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#博士申请导师推荐信怎么写?有效推荐信模板分享| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Dear Dear Admission Committee,

⬇️推荐人说明与申请人的关系(怎么认识的,有什么互动),表明来意——推荐申请人攻读某课程的博士学位It is a pleasure to recommend Ms xxx for a PhD programme in xxx at xxx. I have known Ms. Tenzin for the past two years through her work in my Project titled, ‘Learned Helplessness and Achievements in Adolescent Males and Females’. xxx has completed her Masters and MPhil in Adolescent Psychology from xxx. She first approached me two years ago about the possibility of work in my project as a Research Fellow. We had discussed the scope of the project and her job responsibilities in our first meeting.

⬇️对申请人研究方面所做出的努力和观点提出肯定,站在推荐人监督说说让你印象深刻的点和你们在研究项目上的交集She had asked good questions and also referred to a few studies that have been carried out by the students in the Department as their Masters and M. Phil Project. I was impressed by her preparedness for the interview and her inquisitiveness to know more on the subject. On appointment, I often found her in the library looking for other similar studies done. She often discussed her findings with me as well as discussed the course of action and possible evaluation techniques for the project. After a long secondary research, we decided on evaluating our subjects on NEO-Five Factor Inventory (FFI) before the actual experiment. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire (CASQ), the 48-item questionnaire designed to assess children's causal explanations for positive and negative events

⬇️对申请人在团队中独立工作的能力和领导能力进行肯定,通过具体的事例说明,不要泛泛而谈会显得很空洞,没有说服力。During that project, Pema demonstrated the ability to work independently with creativity and enthusiasm as well as effectively lead a team of 3 Project Fellows for sample selection and data collection techniques. She trained the team on all aspects of NEO-Five Factor Inventory (FFI) as well as CASQ. She was also able to collect the CASQ data of more than 50% of the students a year later.

⬇️申请人的性格和处世方式,如社交沟通能力、面对失败的处理方法以及掌握的研究方法等等是如何有助于项目研究的。Her communication skills put both the subject as well as the interviewer at ease thus facilitating an unbiased and effective data collection. xxx has good clarity on the various data analysis statistical packages especially MATLAB and ANOVA which immensely helped us in doing a comparative study through various methods. She was quick to learn R and use it effectively for analysis. She would invariably be the first person at the school well prepared for the day.

⬇️团队能力如何,其他人对申请人的看法,哪方面比较出色让大家称赞The Project Fellows in the project always had praises for xxx. They always mentioned her patience and perseverance in clarifying their doubts on the standardised data collection and analysis techniques. Pema had doubled her efforts on data collection when she found that one of the project fellows was down with fever and cold. She had not let this affect the Project Schedule.

⬇️通过一个科研过程中的具体的例子展示申请人某方面的优势或特质xxx is very creative and patient with the kids. The long questionnaire would be too tedious for the kids so she would often make origami for them as they worked on the questionnaire.

⬇️申请人在科研方面的成就,产出的论文,说明论文标题和录用期刊Her hard work and perseverance paid off when her paper, ‘Learned helplessness and achievements in pre-adolescent males and females’ was selected for publication in an International Journal.

⬇️总结,再次强烈推荐申请人xxx is clearly the best student that I have worked with in the past few years. I strongly recommend her for a PhD programme from [University Name]. She would be an asset to any university she joins.

⬇️推荐人信息ProfessorDepartment of Social PsychologyUniversity NameCityEmail ID:Contact No:

推荐信的重要性对于博士生来说,推荐信是申请材料的重要组成部分。虽然其他录取材料,如成绩单和测试结果,都是真实的,但推荐信 (LOR) 整合了简历和目的陈述的计划和事实。简历是你成就的总结,成绩单是你成就的证据,而标准作业程序描述课程的重要性以及您对此的准备情况。一种博士学位的推荐信是对上述所有内容的公正意见。

博士申请者的推荐信比本科或硕士申请者更重要。年级和GRE分数在获得大学录取中起着重要作用。在具有相似资历的候选人之间进行选择时,推荐信 (LOR) 通常是决定性因素。


推荐信数量及内容博士申请通常需要至少两封学术推荐信。这让招生官有机会了解申请人的技能,否则很难从他们的简历、成绩单和 个人陈述 中了解这些技能。


推荐信写作小tips博士学位的学生推荐信通常在一到两页之间。根据实际内容分为 5-6 个段落。最好以关于推荐人及其与申请人的关系的介绍性段落开始。

接下来的 3-4 段应概述申请人的不同学术和社会素质,并提供适当的证据。没有合适的例子,就不应该提到质量。最后,结论段落将用一行总结以上内容推荐申请人到节目。








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