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/ adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的

She has a very sore throat now.(她现在嗓子很痛。)

·have a cold

[hæv ə kəuld] / 感冒

I have a cold.(我患感冒了。)


[''stʌməkeɪk] / n. 胃痛;腹痛

She got a stomachache.(她胃痛了起来。)

·have a stomachache

/ 胃痛

I have a stomachache.(真糟糕,我胃痛了。)


[fʊt] / n. 脚;足

She is lying in the sun with bare foot.(她光着脚躺在阳光下。)


[nek] / n. 颈;脖子

These duck necks look delicious.(这些鸭脖看起来很好吃。)


[ˈstʌmək] / n. 胃;腹部

I always feel uncomfortable in my stomach.(我的腹部经常感到不舒服。)


[θrəʊt] / n. 咽喉;喉咙

My throat tickles.(我喉咙发痒。)


[ˈfi:və(r)] / n. 发烧

I feel as if I''m running a fever.(我好像有点儿发热。)


[laɪ] / v. (lay)躺;平躺

That''s an out-and-out lie!(这是百分之百的谎话!)

·lie down

/ 躺下

I think you should lie down and rest.(我觉得你应该躺下休息。)


[rest] / v. & n. 放松;休息

It''s time for having a rest.(该休息一会儿了。)


[kɒf] / n. & v. 咳嗽

I couldn''t stop coughing.(我咳嗽不止。)


[ˈeks reɪ] / n. X射线; X光

What did the X-ray show?(x光照片上面看到什么?)


[''tuːθeɪk] / n. 牙痛

His face swelled up with the toothache.(牙疼使他的脸都肿了。)

·take one''s temperature

/ 量体温

Should I take my temperature?(我要量体温吗?)


[''hedeɪk] / n. 头痛

I had the beginnings of a headache.(我有了头痛的先兆。)

·have a fever

[hæv ei ˈfi:və] / 发烧

I seem to have a fever.(我好象发烧了。)


[breɪk] / n. 间歇;休息

Come and see me at break.(课间休息时来见我。)

·take breaks

/ 休息

You need to take breaks away from the computer.(你得离开电脑休息一下。)


[hɜːt] / v. (hurt)(使)疼痛;受伤

My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)


/ n. 乘客;旅客

He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.(他告诉乘客,他必须带那个人去医院。)


[ɒf] / adv. & prep. 离开(某处);不工作;从……去掉

The rider fell off his horse.(骑手从马上落下。)

·get off

[ɡet ɔf] / 下车

Get off the bus at the post office.(在邮局门口下车。)

·to one''s surprise

/ 使……惊讶的是;出乎……的意料

But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.(但令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。)


[ˈɒntə] / prep. 向;朝

I took my bags inside, lowered myself onto the bed.(我把包拎进屋,放在床上。)


/ n. 问题;苦恼

They don''t want any trouble.(他们不想惹麻烦。)


[hɪt] / v. (hit)(用手或器具)击;打

I was just hit by a wall of water.(我刚撞上了一堵水墙。)

·right away

[rait əˈwei] / 立即;马上

Are you leaving right away?(你马上就走吗?)

·get into

[ɡet ˈɪntə] / 陷入;参与

Hi, Lily. Hi, Julia. Get into the car.(嗨,Lily。嗨,Julia。上车。)


[hɜ:ˈself] / pron.(she的反身代词)她自己

Her subject matter is herself.(她作品的主题就是她自己。)


/''bændɪdʒ/ / n. 绷带 v. 用绷带包扎

Don''t tie the bandage too tight.(绷带不要扎得太紧。)


[pres] / v. 压;挤;按

Press here to open.(请按此处打开。)


[sɪk] / adj. 生病的;有病的

The sick girl has to stay in bed and rest.(这个生病的女孩不得不躺在床上休息。)


[ni:] / n. 膝;膝盖

He has grazed his knee.(他擦伤了膝盖。)


/ n. 鼻出血

One girl had a nosebleed.(一个女孩流鼻血。)


[bri:ð] / v. 呼吸

He could scarcely breathe.(他几乎喘不过气来。)


/ adj. 晒伤的

When you go out, make sure you won''t get sunburned.(当你出去的时候,确保你不会被晒伤。)


[ɑ:ˈselvz] / pron.(we的反身代词)我们自己

We should inure ourselves to hard life.(我们应该使自己习惯艰苦生活。)


/ n. 登山者;攀登者

As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.(作为一个登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。)

·be used to

/ 习惯于…… ;适应于……

As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.(作为一个登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。)


/ n. & v. 危险;风险;冒险

As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.(作为一个登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。)

·take risks (take a risk)

/ 冒险

As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.(作为一个登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。)


/''æksɪdənt/ / n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇

The accident was caused by carelessness.(事故是由于粗心大意而引起的。)


/sɪtjʊ''eɪʃ(ə)n/ / n. 情况;状况

The situation has changed.(情况变了。)


[ˈki:ləʊ] / (= kilogram) n. 千克;公斤

These cherry are ten yuan a kilo.(这些樱桃每公斤十元。)


[rɒk] / n. 岩石

He was a drummer in a rock band.(他曾是一个摇滚乐团的鼓手。)

·run out (of)

/ 用尽;耗尽

But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life.(但当他的水耗尽时,他知道他必须做些什么来拯救自己的生命。)


[naɪf] / (pl. knives)刀

Can I use your knife?(我能用一下你的小刀吗?)

·cut off

/ 切除

So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.(所以他用刀砍掉了右臂的一半。)


/blʌd/ / n. 血

Their blood was not shed in vain.(他们的血没有白流。)


[mi:n] / v. (meant)意思是;打算;意欲

I mean, you missed this one.(我的意思是你错过了它。)

·get out of

/ 离开;从……出来

This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.(这意味着处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境中。)


/ n. 重要性;重要

Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one''s life.(阿伦讲述了做出正确决定和控制自己生活的重要性。)


/ n. 决定;抉择

Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one''s life.(阿伦讲述了做出正确决定和控制自己生活的重要性。)


/ n. & v. 限制;约束;管理

Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one''s life.(阿伦讲述了做出正确决定和控制自己生活的重要性。)

·be in control of

/ 掌管;管理

Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one''s life.(阿伦讲述了做出正确决定和控制自己生活的重要性。)


/ n. 勇气;意志

Do we have the same spirit as Aron?(我们和阿伦有同样的精神吗?)


/ n. 死;死亡

This is a decision that could mean life or death.(这是一个可能意味着生死的决定。)

·give up

[ɡiv ʌp] / 放弃

Did he give up? Not a bit of it!(他放弃了吗?根本没有!)


[nɜːs] / n. 护士

I want to be a nurse.(我想当一名护士。)


/ 朱迪(女名)

What''s the matter with Judy?(朱迪怎么了?)


/ 南希(女名)

What''s the matter, Nancy?(怎么了,南希?)


/ 曼迪( 女名)

OK. Thanks, Mandy.(好的。谢谢曼迪。)

·Aron Ralston

/ 阿伦 · 罗尔斯顿

Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.(阿隆·拉斯顿是一位对爬山感兴趣的美国人。)


/ 犹他州(美国)

He found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.(他在犹他州爬山时发现自己处于非常危险的境地。)

UNIT 2 I’ll help to clean up..(56个单词)

·clean up

[kli:n ʌp] / 打扫(或清除)干净

I must clean up my bedroom.(我必须把我的卧室打扫干净。)


[tʃɪə(r)] / v. 欢呼;喝彩

They all clap and cheer.(他们都鼓掌和欢呼。)

·cheer up

[tʃɪə(r) ʌp] / (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来

Oh, cheer up!(哦,振作起来!)

