Android小窗口模式,picture 您所在的位置:网站首页 原生安卓小窗口怎么关闭不了 Android小窗口模式,picture


2024-07-17 16:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.介绍 Android8.0的时候推出了画中画模式,可以让Activity缩小显示在其他Activity上方。当初我维护的项目本身自己实现了这个功能,Android加入画中画之后两个功能并行,互相交互的时候出了一大堆问题。现在几乎所有的视频软件都加入了这个功能。使用方法十分简单,但是需要处理好AudioFocus的问题。  



在Android 8.0时候,只需要调用Activity的enterPictureInPictureMode(); 或者enterPictureInPictureModeIfPossible() 即可

public boolean enterPictureInPictureMode(@NonNull PictureInPictureParams params) { try { if (params == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected non-null picture-in-picture params"); } return ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().enterPictureInPictureMode(mToken, params); } catch (RemoteException e) { return false; } }

进入的时候需要传入PictureInPictureParams类型参数。 现在高版本Android已经@Deprecated enterPictureInPictureMode() 和enterPictureInPictureMode(@NonNull PictureInPictureArgs args) 这两个方法。想要使用画中画必须传入参数。

我们先看一下PictureInPictureParams 的源码

/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.annotation.Nullable; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.Rational; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a set of parameters used to initialize and update an Activity in picture-in-picture * mode. */ public final class PictureInPictureParams implements Parcelable { /** * Builder class for {@link PictureInPictureParams} objects. */ public static class Builder { @Nullable private Rational mAspectRatio; @Nullable private List mUserActions; @Nullable private Rect mSourceRectHint; /** * Sets the aspect ratio. This aspect ratio is defined as the desired width / height, and * does not change upon device rotation. * * @param aspectRatio the new aspect ratio for the activity in picture-in-picture, must be * between 2.39:1 and 1:2.39 (inclusive). * * @return this builder instance. */ public Builder setAspectRatio(Rational aspectRatio) { mAspectRatio = aspectRatio; return this; } /** * Sets the user actions. If there are more than * {@link Activity#getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions()} actions, then the input list * will be truncated to that number. * * @param actions the new actions to show in the picture-in-picture menu. * * @return this builder instance. * * @see RemoteAction */ public Builder setActions(List actions) { if (mUserActions != null) { mUserActions = null; } if (actions != null) { mUserActions = new ArrayList(actions); } return this; } /** * Sets the source bounds hint. These bounds are only used when an activity first enters * picture-in-picture, and describe the bounds in window coordinates of activity entering * picture-in-picture that will be visible following the transition. For the best effect, * these bounds should also match the aspect ratio in the arguments. * * @param launchBounds window-coordinate bounds indicating the area of the activity that * will still be visible following the transition into picture-in-picture (eg. the video * view bounds in a video player) * * @return this builder instance. */ public Builder setSourceRectHint(Rect launchBounds) { if (launchBounds == null) { mSourceRectHint = null; } else { mSourceRectHint = new Rect(launchBounds); } return this; } /** * @return an immutable {@link PictureInPictureParams} to be used when entering or updating * the activity in picture-in-picture. * * @see Activity#enterPictureInPictureMode(PictureInPictureParams) * @see Activity#setPictureInPictureParams(PictureInPictureParams) */ public PictureInPictureParams build() { PictureInPictureParams params = new PictureInPictureParams(mAspectRatio, mUserActions, mSourceRectHint); return params; } } /** * The expected aspect ratio of the picture-in-picture. */ @Nullable private Rational mAspectRatio; /** * The set of actions that are associated with this activity when in picture-in-picture. */ @Nullable private List mUserActions; /** * The source bounds hint used when entering picture-in-picture, relative to the window bounds. * We can use this internally for the transition into picture-in-picture to ensure that a * particular source rect is visible throughout the whole transition. */ @Nullable private Rect mSourceRectHint; /** {@hide} */ PictureInPictureParams() { } /** {@hide} */ PictureInPictureParams(Parcel in) { if (in.readInt() != 0) { mAspectRatio = new Rational(in.readInt(), in.readInt()); } if (in.readInt() != 0) { mUserActions = new ArrayList(); in.readParcelableList(mUserActions, RemoteAction.class.getClassLoader()); } if (in.readInt() != 0) { mSourceRectHint = Rect.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); } } /** {@hide} */ PictureInPictureParams(Rational aspectRatio, List actions, Rect sourceRectHint) { mAspectRatio = aspectRatio; mUserActions = actions; mSourceRectHint = sourceRectHint; } /** * Copies the set parameters from the other picture-in-picture args. * @hide */ public void copyOnlySet(PictureInPictureParams otherArgs) { if (otherArgs.hasSetAspectRatio()) { mAspectRatio = otherArgs.mAspectRatio; } if (otherArgs.hasSetActions()) { mUserActions = otherArgs.mUserActions; } if (otherArgs.hasSourceBoundsHint()) { mSourceRectHint = new Rect(otherArgs.getSourceRectHint()); } } /** * @return the aspect ratio. If none is set, return 0. * @hide */ public float getAspectRatio() { if (mAspectRatio != null) { return mAspectRatio.floatValue(); } return 0f; } /** @hide */ public Rational getAspectRatioRational() { return mAspectRatio; } /** * @return whether the aspect ratio is set. * @hide */ public boolean hasSetAspectRatio() { return mAspectRatio != null; } /** * @return the set of user actions. * @hide */ public List getActions() { return mUserActions; } /** * @return whether the user actions are set. * @hide */ public boolean hasSetActions() { return mUserActions != null; } /** * Truncates the set of actions to the given {@param size}. * @hide */ public void truncateActions(int size) { if (hasSetActions()) { mUserActions = mUserActions.subList(0, Math.min(mUserActions.size(), size)); } } /** * @return the source rect hint * @hide */ public Rect getSourceRectHint() { return mSourceRectHint; } /** * @return whether there are launch bounds set * @hide */ public boolean hasSourceBoundsHint() { return mSourceRectHint != null && !mSourceRectHint.isEmpty(); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) { if (mAspectRatio != null) { out.writeInt(1); out.writeInt(mAspectRatio.getNumerator()); out.writeInt(mAspectRatio.getDenominator()); } else { out.writeInt(0); } if (mUserActions != null) { out.writeInt(1); out.writeParcelableList(mUserActions, 0); } else { out.writeInt(0); } if (mSourceRectHint != null) { out.writeInt(1); mSourceRectHint.writeToParcel(out, 0); } else { out.writeInt(0); } } public static final Creator CREATOR = new Creator() { public PictureInPictureParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new PictureInPictureParams(in); } public PictureInPictureParams[] newArray(int size) { return new PictureInPictureParams[size]; } }; }

