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2024-06-28 09:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Spring Festival around, appeared virus of shape of a kind of new-style coronal, virus transmission speed is splitting, short-term inside a lot of people are affected, diagnose number is day-to-day climb litre, the condition is critical, a war that does not have smoke of gunpowder was pulled open prelusive. With respect to the moment of truth in epidemic situation of beat back of people in the same condition help each other of the people of the whole country, have such a flock of people, disregard hard dangerous and difficult road, the cure that they come from ”—— of the person that make the retrograde motion of the most beautiful “ on the road that fight epidemic disease to visit town individually namely protects personnel —— they are freewill ask for battle assignment, head for epidemic situation front, obligatory “ abandons small home to be everybody ” , bear the hope of the people of the whole country, hurry off to a gleam of of Wuhan war pestilence, with time race, fight with Azrael. They are countrywide pride, it is the hero of this times, also be most angel!

春节前后,出现了一种新型冠状病毒,病毒传播速度极快,短期内许多人被感染,确诊人数逐日攀升,形势危急,一场没有硝烟的战争拉开了序幕。就在全国人民同舟共济抗击疫情的关键时刻,有这样一群人,不顾艰难险阻,成为抗疫道路上的最美“逆行者”——他们就是来自各个省市的医护人员——他们自愿请战,前往疫情前线,义不容辞“舍小家为大家”,背负全国人民的希望,奔赴武汉战疫一线,和时间赛跑,与死神搏斗。他们是全国的骄傲,是这个时代的英雄,也是最可爱的人!作文吧 WWW.zuOwEnBa.Net

Pattern of transmission of new coronal virus is mixed, transmission speed is swift and violent, for cure more patients, cure protects personnel to cannot topple absolutely, their need is fully armed, put on defend thickly take. Because defend goods and materials is limited, our cure protects personnel to be taken to change a few less to defend, decrease as far as possible even have a meal, the time that drinks water. Our ordinary person can not suffer such pain. Here, want to protect personnel to respected cure people say: You worked hard! Beat back epidemic situation while, also take care of oneself body please!


There still are a lot of touching deeds during epidemic situation, countless lovely cure protect personnel to change medical worker to guard before people. Some children are kept apart because of parents, cannot get taking care of, cure protects personnel to act as removed “ temporarily mom ” , the solace that use love is worn the heart that the child gets hurt; The battle received the information that father dies in Doctor Feng of front, a “ that bears a tear Is am sorry, father walked along good ” to touch how many person all the way! Good-bye, become part forever, losing close kin is a how thorny issue, but without method, doctor Feng says: “ still has a lot of patients to waiting for my cure ” . Cure person benevolence heart, they are Everyman originally, draped heroic armature however right now; Doctor Zhang Jixian is being accepted when interviewing parents be askinged about, burst into tears the ground says: “ does not talk about my people, I very ashamed is right parents, I can furtive in miss their ……” to bear a mission, faithful filial piety is difficult complete! Such countless cure protect personnel advance wave upon wave to hurry off to the front that fight epidemic disease, of short duration fastens family to get together for longer in the future look only!


This is a war that does not have smoke of gunpowder, also be one is born with dead test. Of your defend is life, those who guard is the acceptance of heal the wounded and rescue the dying! You let common people know, what is sacrifice small I, success is great me. You are the commonnest the most gallant however soldier, also be the most ordinary the warmest however angel! Here, protect personnel greeting to all cure, to all fighting bravely that personnel is protected to give out the most cordial blessing in the cure of a gleam of. Wuhan is cheered, china is cheered! Spring already came, already was to spend brilliant time, those who believe us will be more good tomorrow!







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