剑桥雅思13Test2大作文范文解析:我们是否有太多的选择 您所在的位置:网站首页 剑15t2大作文范文 剑桥雅思13Test2大作文范文解析:我们是否有太多的选择


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2018 年 09 月 14 日 来源:朗播网

摘要:大部分考生在备考雅思时都会选择使用剑桥雅思系列资料,尤其是剑桥雅思13。本文就为大家带来剑桥雅思真题13Test2大作文范文解析:我们是否有太多的选择,一起来看看写作考些什么。 ## 题目 Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题型:同意与否 翻译:有些人认为,现在我们有太多的选择。 对此你是否同意? ## 写作结构 开头段:背景介绍+个人观点 主体段 1:(赞同/反对我们有太多选择)理由1+论证 主体段 2:(赞同/反对我们有太多选择)理由2+论证 让步段:反面观点+论证 结尾段:总结理由+重申观点 ## 范文解析 ### 开头段 交代背景“我们生活在一个高度工业化和商业化的时代,有些人认为我们有太多的选择和可能性”,表示“我不同意这种观点”。 背景句:We are living in a highly industrialised and commercialised era, and some people believe that we are offered too many choices and possibilities. 个人观点:I disagree with this opinion, and I think that what we can choose and decide on are rather limited due to the following reasons. ### 主体段 1 不赞同我们有太多的选择,因为当人们去购物并试图寻找理想的伴侣时,他们并不总能得到他们渴望的东西,其他主观因素,如道德标准,价值观和相互吸引力,也会影响一个人选择合作伙伴的决定。 主题句:First, a large pool doesn’t mean that you’ll catch the fish you truly want. 平行列举+递进分析:When people go shopping and try to find an ideal partner, they don’t always get what they crave for. Even though the store shelves are packed with commodities, shoppers still spend hours hesitating over the products and sometimes have to leave with nothing. When it comes to relationships, people can be even more selective. A candidate’s physical appearance, financial security, and even social connection will be considered. Other subjective factors, such as moral standard, values and mutual attraction, also influence one’s decision of choosing a partner. ### 主体段 2 不赞同我们有太多选择,个人能力和情况也有助于我们有限的选择,此外,求职者对工作带来的收入和前景的期望再次缩小了他的职业选择范围。 主题句:In addition, individual ability and situation also contribute to the limited options we have. 平行列举+递进分析:The prestigious colleges and universities worldwide seem to present innumerable possibilities. However, without a strong academic record, we can’t even be put on the waiting-list. Another example is professional development. The robustly growing economy has created more occupations and opportunities, while one can always find what precisely fits his professional skill and background. Besides, a job hunter’s expectation concerning the income and prospect that the job brings, again, narrows down the range of his occupational choices. ### 让步段 有些人可能会争辩说,我们接触并受到太多选择的诱惑。但我们的知识和经验的限制最终会导致我们从众多潜在的选择中找到一个特定的选择。 Some may argue that we are exposed to and tempted by too many choices. But I believe it is arrogant to claim that one can take whatever is offered on the menu. Because, the limitation of our knowledge and experience would eventually lead us to a specific option out of numerous potential choices. ### 结尾段 总结理由+重申观点:即使人类似乎沉迷于前所未有的物质富裕,但人们在做出选择时没有完全的自由,选择已经受到限制。 Therefore, even though human-beings are seemingly indulged in the unprecedented material affluence, we can’t deny the fact that people do not possess total liberty when making a choice and that the options are already limited due to certain circumstances and criteria. ## 重点表达 decide on 决定 when it comes to 当涉及到... the range of ...的范围 以上就是关于剑桥雅思13Test2大作文范文解析。各位考生要好好利用剑桥真题,平时备考过程中勤加练习,遇到问题多分析多总结。







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