·give out

[ɡiv aut] / 分发;散发

There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.(有人在入口处散发传单。)


[ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)] / v. 义务做;自愿做 n. 志愿者

She was a volunteer.(她是一个志愿者。)

·come up with

/ 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)

We need to come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day.(我们需要制定一个城市公园清洁日的计划。)

·put off

/ 推迟

We can''t put off making a plan.(我们不能推迟制定计划。)


[saɪn] / n. 标志;信号

Just follow the sign, please.(请跟着指示牌方向走。)


/ n. 通知;通告;注意 v. 注意到;意识到

Let''s make some notices, too.(我们也要注意一下。)

·hand out

/ 分发

We decided to hand out notices to tell students about the book sale.(我们决定发出通知,告诉学生有关图书销售的情况。)

·call up

/ 打电话给(某人);征召

He called up the museum.(他给博物馆打了电话。)

·used to

[ˈju:st tə] / 曾经…… ;过去……

I used to run into him from time to time.(我过去时常碰上他。)


/ adj. 孤独的;寂寞的

Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely.(是啊,很多老人都很孤独。)

·care for

[kɛə fɔ:] / 照顾;非常喜欢

They hired a nurse to care for her.(他们雇了个护士来照顾她。)


/ pron. 几个;数个;一些

Several letters arrived this morning.(今天上午来了几封信。)


[strɒŋ] / adj. 强烈的;强壮的

I feared I wouldn''t be able to control such a strong horse.(我怕我驾驭不了这么强壮的马。)


/''fiːlɪŋ/ / n. 感觉;感触

It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.(这给了我一种满足感。)


/ n. 满足;满意

I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better.(当我看到动物们越来越好的时候,我有一种强烈的满足感。)


[dʒɔɪ] / n. 高兴;愉快

I was full and effervescing with joy of creation.(由于创作的乐趣,我感到满足和欢欣。)


/ n. 物主;主人

I see the look of joy on their owners'' faces.(我看到他们的主人脸上带着喜悦的表情。)

·try out

[traɪ aʊt] / 参加……选拔;试用

I would like to try out the new work.(我想尝试新工作。)


[ˈdʒɜ:ni] / n.(尤指长途)旅行;行程

When are you going to start on your journey?(你们哪天去旅行啊?)


[reɪz] / v. 募集;征集

On Monday we raise our national flag.(星期一我们升国旗。)


[ˈmɪdnaɪt] / n. 午夜;子夜

The entrance gates were locked at midnight.(大门午夜时上锁。)


[əˈləʊn] / adv. 独自;单独

He lives alone.(他独居独处。)


/ v. 修理;修补

I repaired it.(我把它修好了。)


[fɪks] / v. 修理;安装

an you fix it?(你能修理一下吗?)

·fix up

/ 修理;装饰

I fixed it up.(我把它修好了。)

·give away

/ 赠送;捐赠

I gave it away.(我把它送出去了。)

·take after

/ (外貌或行为)像

I take after my mother.(我像我母亲。)


[ˈbrəʊkən] / adj. 破损的;残缺的

The vase has broken into pieces.(花瓶破碎了。)


[wi:l] / n. 车轮;轮子

The wheel turns too slowly.(轮子转得太慢。)


[ˈletə(r)] / n. 信;函

I have received your letter.(我收到了你的信。)


[mɪs] / n. 女士;小姐

We''ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐。)

·set up

[set ʌp] / 建起;设立

I set up a ginger group on the environment.(我建立了一个积极从事环保的组织。)


/ adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的

I''m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.(我相信你知道这个组织是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人。)

·make a difference

/ 影响;有作用

Lucky makes a big difference to my life.(幸运对我的生活有很大的影响。)


[blaɪnd] / adj. 瞎的;失明的

Can you imagine how it feels to be blind?(你能想象失明的感觉吗?)


[def] / adj. 聋的

He is slightly deaf.(他稍微有点耳背。)


/ v. 想象;设想

Or imagine you can''t walk or use your hands easily.(或者想象你不能轻易地走路或使用你的手。)


/ n. 困难;难题

Many people have these difficulties.(很多人都有这些困难。)


[ˈəʊpən] / v. 开;打开

He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)


[dɔ:(r)] / n. 门

What''s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)


[ˈkæri] / v. 拿;提;扛

He was carrying a briefcase.(他提着公文包。)


[treɪn] / v. 训练;培训

The train pulled into a station.(列车驶入了一个车站。)


[ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] / adj. 激动的;兴奋的

I was so excited.(我太激动了。)


/ n. 训练;培训

After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home.(经过六个月的训练,和一只狗在动物帮助下,我能够把他带回家。)


/ n. 仁慈;善良

I''m only able to have a “dog helper” because of your kindness!(因为你的好意,我只能请一个“狗帮手”!)


[''klevə] / adj. 聪明的;聪颖的

The clever dog brings the newspaper every morning.(这条聪明的狗每天早上都会拿报纸来。)


[ˌʌndəˈstænd] / v. (understood)理解;领会

I don''t understand what you mean.(我不懂你的意思。)


[tʃeɪndʒ] / v. & n. 变化;改变

We cannot change the past.(我们无法改变过去。)


/''ɪntrəst/ / n. 兴趣;关注 v. 使感兴趣;使关注

He developed an interest in science.(他养成了对科学的兴趣。)


[sɜ:(r)] / n. 先生(用于正式信函中对不知名的男性收信人的称呼时,写为Sir)

Good afternoon to you, sir.(下午好,先生。)


/ n. 夫人;女士(用于正式信函中对不知名的女性收信人的称呼时,写为Madam)

Can I help you, madam?(女士,我能为您效劳吗?)


/ 马里奥(男名)

This makes us all laugh, even Mario.(我们全笑了,连马里奥也笑了。)


/ 吉米( 男名)

Last week, Jimmy got into trouble.(上周吉米惹上麻烦了。)

UNIT 3 Could you please clean.(38个单词)


[''rʌbɪʃ] / n. 垃圾;废弃物

They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.(他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。)

·take out the rubbish

/ 倒垃圾

I usually take out the rubbish.(我通常把垃圾扔掉。)


[fəʊld] / v. 折叠;对折

Does this table fold?(这桌子可以折叠起来吗?)


[swi:p] / v.(swept)扫;打扫

The owner of the store was sweeping his floor.(店主正在扫地。)


[flɔː] / n. 地板

Their house is on three floors.(他们的房子有三层。)


[mes] / n. 杂乱;不整洁

The room was in a mess.(这个房间杂乱不堪。)


[θrəʊ] / v.(threw)扔;掷

He threw three sixes in a row.(他一连掷出三个六点。)

·all the time

[ɔ:l ðə taim] / 频繁;反复

I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time.(我今年找了份新工作,一直忙得不可开交。)


/ adv. 也不 pron. 两者都不

She did not do any housework and neither did I.(她没有做任何家务,我也没有。)


[ʃɜ:t] / n. 衬衫

Put on your shirt.(穿上你的衬衫。)

·as soon as

/ 一……就……

My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.(我一坐到电视机前,我妈妈就过来了。)


[pɑ:s] / v. 给;递;走过;通过

Pass him the ball.(把球传给他。)


[ˈbɒrəʊ] / v. 借;借用

Can I borrow a pen please?(我可以借支笔吗?)


/ v.(lent)借给;借出

Could you lend me some money?(你能借我点钱吗?)