可以看到PictureInPictureParams是使用链式调用的建造者模式设计的,他的主要成员有mAspectRatio :

/** * Sets the aspect ratio. This aspect ratio is defined as the desired width / height, and * does not change upon device rotation. * * @param aspectRatio the new aspect ratio for the activity in picture-in-picture, must be * between 2.39:1 and 1:2.39 (inclusive). * * @return this builder instance. */


mUserActions :

/** * Sets the user actions. If there are more than * {@link Activity#getMaxNumPictureInPictureActions()} actions, then the input list * will be truncated to that number. * * @param actions the new actions to show in the picture-in-picture menu. * * @return this builder instance. * * @see RemoteAction */

Action是一种控件,早期版本的Android GMS Setting中的item就是由Action组成的。 这里的userAction是RemoteAction类型,这个类型和Action没什么关系,但是是类似的东西,它是一个可序列化的对象,具体成员为

private final Icon mIcon; private final CharSequence mTitle; private final CharSequence mContentDescription; private final PendingIntent mActionIntent; private boolean mEnabled;


简单来说这个就是当Activity进入画中画之后缩小的Activity下方会显示一个类似Android导航栏的东西,由几个按键组成,每个按键就是一个RemoteAction。将这个RemoteAction 列表在放入PictureInPictureParams参数中进入画中画的时候这些按钮就会显示。但是在手机端一般不需要,这几个键的功能一般是回到全屏显示,关闭画中画小窗口,切换小窗口大小,位置这种功能,一般手机端的APP只需要双击小窗口回到全屏这个功能。但是Android TV端是需要的,因为TV一般没有触摸屏,全靠遥控器,走的是onKey事件,需要使用按键来切换获得焦点的控件。

