]

Two Malaysia-born giant panda cubs, named Sheng Yi and Yi Yi, will return to China in May, according to Zoo Negara, which made the announcement on its social media on Friday.据马来西亚国家动物园近日在其社交媒体公布的消息,该园将在5月份把两只出生在马来西亚的大熊猫宝宝“谊谊”和“升谊”送回中国。

Sheng Yi and Yi Yi were born in 2021 and 2018, respectively. Their parents, Xing Xing and Liang Liang, went to Malaysia on loan in 2014, to mark 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 据悉,为配合马中建交40年,中国在2014年租借大熊猫“兴兴”和“靓靓”给马来西亚,而这一对“伉俪”于2018年和2021年生下大熊猫宝宝“谊谊”和“升谊”。

As the third cub to the couple, Sheng Yi was born on May 31, 2021, in conjunction with the 47th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia.“升谊”是大熊猫妈妈“兴兴”和爸爸“靓靓”的第3只幼崽,于2021年5月31日出生,当天正好是中马建交47周年。

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has sent about 23 giant pandas to nine countries as a token of friendship and goodwill, according to media reports. The Chinese government put an end to the giveaway policy in 1982 due to the scarcity of the species and the need for better protection of the animal.据报道,自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,中国已向9个国家赠送了约23只大熊猫,作为友谊和善意的象征。1982年之后,鉴于大熊猫数量急剧减少,亟待保护,中国停止了向外国赠送大熊猫的做法。

Giant pandas Er Shun and Da Mao started their journey to Canada in March 2013, but due to a fresh bamboo shortage, they came back to China two years ahead of schedule. 两只大熊猫“二顺”和“大毛”于2013年3月启程前往加拿大,但由于新鲜竹子的短缺,两只大熊猫提前两年从加拿大返回中国。

Yong Ming was born in the Beijing Zoo in 1992. He is the father of 16 giant panda cubs born at Japan's Wakayama park, setting the world record for being the oldest giant panda to have successfully bred in captivity. 1992年出生在北京动物园的雄性大熊猫“永明”,在日本期间共繁育了16只大熊猫幼崽,同时创下在饲养条件下自然繁殖的大熊猫最高龄纪录。

The 30-year-old male panda left Wakayama park to fly back to China on Feb 22.这只30岁的雄性大熊猫于今年2月22日离开和歌山公园飞回中国。

The pandas are offered on loan usually on cooperative research terms to some countries and regions, during which any resulting offspring from breeding efforts still belong to China and are sent back, usually by 4 years of age, for mating. 此后,中国通常以合作研究的方式向海外各国租借大熊猫,在此期间,这些大熊猫及其所繁育的后代都属于中国所有,海外新出生的大熊猫通常在其4岁时送回中国进行交配。

Most zoos sign a 10-year contract and would send a couple at a time out of consideration for reproduction.大多数动物园签的是10年的合同,出于繁殖的考虑,每次会租一对。

> Village BA basketball tournament held in Southwest China“村BA”决出总冠军 今年的奖品让网友流下了口水......

The finals of a rural basketball league is held on Saturday in Taipan village of Taijiang county, Guizhou province. [Photo by Yang Xiaobo/For chinadaily. com.cn]

In March 2023, Guizhou province hosted the first edition of the local league game under the title "Beautiful Countryside". Consisting of only amateurs, the competitions were held to celebrate the Miao ethnic harvest festival that falls on the sixth day of the sixth month on the Chinese lunar calendar. 2023年3月,贵州省举办了第一届以“美丽乡村”为主题的地方联赛,参赛者都是业余选手,为了庆祝中国农历六月初六的苗族丰收节。

Four teams contested this year's finals. Team Tongren overcame Team Bijie 57-50 to finish third. 本次比赛共有4支队伍参与决赛的角逐,铜仁队以57比50战胜毕节队获得季军。

A torrential downpour forced the championship game to be rescheduled. 一场不期而至倾盆大雨使得冠军赛改期。

The team Qiandongnan won the championship by beating the team from Zunyi City, 68-65.最终,黔东南州代表队以68比65的比分战胜遵义代表队,获得冠军。

For this year's prizes, the winner received a national intangible cultural heritage Miao silver hat and local agricultural products. 此次比赛的奖品,冠军获得了国家级非遗苗银帽和当地农产品。

The first runner-up won a Taijiang sturgeon and a wooden dragon boat. 亚军获得了台江鲟鱼,木龙舟。

The second runner-up won local agricultural products such as "Sansui sesame duck" and embroidery pieces.季军获得当地农特产品“三穗麻鸭”、绣片等。

There were no superstar players, no advertising, and no tickets. But a single match among ordinary villagers could attract over 10,000 people to watch from the stands. 没有明星球员,没有广告赞助,也不收取门票,但就是一场普通村民之间的比赛便吸引了上万名观众齐聚现场。

The cumulative number of views on live-streaming platforms reached hundreds of millions. 直播平台累计播放量达数亿次。

Taipan Village has gone through a major renovation to boost tourism. 为了提升“村BA”的吸引力,台盘村也进行了大改造。

Apart from free entrance for the games, the village has also set up more parking lots and snack streets in surrounding areas.不仅对篮球场及其周边进行提质升级,坚持不收门票,还在周边开设了停车场、小吃街等。

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