[ˈfɪŋgə(r)] / n. 手指

She wiggled her finger.(她扭了扭手指。)


[heɪt] / v. 厌恶;讨厌

I hate waste.(我讨厌浪费。)


[tʃɔː] / n. 杂务;乏味无聊的工作

She was so happy after finishing her chores.(做完家务之后她非常开心。)


/waɪl/ / conj. 与……同时;当……的时候;而;然而

They walked on in silence for a while.(他们默默地走了一会儿。)


[snæk] / n. 点心;小吃;快餐

This is a small snack.(这是一份小点心。)


/ n. 精神压力;心理负担

Kids these days already have enough stress from school.(这些天来,孩子们已经有足够的压力从学校。)


[weɪst] / n. 浪费;垃圾 v. 浪费;滥用

I hate waste.(我讨厌浪费。)

·in order to

/ 目的是;为了

Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents.(为了避免意外事故,必须经常保持警惕。)


/ v. 提供;供应

It is the parents'' job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.(父母的工作是为他们的孩子提供一个干净舒适的家庭环境。)


[ˈeniweɪ] / adv. 而且;加之

I probably would have voted that way anyway.(无论如何我可能都会那样投票。)


/ v. 依靠;信赖

Children these days depend on their parents too much.(现在的孩子太依赖父母了。)

·depend on

/ 依靠;信赖

Children these days depend on their parents too much.(现在的孩子太依赖父母了。)


/ v. 发展;壮大

Doing chores helps to develop children''s independence.(做家务有助于培养儿童的独立性。)


/ n. 独立

Doing chores helps to develop children''s independence.(做家务有助于培养儿童的独立性。)


/ n. 公正性;合理性

It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness.(这也有助于他们理解公平的概念。)


/ conj. 因为;既然 prep., conj. & adv. 从……以后;自……以来

Two weeks has passed since the new term began.(开学以来两个星期已经过去了。)


/''neɪbə/ / (=neighbour)n. 邻居

So you''re neighbors.(所以你们是邻居。)

·take care of

[teik kɛə ɔv] / 照顾;处理

I can take care of myself.(我能照顾好自己。)


[ɪl] / adj. 有病;不舒服

She is ill and is taken care of by the doctor.(她生病了,医生在照看她。)


[drɒp] / v. 落下;掉下

There is not a drop left.(一滴都不剩了。)


/ adj. 独立的;自主的

The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.(越早的孩子学会独立,对他们的未来越好。)


[feə(r)] / adj. 合理的;公正的

Yes. We go to the fair, too.(是的。我们也去庙会了。)


/ adj. 不合理的;不公正的

I think it is unfair for children to do chores.(我认为孩子们做家务是不公平的。)


[ˈsændi] / 桑迪(女名)

Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches.(鳄鱼在小沙滩上晒太阳。)

UNIT 4 Why don’t you talk to..(47个单词)


[əˈlaʊ] / v. 允许;准许

How could you allow him to do something like that?(你怎么会允许他做那样的事?)


[rɒŋ] / adj. 有毛病;错误的

Something is wrong with my bike.(我的自行车有毛病了。)

·What''s wrong?

/ 哪儿不舒服?

What''s wrong with him?(他怎么了?)

·look through

/ 快速查看;浏览

Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.(嗯,我昨天发现我妹妹在看我的东西。)


[ges] / v. 猜测;估计

Who is she?Guess!(她是谁?猜猜看!)


/ n. 协议;交易

Although she''s wrong, it''s not a big deal.(虽然她错了,但没什么大不了的。)

·big deal

/ 重要的事

Although she''s wrong, it''s not a big deal.(虽然她错了,但没什么大不了的。)

·work out

[wɜːk aʊt] / 成功地发展;解决

I often work out.(我经常参加体育锻炼。)

·get on with

/ 和睦相处;关系良好

My problem is that I can''t get on with my family.(我的问题是我不能和家人相处。)


/ n. 关系;联系;交往

Relations between my parents have become difficult.(我父母之间的关系变得很困难。)


/ n. 交流;沟通

It''s the only communication they have.(这是他们唯一的沟通方式。)


[ˈɑ:gju:] / v. 争吵;争论

They were still arguing.(他们还在争吵。)


[klaʊd] / n. 云;云朵

The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.(天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。)


/ adj. 年纪较长的

Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me.(还有,我哥哥对我不太好。)


[ɪnˈsted] / adv. 代替;反而;却

He will do the work instead of you.(他将代替你做这项工作。)


/ pron. 任何;每一

Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.(相反,他想看什么,直到晚上迟到。)


[ˈnɜ:vəs] / adj. 焦虑的;担忧的

He seems a bit nervous.(他显得有点紧张。)


/ v. 主动提出;自愿给予

She often offers to help when I am in trouble.(当我遇到困难时,她经常主动提供帮助。)


/ adj. 正确的;恰当的

Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication.(也许你可以在家里做更多的工作,这样他们就有更多的时间进行适当的交流。)


/ adv. 第二;其次

Secondly, why don''t you sit down and communicate with your brother?(第二,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥交流呢?)


/ v. 交流;沟通

Secondly, why don''t you sit down and communicate with your brother?(第二,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥交流呢?)


/ v. 解释;说明

You should explain that you don''t mind him watching TV all the time.(你应该解释一下,你不介意他一直看电视。)


[klɪə(r)] / adj. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的

The muddy water slowly cleared.(浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。)


/ v. 抄袭;模仿;复制;复印

You should still tell him that copying others'' homework is wrong.(你还是应该告诉他复制别人的作业是错误的。)


[rɪˈtɜ:n] / v. 归还;回来;返回

An interval of a year elapsed before we were able to return.(隔了一年我们才得以返回。)


/ adv.(常用于否定句和疑问句末)再也(不);(不)再

Your best friend does not trust you anymore.(你最好的朋友不再信任你了。)


[ˈmembə(r)] / n. 成员;分子

I am a member of the board of directors.(我是董事会成员。)


/ n. 压力

My parents give me a lot of pressure about school.(我父母在学校给我很大的压力。)


/ v. 竞争;对抗

I have to compete with my classmates at school.(我必须在学校和我的同学竞争。)


/ n. 意见;想法;看法

Who gives their opinions about the problem?(谁给出了他们对这个问题的看法?)


/ n. 技艺;技巧

Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school.(他们中的许多人正在学习考试技能,以便能够进入一所好的高中。)


/ adj. 典型的

The Taylors are a typical American family.(泰勒一家是典型的美国家庭。)


[ˈfʊtbɔ:l] / n.(美式)橄榄球;足球

He likes to play football.(他最爱踢足球。)

·cut out

/ 删除;删去

She cut out a new dress.(她裁剪了一件新连衣裙。)


[kwɪk] / adj. 快的;迅速的;时间短暂的

Be quick, or you''ll miss the train.(快走,要不你赶不上火车了。)


/ v. 持续;继续存在

In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older.(在一些家庭中,竞争开始非常年轻,并持续到孩子长大。)


/ v. 比较

And they are always comparing them with other children.(他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。)

·compare ... with

/ 比较;对比

And they are always comparing them with other children.(他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。)


/''kreɪzɪ/ / adj. 不理智的;疯狂的

He is crazy with delight.(他高兴得发狂。)


[pʊʃ] / v. 鞭策;督促;推动

You push and I''ll pull.(你推我拉。)


/ n. 发展;发育;成长

Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child''s development.(医生说压力太大不利于孩子的成长。)


/ v. 造成;引起

All these activities can cause a lot of stress for children.(所有这些活动都会给孩子们带来很大的压力。)


/ adj. 通常的;寻常的

It''s usual to have pressure.(通常有压力。)

·in one''s opinion

/ 依……看

In my opinion, it is important for children to relax themselves.(在我看来,孩子们放松自己是很重要的。)


/ adv. 可能;大概;也许

Perhaps parents shouldn''t give the students too much pressure.(也许父母不应该给学生太大的压力。)


/ 凯茜(女名)

Life for Cathy Taylor''s three children is very busy.(凯茜·泰勒的三个孩子的生活很忙。)


/ 泰勒(姓)

The Taylors are a typical American family.(泰勒一家是典型的美国家庭。)

UNIT 5 What were you doing..(48个单词)


/ n. 暴风雨

What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?(暴风雨时那个女孩在做什么?)


