小学英语作文:我的城市杭州(My City Hangzhou) 您所在的位置:网站首页 关于杭州的英语作文带翻译 小学英语作文:我的城市杭州(My City Hangzhou)

小学英语作文:我的城市杭州(My City Hangzhou)

2022-03-25 14:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I live in Hangzhou.It is a beautigul city.It's my hometown.Every year it attracts large number of tourists come here all over the world.We have Xihu here and many places of interest.I think you will love it when you see it oneday.I want to grow up quickly.Andj I will try my best to protect our city and make a contribution to it.I think if everyone protects it ,my city will becone much more beautiful.I love my city!

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