机械与动力工程学院基础与实验教学中心 您所在的位置:网站首页 减速器设计方法有几种 机械与动力工程学院基础与实验教学中心


2024-06-29 03:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The design of mechanical equipment and analysis experiment is one of the required experiments for the Design and Manufacture I and the Introduction of Mechanical Design courses. The reducer is a kind of mechanical equipment widely used in real life, which can reduce the speed and increase the torque. The reducer structures designed includes: the design of power train parts (gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm, etc.), support parts (shaft, bearings, etc.), reducer box and sealing, etc. It is a good reference equipment for students the first time to finish the design task.

Because it is the first time for students to design independently, they are not familiar with the design of gear structure, machining process, assembly process, the shaft structure, process, materials selected, heat treatment .also with the case structure, casting (welding) process , bearing types and seal form selection, etc. No experience with installation. It is necessary for students to do this experiment.which students can learn more about the overall structure of equipment and each parts, to further understand and grasp the various parts of the machining process, installation method and mechanical equipment design process. Especially in the installation requirements between the moving parts and moving parts, moving parts and fixing parts, bearings assembly and disassembly. Through the experiment, students can understand the theory of curriculum knowledge deeply.






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