/ n. 闹钟

My alarm didn''t go off so I woke up late.(我的闹钟没响,所以我醒得很晚。)

·go off

/ (闹钟)发出响声

My alarm didn''t go off so I woke up late.(我的闹钟没响,所以我醒得很晚。)


[bɪˈgɪn] / v.(began)开始

The talks are to begin tomorrow.(谈判将于明天开始。)


/ adv. 在很大程度上;大量地

The rain began to beat heavily against the windows.(雨开始猛烈地打在窗户上。)


[ˈsʌdənli] / adv. 突然;忽然

I woke suddenly with a start.(我突然一下子惊醒了。)

·pick up

[pik ʌp] / (=pick up the phone)接电话

Look. Kate is picking up an egg.(瞧。Kate 正捡起一枚蛋。)


[streɪndʒ] / adj. 奇特的;奇怪的

This is nothing strange.(这不是希奇的事情。)


[stɔ:m] / n. 暴风雨

The storm has subsided.(暴风雨停息了。)


[wɪnd; (for v.) waɪnd] / n. 风

The candle was blown out by the wind.(蜡烛被风吹灭了。)


[laɪt] / n. 光;光线;光亮

What''s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)


[rɪˈpɔ:t] / v. & n. 报道;公布

Every term, teachers write a report about each pupil.(每学期教员为每个学生写一份成绩报告单。)


/ n. 地域;地区

The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.(电视上的新闻报道说该地区有一场大暴雨。)


[wʊd] / n. 木;木头

The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork.(木材被制成精细的家具。)


[ˈwɪndəʊ] / n. 窗;窗户

I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)


/ n. 手电筒;火炬

His mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.(他妈妈在确保手电筒和收音机正常工作。)


[mætʃ] / n. 火柴

He struck a match.(他划了一根火柴。)


/ v.(beat)敲打;打败

The rain began to beat heavily against the windows.(雨开始猛烈地打在窗户上。)


[əˈgenst] / prep. 倚;碰;撞

We''re playing against the league champions next week.(下周我们要和联赛冠军队比赛。)

·at first

/ 起初;起先

At first, neither man could speak.(起初,两个人都不会说。)


[əˈsli:p] / adj. 睡着

The moment I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.(我闭上眼睛就睡着了。)

·fall asleep

[fɔ:l əˈsli:p] / 进入梦乡;睡着

When she finally fell asleep, she began to dream.(她终于睡着了,并开始做梦。)

·die down

/ 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失

He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.(当风在凌晨3点左右减弱时,他终于睡着了。)


[raɪz] / v.(rose)& n. 升起;增加;提高

He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette.(他注视着烟雾从香烟上升起。)


/ adj. 倒下的;落下的

Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.(倒下的树、破碎的窗户和垃圾到处都是。)


/ adv. 分离;分开

Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.(虽然这场风暴把许多东西拆开了,但它使家庭和邻居更加亲密。)

·have a look

[hæv ə luk] / 看一看

You should go along and have a look.(你应该去瞧瞧。)


/ adj. 覆盖着冰的;冰冷的

The roads were icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.(由于前天晚上的大雪,道路结冰了。)


[kɪd] / v. 开玩笑;欺骗

The little kid likes to play in the park.(这个小孩喜欢在公园里玩耍。)


/ v. 理解;领会;认识到

Kate realized her bag was still at home.(凯特意识到她的包还在家里。)

·make one''s way

/ 前往;费力地前进

Kate was still making her way to school.(凯特还在上学的路上。)


/ n. 章节;段落

What are the two events in the passage?(文章中的两个事件是什么?)


[ˈpju:pl] / n. 学生

I am a pupil.(我是小学生。)


/ adv. 彻底地;完全地

My parents were completely shocked!(我父母完全震惊了!)


/ adj. 惊愕的;受震惊的

My parents were completely shocked!(我父母完全震惊了!)


/ n. 沉默;缄默;无声

We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.(我们安静地吃完剩下的晚餐。)

·in silence

/ 沉默;无声

We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.(我们安静地吃完剩下的晚餐。)


/ adv. 不久前;最近

We received a letter from him recently.(我们不久以前收到了他的一封信。)

·take down

/ 拆除;往下拽;记录

Please take down my baggage.(请帮我拿下行李。)


/ n. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子

The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.(恐怖分子扬言要炸毁飞机。)


[deɪt] / n. 日期;日子

Will the date suit you?(这个日期对你合适么?)


[ˈtaʊə(r)] / n. 塔;塔楼

One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.(塔的影子倒映在水中。)


[tru:θ] / n. 实情;事实

That''s a long way from the truth.(这与事实相差甚远。)


/ 艾伦(姓)

Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school pupil at that time.(罗伯特·艾伦已经50多岁了,但那时他还是个学生。)

·Martin Luther King

/ 马丁 · 路德 · 金

On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.(这一天马丁·路德·金博士被杀了。)


/ 亚拉巴马州(美国)

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama.(本可以听到他在阿拉巴马州家外的强风。)

·Animal Helpline

/ 动物保护热线

Kate called the Animal Helpline.(凯特打电话给动物救助热线。)

·World Trade Center

/ 世贸大楼(美国纽约)

Does this line go to the world trade center?(这是去世贸中心的路线吗?)

UNIT 6 An old man tried to...(52个单词)


[ʃuːt] / v.(shot)射击;发射

Troops began shooting in all directions.(部队开始向四面八方射击。)


[stəʊn] / n. 石头

That house is built of stone.(那所房子是石头造的。)


[wi:k] / adj. 虚弱的;无力的

She is a little weak in spelling.(她在拼写方面较差。)


/ n. 神;上帝(God)

Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.(最后,有一位神被于公感动了,于是他派了两位神去取山。)


/ v. 提醒;使想起

This story reminds us that you can never know what''s possible unless you try to make it happen.(这个故事提醒我们,除非你试图让它发生,否则你永远不可能知道什么是可能的。)


/ n. 一点;小块

I think it''s a little bit silly.(我觉得有点傻。)

·a little bit

/ 有点儿;稍微

I think it''s a little bit silly.(我觉得有点傻。)


/''sɪlɪ/ / adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的

That''s a silly question.(那是个愚蠢的问题。)

·instead of

/ 代替;反而

But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?(但是,除了移山之外,于公还能做些什么呢?)

·turn ... into

/ 变成

He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.(他可以72次改变他的形状和大小,把自己变成不同的动物和物体。)


/ n. 物体;物品

He can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.(他可以72次改变他的形状和大小,把自己变成不同的动物和物体。)


[haɪd] / v.(hid)隐藏;隐蔽

We must hide away.(我们得躲藏。)


[teɪl] / n. 尾巴

The horse''s long tail lifted up into the air as it ran.(马的长尾巴随着其奔跑而甩向空中。)


[ˈmædʒɪk] / adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的

Do you believe in magic?(你相信魔法真的存在吗?)


