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乔布斯传翻译笔记:老乔与艾弗 高山流水遇知音

#乔布斯传翻译笔记:老乔与艾弗 高山流水遇知音| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1997年9月,当艾弗因不满原iCEO集团追求利益最大化而忽视产品设计(focus on profit maximization rather than product design),意欲辞职时(was planning to quit),乔布斯对企业理念的再次阐释成功劝服艾弗留下。他们成为了那个时代最伟大的工业设计搭档(the greatest industrial design collaboration)。乔布斯对艾弗关爱有加,两人除了工作伙伴也是亲密的朋友,高山流水,惺惺相惜。乔布斯从未故意伤害艾弗(Steve is never intentionally wounding to him),艾弗是乔布斯生命中无法取代的人( Most people in Steve's life are replaceable. But not Jony)。


Jobs described to me his respect for Ive:

The difference that Jony has made, not only at Apple but in the world, is huge. He is a wickedly intelligent person in all ways. He understands business concepts, marketing concepts. He picks stuff up just like that, click. He understands what we do at our core better than anyone. If I had a spiritual partner at Apple, it’s Jony. Jony and I think up most of the products together and then pull others in and say, “Hey, what do you think about this?” He gets the big picture as well as the most infinitesimal details about each product. And he understands that Apple is a product company. He’s not just a designer. That's why he works directly for me. He has more operational power than anyone else at Apple except me. There’s no one who can tell him what to do, or to butt out. That’s the way I set it up.(Chapter 26 Design Principle: John Ive)  





1.John Ive:艾弗在伦敦东北部的清福德镇长大。父亲是一名银匠,在当地的大学教授传统技艺。艾弗曾在纽卡斯尔理工学院(Newcastle Polytechnic)进行学习,并利用业余时间和暑假在一家设计顾问公司工作。他的毕业设计是一套麦克风和听筒,由单一的白色塑料制成,用于和有听力缺陷的儿童交流。他还设计过一台自动取款机和一款流线型电话机,这两个作品都曾获得英国皇家艺术学院奖。和其他设计师不同,他不仅能勾画出精美的草图,还关注工程学以及内部元件的工作原理。毕业之后,艾弗和人合伙在伦敦成立了一家名为蜜橘(Tangerine)的设计公司,并和苹果公司签订了咨询合同。1992年,乔尼移居到加州的库比蒂诺,开始在苹果公司的设计部门工作。

ly  adv. 心眼坏地;居心叵测

1 The knife gleamed wickedly in the moonlight.那把刀在月光下闪着凶光.

2. He that lives wickedly can hardly die honestly.过着邪恶生活的人不会正直地死去。

3.I feel I was wickedly selfish last night.我感觉到我昨晚上自私自利到了不仁不义的程度了



1. This concept is at the very core of her theory.这个概念是她理论的核心。

2. It took a long time to get to the core of the affair.花了很长时间才抓住这件事的要害。

3.He was a military man to the core.他是个地地道道的军人。

4.Let's get to the core of the argument.咱们进入实质性的辩论吧。




1.The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal.人体对金属铁的年摄入量是微不足道的。

2.A millionth of an inch is an infinitesimal length.一英寸的百万分之一是极小的长度。

3.An entire ecosystem contained in one infinitesimal speck.这样小的细菌也包含有一个完整的生态系统.


He stamped his butt on floor.他在地板上踩灭了他的烟蒂。


Doctors' handwriting has been butt of jokes for many years.医生的笔迹多年来一直是人们的笑柄。


May I butt in on your conversation?我可以插句话吗?

butt out 不必多嘴







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