“Sad” 的近义词有哪些? 您所在的位置:网站首页 华为手机怎样把歌曲下载到本地音乐 “Sad” 的近义词有哪些?

“Sad” 的近义词有哪些?

2024-07-03 01:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



“Sad” 的近义词有哪些?


形容词 “sorrowful、miserable、gloomy” 和 “depressing” 都是 “sad” 的近义词,表示 “伤心的”。在描述一个人的悲伤之情时,它们与形容词 “sad” 的区别是什么?能否互换使用?本期 “你问我答” 节目举例讲解这组近义词的用法。


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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。With me, Jiaying.

GeorgieAnd me, Georgie. One of our listeners has asked us a question:

QuestionI want to know the nuance between 'sad', 'sorrowful', 'miserable', 'gloomy' and 'depressing'. Are the words interchangeable?

GeorgieJiaying, the weather today is miserable, isn't it? It's pouring with rain, and the clouds are making the sky really dark and gloomy.

JiayingI know, it's really depressing. 本期节目问题中的词语都是 “sad(伤心的,难过的)” 的近义词,而且它们的含义都和 “一个人的消极感受” 有关。其中,有一些还可以用来描述 “天气状况是糟糕的”。

GeorgieLet's start with 'sad'. It's the most common and versatile adjective and can cover a spectrum of unhappiness, from mild to deep sadness. It can describe the human feeling, or something that causes the human feeling, like sad news.

Jiaying没错,形容词 “sad” 是问题中提到的五个词语当中最常用且涵盖范围最广的一个。它可以用来描述不同程度的 “悲伤”,包括 “有点难过的” 和 “悲痛欲绝的”。此外,形容词 “sad” 还可以用来描述 “一样东西或一件事情是让人感到难过的,凄惨的”。来听两个例句。

ExamplesThe end of the movie made him feel sad.(这部电影的结局使他感到悲伤。)

The movie had a sad ending.(这部电影有一个悲伤的结局。)

Jiaying接下来看一看形容词 “sorrowful”。“Sorrowful” 的意思是 “悲痛的”,它来自名词 “sorrow(悲痛)”。这种情感很可能是因经历了悲剧性的事件而产生的。

GeorgieIt has a poetic feel to it and is more common in written English than spoken English. It's also more common in its noun form 'sorrow'. We could say someone is 'full of sorrow' or has 'a deep sorrow' after a loss.

Jiaying是的,“sorrowful” 和 “sorrow” 听起来比较有诗意,在英语书面语中要比在口语中更常见。名词 “sorrow” 的使用频率要高于它的形容词 “sorrowful” 的使用频率。如果某个人失去了一个重要的人,我们就可以使用搭配 “full of sorrow(充满了悲伤的,满怀忧伤的)” 或 “a deep sorrow(深切的悲痛)”。来听两个使用了 “sorrowful” 和 “sorrow” 的例句。

ExamplesThe funeral had a sorrowful atmosphere.(葬礼的气氛沉痛。)

The old man's eyes reflected a lifetime of sorrow and loss.(老人的双眼里尽显其一生的悲伤和失落。)

Jiaying下面,我们说一说 “depressing”。我们先来区分一下形容词 “depressing” 和 “depressed” 之间的区别。“Depressing” 的意思是 “一件事情是令人沮丧的,使人感到消沉的”,而形容词 “depressed” 则用来描述 “人的感受是抑郁的,极为沮丧的,消沉的”。

GeorgieThese adjectives are about an intense sadness which is characterised by a loss of hope.

Jiaying是的,这两个形容词都强调了 “一种极为沮丧的,感到了无希望的情绪”。

GeorgieJiaying, you also used the word 'depressing' to describe the weather earlier.

JiayingYes. In London, it can be depressing when we don't see the Sun for a while. It makes me depressed! 来听两个分别使用了形容词 “depressing” 和 “depressed” 的例句。

ExamplesThe documentary about climate change was depressing.(这部关于气候变化的纪录片令人沮丧。)

After losing her job, she felt depressed and struggled to find motivation.(失去工作后,她倍感消沉,很难找到动力。)

GeorgieNow, 'miserable' is another extreme version of 'sad'.

Jiaying没错,形容词 “miserable” 也是 “sad” 的一个近义词,意思是 “痛苦的,苦恼的”,但它强调了一种程度极深的 “sadness(痛苦和悲伤之情)”。

GeorgieIt's often used with words like 'absolutely', 'truly' and 'totally'. Like 'sad', it can be used to describe the human feeling, or something that causes it.

Jiaying形容词 “miserable” 还可以用来描述 “一件事情是令人难受的、悲惨的”。比如,在节目的一开始,Georgie,你用 “miserable” 描述了 “天气情况是非常糟糕的”。听两个例句。

ExamplesAfter breaking up with his girlfriend, he felt absolutely miserable.(和女友分手后,他感到非常痛苦。)

It was a truly miserable year for Sarah after she lost her beloved cat.(这一年对莎拉来说真的很痛苦,因为她失去了心爱的猫。)

GeorgieFinally, let's talk about 'gloomy'. This one's interesting because it has a kind of literal and metaphorical sense. Literally, it means something similar to 'dark'.

Jiaying形容词 “gloomy” 的字面意思是 “因光线不足而阴暗的,幽暗的”。

GeorgieI said earlier that the dark clouds were making the sky look gloomy.

Jiaying形容词 “gloomy” 还有一个抽象的引申义,用来比喻 “人的情绪是悲观的,惆怅的”、“气氛是阴郁的” 或 “前景是黯淡无望的”。来听两个例句。

ExamplesThe gloomy weather matched his gloomy mood.(阴郁的天气正映衬了他惆怅的心情。)

There was a gloomy atmosphere inside the abandoned mansion.(这座废弃豪宅里的气氛十分阴沉。)

Jiaying来总结一下问题中的五个词语在描述 “悲伤” 这种感受时的区别:形容词 “sad” 最常用,涵盖的 “悲伤” 程度范围最广;形容词 “sorrowful” 的意思也是 “悲伤的”,但它更具诗意,这很可能是在经历了一件非常令人难过的事情之后而产生的悲伤之情;形容词 “depressed” 和 “miserable” 都可以用来表达 “极为悲伤的”,但与 “sad” 相比,它们强调的 “悲伤” 程度更深切、更强烈;形容词 “gloomy(阴暗的)” 有一个来自其字面意思的抽象引申义,就是 “悲观惆怅的”。

GeorgieRemember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博私信的形式把你的问题发送给我们,我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。Bye, everyone!







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