[stɪk] / n. 棍;条

I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter.(我忘了在信上粘贴邮票。)


/ v. 使激动;使兴奋

The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years.(孙悟空多年来一直激励着中国的孩子们。)


/ˈwestən/ / adj. 西方国家的;(尤指)欧美的;西方的(w可以小写)

They have clearly embraced Western consumerism.(他们显然完全接受了西方的消费主义观念。)

·once upon a time

[wʌns əˈpɔn ə taim] / 从前

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away.(从前在一个遥远的国度里。)


/ n. 继姐(妹)

As soon as her father died, the stepsisters made her do all the chores.(父亲一死,继姐妹们就让她做所有的家务。)


[prɪns] / n. 王子

To begin with he was Prince Charming.(首先,他是一个白马王子。)

·fall in love

/ 爱上;喜欢上

When the prince saw her, he fell in love with her.(当王子看到她时,他爱上了她。)


[fɪt] / v. 适合;合身

Top athletes have to be very fit.(顶级运动员体格必须十分健壮。)


/ n.(尤指)夫妻;两人;两件事物

The new couple were so happy that they couldn''t stop smiling when they got married.(这对新夫妇很高兴,他们结婚时无法停止微笑。)


[smaɪl] / v. & n. 笑;微笑

She had a big smile on her face.(她笑容满面。)


[ˈmæri] / v. 结婚

She married a German.(她嫁给了一个德国人。)

·get married

/ 结婚

The new couple were so happy that they couldn''t stop smiling when they got married.(这对新夫妇很高兴,他们结婚时无法停止微笑。)


[gəʊld] / n. 金子;金币 adj. 金色的

This is a white cup with a gold band.(这是镶有金色条纹的白杯子。)


[ˈempərə(r)] / n. 皇帝

He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.(他对皇帝的高尚意图深信不疑。)


[sɪlk] / n. 丝绸;丝织物

Silk is a kind of smooth and soft material.(丝绸是一种光滑柔软的材料。)


/ n. 内衣

When the emperor looked at himself, he only saw his underwear.(当皇帝看着自己的时候,他只看到了他的内裤。)


[ˈnəʊbədi] / pron. 没有人 n. 小人物

Nobody knew what to say.(谁也不知道该说什么。)


/''stjuːpɪd/ / adj. 愚蠢的

Do I look that stupid?(我看起来有那么蠢吗?)


/ v. 欺骗;蒙骗 n. 骗子

Oh, so they were really trying to cheat the emperor!(哦,所以他们真的想欺骗皇帝!)


/ n. 继母

Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother.(汉斯和格雷特和他们的父亲和继母住在森林附近。)


[waɪf] / n. 妻子;太太

His wife gave birth to twin girls.(她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。)


/ n. 丈夫

This is my husband, Steve.(这位是我的丈夫,史蒂夫。)


[həʊl] / adj. 全部的;整体的

This is my whole life.(这里是我全部的生活。)


/siːn/ / n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景

They are shooting the last scene now.(他们现在拍摄最后一场。)


/ n. 月光

Why does he do this in the moonlight?(他为什么在月光下这样做?)


[ʃaɪn] / v.(shone)发光;照耀

Shine your flashlight over here.(把手电筒往这儿照一照。)


[braɪt] / adv. 光亮地;明亮地 adj. 明亮的;光线充足的

Our classroom is clean and bright now.(现在我们的教室既干净又明亮。)


[graʊnd] / n. 地;地面

The ground has thawed.(地面解冻了。)


/ v.(led)带路; 领路

It''s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and candy.(它带我们来到了那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果组成的美妙的房子。)


[vɔɪs] / n. 声音

He has a resonant voice.(他嗓音洪亮。)


[breɪv] / adj. 勇敢的;无畏的

You are a brave man.(你是个勇敢的男人!)


/ 克劳迪娅(女名)

I''m bored, Claudia.(我很无聊,克劳迪娅。)

·Journey to the West

/ 《西游记》

This stour describes two characters from journey to the West.(千里眼和顺风耳是《西游记》中的两个人物。)

·the Monkey King

/ 美猴王

He acted the part of the Monkey King very well.(他扮演猴王这个角色很出色。)

·Sleeping Beauty

/ 《睡美人》

I love the story Sleeping Beauty.(我喜欢故事睡美人。)


/ 《灰姑娘》

Have you finish reading Cinderella?(你读完灰姑娘了吗?)

·Little Red Riding Hood

/ 《小红帽》

In the forest, a wolf sees little red riding hood.(森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。)

·Hansel and Gretel

/ 《韩塞尔与葛雷特》(《糖果屋》)

I read Hansel and Gretel when I was a little kid.(我小时候读过汉瑟和格蕾特的书。)

UNIT 7 What’s the highest...(68个单词)



[skweə] / n. 平方;正方形

The monument towers aloft on the square.(纪念碑耸立在广场上。)


[ˈmi:tə(r)] / (=metre) n. 米;公尺

Who holds the record in the 100 meters?(100米纪录是谁保持着的?)


[di:p] / adj. 深的;纵深的

There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.(在他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。)


[ˈdezət] / n. 沙漠

The climate is very dry in the desert area.(沙漠地区气候很干燥。)


/ n. 人口;人口数量

China has the biggest population in the world.(中国是世界上人口最多的国家。)


[ˈeɪʒə] / n. 亚洲

Asia is the largest of all the continents.(亚洲是面积最大的州。)

·feel free

/ (可以)随便(做某事)

Feel free to ask me anything on today''s Great Wall tour.(在今天的长城之旅中,请随便问我什么。)


[tʊə(r)] / n. & v. 旅行;旅游

Tour buses have replaced railway cars.(观光巴士已经取代了火车。)


[ˈtʊərɪst] / n. 旅行者;观光者

A tourist walked up to me to ask the way.(一位游客走过来向我问路。)


[wɔ:l] / n. 墙

This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。)


[əˈmeɪzɪŋ] / adj. 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的

The Northern Lights are so amazing!(北极光真是太神奇了!)


/ adj. 古代的;古老的

Why did the ancient emperors build the wall?(为什么古代皇帝要建这堵墙?)


[prəˈtekt] / v. 保护;防护

We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.(我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。)


[waɪd] / adj. 宽的;宽阔的

The road is only one track wide.(这条路只有一个车道那么宽。)

·as far as I know

/ 就我所知

As far as I know, there are no other man-made objects as big as this.(据我所知,没有其他像这样大的人造物体了。)


/ adj. 人造的

As far as I know, there are no other man-made objects as big as this.(据我所知,没有其他像这样大的人造物体了。)


/ n. 成就;成绩

These are the achievements of the climbers.(这些都是登山者的成就。)


/ adj. 西南的;西南方向的

The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.(喜马拉雅山沿着中国的西南部。)


[θɪk] / adj. 厚的;浓的

Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.(所有的东西都覆盖着厚厚的一层灰尘。)


/ v. 包括;包含

Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.(更严重的困难包括严寒的天气条件和猛烈的风暴。)


/ adj. 极冷的;冰冻的

Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.(更严重的困难包括严寒的天气条件和猛烈的风暴。)


/ n. 条件;状况

Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.(更严重的困难包括严寒的天气条件和猛烈的风暴。)

·take in

/ 吸入;吞入(体内)

It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.(当你接近山顶时,也很难吸入空气。)


/ v. 实现目标;成功

The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.(第一位成功的女性是1975年从日本来的田井俊子。)


/ v. & n. 挑战;考验

People want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.(面对困难,人们想挑战自己。)

·in the face of

/ 面对(问题、困难等)

People want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.(面对困难,人们想挑战自己。)


/ v. 达到;完成;成功

We should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.(我们不应该放弃努力去实现我们的梦想。)


/ n. 力;力量

It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.(它还表明,人类有时比自然力量更强大。)


[ˈneɪtʃə(r)] / n. 自然界;大自然

This is nature in the raw.(这是自然的原生态。)

·even though

/ (=even if) 即使;虽然

Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?(为什么这么多人试图攀登这座山,尽管它是危险的?)


[ˈəʊʃn] / n. 大海;海洋

The cape extends far into the ocean.(那海岬伸向海洋远处。)

·the Pacific Ocean

/ 太平洋

No ocean in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocean.(世界上没有比太平洋更大的海洋了。)

·cm (=centimeter/centimetre)

/ 厘米

This elephant is 350 cm tall.(这头大象有350厘米高。)


[weɪ] / v. 重量是…… ;称……的重量

How many pounds do you weigh?(你体重多少磅?)