这里比较重要的是mActionIntent,这是一个PendingIntent类型的对象。这个PendingIntent定义了RemoteAction被触发后的行为。PendingIntent可以看作是对Intent的一个封装,但它不是立刻执行某个行为。可以使用getActivity, getActivities, getBroadcast, and getService方法获取可以启动Activity或者发送广播开启服务的PendingIntent对象。


mSourceRectHint :  

/** * Sets the source bounds hint. These bounds are only used when an activity first enters * picture-in-picture, and describe the bounds in window coordinates of activity entering * picture-in-picture that will be visible following the transition. For the best effect, * these bounds should also match the aspect ratio in the arguments. * * @param launchBounds window-coordinate bounds indicating the area of the activity that * will still be visible following the transition into picture-in-picture (eg. the video * view bounds in a video player) * * @return this builder instance. */

边界约束 官方文档上的介绍是  







最早的时候使用十分简单。 直接调用Activity的

@Override public void enterPictureInPictureModeIfPossible() { if (mActivityInfo.supportsPictureInPicture()) { enterPictureInPictureMode(); } }


@Deprecated public void enterPictureInPictureMode() { enterPictureInPictureMode(new PictureInPictureParams.Builder().build()); }

进入PIP,但是和上面那个API相比,如果你的Activity不支持PIP模式,会报异常出来。 所以你需要在清单文件中加上这样一句话

android:supportsPictureInPicture="true" android:configChanges="screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout|orientation"









所以我们还是需要学会使用带有PictureInPictureParams 参数的 enterPictureInPictureMode(@NonNull PictureInPictureParams params) 方法  

Icon icon = Icon.createWithResource(mContext, R.mipmap.ic_launcher); Icon icon2 = Icon.createWithResource(mContext,R.mipmap.ic_launcher_round); Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 998, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT); RemoteAction remoteAction = new RemoteAction(icon, "标题", "介绍", pendingIntent); RemoteAction remoteAction2 = new RemoteAction(icon2, "标题2", "介绍2", pendingIntent); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(remoteAction); arrayList.add(remoteAction2); Rational rational = new Rational(3, 7);//这里如果设置的值太大或者太小或报异常 Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); final PictureInPictureParams params = new PictureInPictureParams.Builder() .setActions(arrayList).setAspectRatio(rational) .setSourceRectHint(rect).build(); button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // enterPictureInPictureMode(); enterPictureInPictureMode(params); } });


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: enterPictureInPictureMode: Aspect ratio is too extreme (must be between 0.418410 and 2.390000).  






可以看到有2个按钮,这就是我们设置的RemoteAction,点击后会触发PendingIntent。 中间的按钮是自带的最大化按钮,右上角也是自带的关闭按钮,左上为自带的设置按钮,这个在不同版本的Android上还有Android TV上都可能不相同。

哎刚准备讲改变小窗口size的,我记得Android 8.0 拿到beta版本的时候还是可以调节小窗口大小的,有3种size,结果现在用最新的AndroidQ已经不能调节了,不知道google又改了啥。然后我用EMUI10看b站和斗鱼都找不到PIP入口图标了,优酷和爱奇艺可以进入PIP,但是也不能调节小窗口大小。


比如你播放视频的话,你可以先让Video全屏播放,或者干脆全屏播放的时候才提供PIP入口,然后设置视频对应的Rational给PIP,也就是说在进入PIP前和退出PIP后是需要做一些页面调整的,而且比如你有计算UI坐标或者动态修改控件位置的逻辑,在进入PIP之前都需要处理掉,回到正常模式再还原,否则进入PIP之后再去获取这些就不准确了,整个UI会乱掉。 之前PIP功能刚上的时候QA给我开了很多这样的BUG。



@Override public void onPictureInPictureModeChanged(boolean isInPictureInPictureMode, Configuration newConfig) { super.onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode, newConfig); if (isInPictureInPictureMode){ }else { } }


4.注意 一些需要注意的点 首先一个Activity进入PIP的时候,缩小在其他应用上方显示,这个时候生命周期是走到了onPause(),但是没有走到OnStop(),这个有点像以前的VisibleBehind模式下的Activity生命周期。所以如果你在onPause的时候暂停播放,进入画中画之后就不会播放了。


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