/ n. 出生;诞生

At birth, a baby panda is about 15 cm long.(出生时,一只熊猫宝宝大约有15厘米长。)

·at birth

/ 出生时

At birth, a baby panda is about 15 cm long.(出生时,一只熊猫宝宝大约有15厘米长。)

·up to

/ 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于

A panda can live up to 20 to 30 years.(一只熊猫可以活20到30年。)


[ˈædʌlt] / adj. 成年的;成人的 n. 成人;成年动物

The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.(成人与儿童的比例为1比6。)


[ˌbæmˈbu:] / n. 竹子

Bamboo produces an annual crop of cane.(竹子每年都能长出一批竹竿。)


/ adj. 濒危的

An education program in Chengdu teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals.(成都的一个教育项目教孩子们有关熊猫和其他濒危野生动物的知识。)


[rɪˈsɜ:tʃ] / n. & v. 研究;调查(用作名词时,重音可放在第一个音节)

That research is ongoing.(那项研究在进行中。)


/ n. 饲养员;保管人

Panda keepers are preparing milk for the baby pandas'' breakfast.(熊猫养员正在为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶。)


/ adj. 醒着

Most of the babies are already awake and hungry.(大多数婴儿已经醒着,饿了。)


/ n. 激动;兴奋

They run over to them with excitement.(他们兴奋地跑向他们。)

·walk into

/ 走路时撞着

Some young pandas even walk into their friends and fall over!(一些年轻的熊猫甚至走进他们的朋友和跌倒!)

·fall over

/ 绊倒

If he drinks more than two glasses of wine he falls over.(如果他喝酒超过两杯,就会醉倒。)

·or so

/ 大约

Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries.(另有300多人生活在中国和其他国家的动物园或研究中心。)


[ˈɪlnəs] / n. 疾病;病

His illness was a severe one.(他的病很严重。)


[waɪld] / adj. 野生

These herbs usually grow wild.(这些草药一般是野生的。)


/ n. 政府;内阁

The Chinese government is trying hard to help save the pandas.(中国政府正努力帮助拯救大熊猫。)


[weɪl] / n. 鲸

A whale is a kind of mammal.(鲸是一种哺乳动物。)


[ɒɪl] / n. 油;食用油;石油

The oil in the lamp had burned up.(灯里油已经烧尽了。)


/ n. 保护;保卫

We have learned the rules on whale protection.(我们已经学会了保护鲸鱼的规则。)


/ adj. 巨大的;极多的

Whales are huge.(鲸鱼很大。)

·Tenzing Norgay

/ 丹增 · 诺尔盖

The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953.(1953年5月29日,登顶的第一批人是坦辛·诺基和埃德蒙·希拉里。)

·Edmund Hillary

/ 埃德蒙 · 希拉里

The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953.(1953年5月29日,登顶的第一批人是坦辛·诺基和埃德蒙·希拉里。)

·Junko Tabei

/ 田部井淳子

The first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.(田纳西州纳什维尔是乡村音乐的发源地。)


/ 珠穆朗玛峰

Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest.(在所有的山脉中,珠穆朗玛峰最高。)

·the Nile

/ 尼罗河

The Nile is the longest river in the world.(尼罗河是世界上最长的河流。)

·the Caspian Sea

/ 里海

The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.(里海是所有盐湖中最深的。)

·the Sahara

/ 撒哈拉沙漠

The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.(撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。)

·the Yangtze River

[ðə ''jæŋzɪ ˈrɪvə(r)] / 长江

The city is very big and it has a famous river,the Yangtze River.(这座城市很大,有一条著名的河流,长江。)

·the Yellow River

/ 黄河

I thought the Yellow River was longer.(我以为黄河更长。)

·the Ming Dynasty

/ 明朝

If we''re only talking about the parts from the Ming Dynasty, it''s about 8,850 kilometers long.(如果我们只谈论明代的部分,大约有8850公里长。)

·the Ming Great Wall

/ 明长城

Is Badaling part of the Ming Great Wall?(八达岭是明朝长城的一部分吗?)

·the Himalayas

/ 喜马拉雅山脉

One of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas.(喜马拉雅山是这里最受欢迎的地方之一。)

·the Amazon River

/ 亚马孙河

The Yangtze River is almost as long as the Amazon River.(长江几乎和亚马逊河一样长。)

·Chengdu Research Base

/ 成都研究基地

It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base.(现在是上午8:30。在成都研究基地。)

UNIT 8 Have you read...(53个单词)


/ n. 珠宝;财富

Have you read Treasure Island yet?(你读过金银岛了吗?)


[ˈaɪlənd] / n. 岛

The island is presently uninhabited.(这座岛目前无人居住。)

·full of

/ 满是……的;( 有)大量的;(有)丰富的

The air was full of the fragrance of flowers.(空气中充满了花香。)


/ n. 经典作品;名著

Robinson Crusoe is a classic.(鲁滨逊漂流记是一部经典。)


[peɪdʒ] / n.(书刊或纸张的)页,面,张

Turn to page 38.(翻到第 38 页。)


[ˈhʌri] / v. 匆忙;赶快

I don''t want to hurry you.(我不想催你。)

·hurry up

[ˈhʌri ʌp] / 赶快;急忙(做某事)

Hurry up! The film has begun.(快一点!电影已经开始了。)


/ adj. 预期;预定

The book report is due in two weeks.(这本书的报告两周后到期。)


[ʃɪp] / n. 船

The ship has docked.(船已经靠码头了。)


[tu:l] / n. 工具

This is a very handy tool for opening cans.(这是一种很简便的开罐头工具。)


[gʌn] / n. 枪;炮

The birds flew with a bang of a gun.(枪一响,鸟儿都炸了窝。)


[mɑ:k] / n. 迹象;记号;分数 v. 做记号;打分

He did well to get such a good mark.(他表现不错,得了这么高的分数。)


[sænd] / n. 沙滩;沙

We went for a walk along the sand.(我们去沙滩上散了散步。)


/ n. 食人肉者

Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.(不久之后,我看到一些食人族试图从一艘破船上杀死两个人。)


/ prep. 朝;向;对着

One of them died but the other ran towards my house.(其中一个死了,另一个朝我家跑去。)


[lænd] / n. 陆地;大地

The sea erodes the land.(海洋侵蚀陆地。)


/ n. 小说

Her favorite kind of books is science fiction.(她最喜欢的书是科幻小说。)

·science fiction

/ 科幻小说(或影片等)

This is a satisfying science fiction.(这是部令人满意的科幻小说。)


/ n. 科技;工艺

She is interested in science and technology.(她对科学和技术感兴趣。)


[frentʃ] / n. 法语

The picture shows many French symbols.(这张图里有很多代表法国的标志。)


[pɒp] / n. 流行音乐;流行乐曲

I know nothing about pop music.(我对流行音乐一无所知。)


[rɒk] / n. 摇滚乐

He was a drummer in a rock band.(他曾是一个摇滚乐团的鼓手。)


/bænd/ / n. 乐队

Whose hair band is this?(这条发带是谁的?)

·country music

/ (也作country)乡村音乐

Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.(从那以后,她一直是美国乡村音乐的粉丝。)


[fərˈevə(r)] / adv. 永远

You and me can be good friends forever.(你和我可以成为永远的朋友。)


/ adv. 在国外;到国外

She was studying abroad in England.(她在英国留学。)


/ adv. 真实地;事实上

She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.(她开始意识到她有多想念他们。)

·ever since

/ 自从

Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.(从那以后,她一直是美国乡村音乐的粉丝。)


[fæn] / n. 迷;狂热爱好者

I''m a sports fan.(我是个体育迷。)


/ adj. 南方的

Country is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.(乡村音乐是来自美国南部各州的一种传统音乐。)


/ adj. 现代的;当代的

Modern inventions facilitate housework.(许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。)


[səkˈses] / n. 成功

This plan was a great success.(这项计划非常成功。)


/ v. 属于;归属

The future belongs to democracy.(未来属于民主。)

·one another

/ 互相

People were kind to each other and trusted one another.(人们彼此友好,互相信任。)


[ˈlɑ:ftə(r)] / n. 笑;笑声

She infected the whole class with her laughter.(他的笑声感染了全班同学。)


/ n. 美;美丽

I was astounded by its beauty.(它的美丽震撼了我。)


[ˈmɪljən] / num. 一百万

Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.(失业人数正迅速逼近百万大关。)


/ n. 唱片;记录 v. 录制;录(音)

He''s sold more than 120 million records.(他卖出了超过1.2亿张唱片。)


[ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] / v. 介绍;引见

Let me introduce myself.(我来自我介绍一下。)


[laɪn] / n. 行;排

I had been standing in line for three hours.(我已经排了3个小时的队。)


/ 亚历克斯(男名)

What are you listening to, Alex?(你在听什么亚历克斯?)

·Garth Brooks

/ 加思 · 布鲁克斯

Here are two tickets for tonight''s concert of Garth Brooks, the country-and-western music star.(送上两张西部乡村音乐歌手盖茨布鲁克斯今晚的音乐会门票。)

·The Beatles

/ 披头士乐队(英国)

They listen to many songs by The Beatles.(他们听甲壳虫乐队的许多歌曲。)

·Treasure Island

/ 《金银岛》

Have you read Treasure Island yet?(你读过金银岛了吗?)

·Alice in Wonderland

/ 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

I am reading Alice in Wonderland.(我在读“爱丽丝梦游仙境”。)

·Little Women

/ 《小妇人》

Have you read Little Women yet?(你读过“小女人”了吗?)

·Oliver Twist

/ 《雾都孤儿》

Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.(“雾都孤儿”讲述的是一个男孩出海发现一个充满宝藏的小岛。)

·Robinson Crusoe

/ 《鲁滨逊漂流记》

Robinson Crusoe is a classic.(鲁滨逊漂流记是一部经典。)

·Tom Sawyer

/ 《汤姆 · 索亚历险记》

Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom.(汤姆·索耶讲的是一个住在英国的男孩。)

·Harry Potter

/ 《哈利 · 波特》

I am reading Harry Potter.(我在读哈利波特。)


/ 纳什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)

Nashville, Tennessee is the home of country music.(田纳西州纳什维尔是乡村音乐的发源地。)


/ 田纳西州(美国)

Nashville, Tennessee is the home of country music.(田纳西州纳什维尔是乡村音乐的发源地。)

·Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

/ 乡村音乐名人堂与博物馆

She knows that there is the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville.(她知道纳什维尔有乡村音乐名人堂和博物馆。)

UNIT 9 Have you ever been to..(52个单词)


/ n. 娱乐;游戏

Linda went to the amusement park yesterday.(琳达昨天去了游乐园。)

·amusement park

[ˌəˈmju:zmənt pɑ:k] / 游乐场

Disneyland is an amusement park.(迪士尼是一个娱乐公园。)


[ˈsʌmweə(r)] / adv. 在某处;到某处

Birds were chattering somewhere.(鸟儿在某处唧唧喳喳地叫着。)


[ˈkæmərə] / n. 照相机;摄影机;摄像机

This camera is too dear.(这架照相机太贵了。)


[ɪnˈvenʃn] / n. 发明;发明物

The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.(纺车是中国人的发明。)


[ɪnˈvent] / v. 发明;创造

He didn''t just invent the bulb.(他并不仅仅发明了灯泡。)


/ adj. 难以置信的;不真实的

It''s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!(令人难以置信的是,技术进步如此之快!)


/ v. & n. 进步;进展

It''s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!(令人难以置信的是,技术进步如此之快!)


/ adj. 迅速的;快速的

It''s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way!(令人难以置信的是,技术进步如此之快!)


/ adj. 特别的;不寻常的

I''ve recently been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets.(我最近去了印度一个非常不寻常的博物馆,国际厕所博物馆。)


[ˈtɔɪlɪt] / n. 坐便器;厕所

The boy is cleaning the toilet.(那个男孩正在打扫厕所。)


/ v. 鼓励

We must promote originality and encourage innovation.(我们必须提倡创意,鼓励革新。)


/ adj. 社会的

We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity.(我们基于社会正义和公平发出这一呼吁。)


/ adj. 和平的;安宁的

It''s a relaxing and peaceful place.(这是一个放松和平静的地方。)

·tea art

/ 茶艺

The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.(茶艺表演展示了如何用漂亮的茶具制作一杯完美的茶。)


/pəˈfɔ:məns/ / n. 表演;演出

The performance starts at seven.(演出七点开始。)


/ adj. 完美的;完全的

The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.(茶艺表演展示了如何用漂亮的茶具制作一杯完美的茶。)

·tea set

/ 茶具

The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.(茶艺表演展示了如何用漂亮的茶具制作一杯完美的茶。)


/ pron.(it的反身代词)它自己

Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.(观看茶的准备和喝茶一样令人愉快。)


[kəˈlekt] / v. 收集;采集

I collect shells and interesting seaside items.(我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。)

·a couple of

/ 两个;一对;几个

Well, I''ve already been there a couple of times.(我已经去过那里好几次了。)


/ adj. 德国的;德语的;德国人的 n. 德语;德国人

There are some special German paintings there right now.(现在那里有一些特殊的德国画。)


/ n. 主题

Disneyland is an amusement park with a special theme — Disney characters and movies.(迪斯尼乐园是一个有着特殊主题的游乐园——迪斯尼人物和电影。)


[raɪd] / n. 供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程

Teach me how to ride a bicycle.(请你教我怎样骑自行车。)


/ˈprɒvɪns/ / n. 省份

This university is directly under the Province.(这所大学由省直接管。)


[ˈθaʊznd] / num. 一千

This hall is big enough for a thousand people.(这个礼堂能盛一千人。)

·thousands of

/ 数以千计的;许许多多的

Thousands of students have taken part in demonstrations.(数千学生参加了游行。)

·on the one hand ... on the other hand …

/ 一方面...另一方面...

On the one hand, it''s pretty. On the other hand, it''s smart.(一方面,它很漂亮。另一方面,它很聪明。)


[seɪf] / adj. 安全的;无危险的

By using the safe,your money will be safer.(能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全。)


/ adv. 仅仅;只;不过

You can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time.(你可以说很多次的普通话。)


/ v. & n. 害怕;惧怕

Maybe you fear that you won''t be able to find anything good to eat when you travel.(也许你害怕旅行时找不到好吃的东西吃。)


/ conj. 不管……(还是);或者……(或者);是否

Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you''ll find it all in Singapore!(无论你喜欢印度菜,西餐还是日本菜,你都会在新加坡找到它!)


[ˈɪndiən] / adj. 印度的 n. 印度人

He knew a lot about the Indian customs.(他对印度的习俗了解得很多。)


[ˌdʒæpə''ni:z] / adj. 日本的;日本人的;日语的 n. 日本人;日语

He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature.(毋庸置疑,他是日本的文学巨匠之一。)


[fɒks] / n. 狐狸

He''s a sly old fox.(他是一只狡猾的老狐狸。)

·all year round

[ɔ:l jə: raund] / 全年

He works all the year round without a holiday.(他一年到头工作。没有假日。)


/ n. 赤道

This is because the island is so close to the equator.(这是因为这个岛离赤道太近了。)


/ conj. 在任何……的时候;无论何时

So you can choose to go whenever you like — spring, summer, autumn or winter.(所以你可以选择去任何时候你喜欢-春天,夏天,秋天或冬天。)


[sprɪŋ] / n. 春天

I can fly a kite in spring.(我可以在春天放风筝。)


/ adv. 主要地;通常

What languages do people speak there? Mostly Chinese.(那里的人讲什么语言?大多是中国人。)


/ n. 地点;位置

Do you know the size and location of Singapore?(你知道新加坡的大小和位置吗?)

·National Science Museum

/ 国家科学博物馆

I went to the National Science Museum last year.(去年我去了国家科学博物馆。)

·International Museum of Toilets

/ 国际厕所博物馆

I''ve recently been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets.(我最近去了印度一个非常不寻常的博物馆,国际厕所博物馆。)

·Hangzhou National Tea Museum

/ 杭州国家茶博物馆

Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.(去年我去了杭州国家茶馆。)

·Donald Duck

/ 唐老鸭

Most of us saw Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before.(我们大多数人以前都看过米老鼠、唐老鸭和其他著名的迪斯尼卡通人物。)


[ˈdɪznilænd] / 迪斯尼乐园

If you go to the USA,you can visit Disneyland.(如果你去美国,你可以参观迪斯尼乐园。)

·Disney Cruise

/ 迪斯尼游轮

And have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise?(你听说过迪斯尼游轮吗?)

·the Terracotta Army

/ 兵马俑

I saw the Terracotta Army.(我看到了兵马俑。)

·the Bird''s Nest

/ 鸟巢

Have you been to the Bird''s Nest?(你去过鸟巢吗?)


[ˌsɪŋgə''pɔ:] / 新加坡

Singapore and South Africa have established diplomatic relations.(新加坡和南非已经建立了外交关系。)

·Southeast Asia

/ 东南亚

They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.(他们希望该条约能够为东南亚带来和平与稳定。)

·Night Safari

/ 夜间野生动物园

Singapore has a Night Safari.(新加坡有夜游。)

UNIT 10 I’ve had this bike...(48个单词)


[jɑ:d] / n. 院子

The wind drifted the leaves across our yard.(树叶随风飘过我们的院子。)

·yard sale

/ 庭院拍卖会

Jeff''s family is having a yard sale.(杰夫的家人正在举行庭院大甩卖。)


[swi:t] / adj. 甜蜜的;甜的;含糖

Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.(如果你喜欢吃甜的就多加点蜂蜜。)


/''mem(ə)rɪ/ / n. 记忆;回忆

He trusts to his memory too much.(他过于信赖自己的记忆力。)


[sent] / n. 分;分币

We haven''t got a cent.(我们身无分文。)


[tɒɪ] / n. 玩具

The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。)


[beə(r)] / n. 熊

Can I have a bear?(可以给我一只玩具熊吗?)


/ n. 生产者;制订者

Amy''s mom has had the old bread maker for more than 10 years.(艾米的妈妈已经做了十多年的老面包师傅了。)

·bread maker

/ 面包机

Amy''s mom has had the old bread maker for more than 10 years.(艾米的妈妈已经做了十多年的老面包师傅了。)


[skɑ:f] / n. 围巾;披巾;头巾

She tied a knot in her scarf.(她把围巾打了个结。)


[sɒft] / adj. 软的;柔软的

Pat it dry with a soft towel.(用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。)

·soft toy

/ 软体玩具;布绒玩具

Here''s a soft toy for you.(给你一个毛绒玩具。)


[tʃek] / v. & n. 检查;审查

Check your work before handing it in.(交作业以前先检查一遍。)

·check out

/ 察看;观察

Everything checks out.(查过了,一切正常。)


[bɔ:d] / n. 板;木板

He wrote a few more notes on the board.(他在黑板上又写了几条注释。)

·board game

/ 棋类游戏

And check out these soft toys and board games for younger kids.(看看这些给小孩子玩的软玩具和棋盘游戏。)


/ adj. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的

My daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior high school.(我的女儿16岁,我的儿子已经上初中了。)

·junior high school

[ˈdʒu:njə hai sku:l] / 初级中学

At my junior high school graduation.(在我初中毕业的时候。)


[klɪə(r)] / v. 清理;清除

The muddy water slowly cleared.(浑浊的水慢慢变得清澈起来。)

·clear out

/ 清理,丢掉

We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms.(我们已经从卧室里清理了很多东西。)


[''bedruːm; -rʊm] / n. 卧室

I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)

·no longer

/ 不再;不复

We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.(我们决定各卖五件不再使用的东西。)


[əʊn] / v. 拥有;有

I need a room of my own.(我需要有一间自己的房间。)


/ n. 铁路;铁道

For example, he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday.(例如,自从他4岁生日以来,他就拥有一辆火车和火车。)


[pɑ:t] / v. 离开;分开

He was just right for the part.(他是那个角色的不二人选。)

·part with

/ 放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)

She also felt sad to part with certain toys.(她也为离开某些玩具而感到难过。)


/ adj. 某种;某事;某人

She also felt sad to part with certain toys.(她也为离开某些玩具而感到难过。)

·as for

/ 至于;关于

As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts.(至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衫。)


[ˈɒnɪst] / adj. 诚实的;老实的

He is an honest boy.(他是个诚实的男孩。)

·to be honest

/ 说实在的

But, to be honest, I have not played for a while now.(但老实说,我已经有一段时间没玩了。)


/waɪl/ / n. 一段时间;一会儿

They walked on in silence for a while.(他们默默地走了一会儿。)


/ adj. 诚实的;真实的

I?was?trying to?be?truthful?and real.(我想要诚实和真实。)


[ˈhəʊmtaʊn] / n. 家乡;故乡

Is it your hometown?(它是你的故乡吗?)


/ adv. 现今;现在;目前

Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.(如今,数以百万计的中国人离开农村到城市找工作。)


[sɜ:tʃ] / v. & n. 搜索;搜查

It was a fruitless search.(搜寻工作毫无结果。)


[əˈmʌŋ] / prep. 在(其)中;……之一

They strolled among the crowds.(他们在人群中信步而行。)


[ˈkreɪən] / n. 彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔)

Do you have crayon?(你有蜡笔吗?)


/ n. 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧

It''s a shame, but I just don''t have the time.(太可惜了,但我没时间。)


/ v. 将……认为;把……视为;看待

Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.(许多像钟伟这样的人非常感兴趣地看待他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化。)


[kaʊnt] / v. 数数

The children are learning how to count.(孩子们在学数数儿。)


/ n. 百年;世纪

Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th century.(从20世纪中叶起,孩子们就在我的老小学里学会了读书和数数。)

·according to

/ 依据;按照

According to Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change.(然而,根据钟伟的说法,有些事情是永远不会改变的。)


[ˈɒpəzɪt] / prep. 与……相对;在……对面 adj. 对面的;另一边的

He sat down in the chair opposite.(他在对面的椅子上坐了下来。)


/ adv. 尤其;特别;格外

He''s especially hardworking.(他工作特别努力。)


/ n. 童年;幼年

It was such a happy childhood.(那是一个如此快乐的童年。)


/ v. 注视;仔细考虑

You must?consider?the matter?well?before?deciding.(你必须考虑这件事?嗯?在决定之前。)

·close to

/ 几乎;接近

Zhong Wei hasn''t been back in close to three years.(钟伟已经近三年没回来了。)


[həʊld] / v.(held, held)拥有;抓住

China held the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.(中国举办了第 29 届北京奥运会。)







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