完整的新闻项目【JavaWeb】 您所在的位置:网站首页 关于房产新闻的app 完整的新闻项目【JavaWeb】


2024-06-08 19:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

前言:本项目主要用eclipse和orcl数据库进行搭建。重点是代码封装! 基本上是“换汤不换药”,代码大都“神似且形似”。 一、项目功能:







1、在orcl数据库中创建 新闻表(news)、新闻主题表(subject)、用户表(User)、评论表(ptext)



4、创建对应的包结构 优化新闻管理系统(分层) entity:新闻、主题、评论、用户 dao:新闻dao、主题dao、评论dao、用户dao com.china.dao ——数据操作类 com.china.entity ——实体类(实体即抽象出来的用户对象,对应数据库中的User表,表中的每个字段在实体中为一个属性) com.china.util ——帮助类

三、进入主题  帮助类:DBHelper package com.china.util; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; public class DBHelper { //OracleDriver alt+? private static String cname = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; private static String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"; private static String user = "scott"; private static String upwd = "tiger"; //注册驱动类 static { try { Class.forName(cname); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 连接数据库 * @return */ public static Connection getCon() { Connection con = null; try { con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, upwd); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return con; } /** * 关闭连接 * @param con * @param ps * @param rs */ public static void closeDB(Connection con,PreparedStatement ps,ResultSet rs) { try { if(con!=null) { con.close(); } if(ps!=null) { ps.close(); } if(rs!=null) { rs.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 下一个获取下一个编号的方法 * @return 下一个编号 */ public static int getNextId(String tableName,String col) { int id = 1; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { //连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); ps = con.prepareStatement("select max("+col+") from "+tableName); //执行sql语句 rs = ps.executeQuery(); if(rs.next()) { id = rs.getInt(1)+1; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { DBHelper.closeDB(con, ps, rs); } return id; } } 实体类(仅展示一个,其他类以此类推):News  package com.china.entity; import java.sql.Date; public class News { private int nid; private int tid; private String ntitle; private String nzz; private String nnr; private Date ndate; private String nzy; private int nlook; private String nimg; public News() { super(); } public News(int nid, int tid, String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, Date ndate, String nzy, String nimg) { super(); this.nid = nid; this.tid = tid; this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.ndate = ndate; this.nzy = nzy; this.nimg = nimg; } public News(int tid, String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, Date ndate, String nzy, int nlook, String nimg) { super(); this.tid = tid; this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.ndate = ndate; this.nzy = nzy; this.nlook = nlook; this.nimg = nimg; } public News(int tid, String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, String nzy, String nimg) { super(); this.tid = tid; this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.nzy = nzy; this.nimg = nimg; } public News(String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, String nzy, String nimg) { super(); this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.nzy = nzy; this.nimg = nimg; } public News(int nid, int tid, String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, String nzy, String nimg) { super(); this.nid = nid; this.tid = tid; this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.nzy = nzy; this.nimg = nimg; } public News(int nid, int tid, String ntitle, String nzz, String nnr, Date ndate, String nzy, int nlook, String nimg) { super(); this.nid = nid; this.tid = tid; this.ntitle = ntitle; this.nzz = nzz; this.nnr = nnr; this.ndate = ndate; this.nzy = nzy; this.nlook = nlook; this.nimg = nimg; } public int getNid() { return nid; } public void setNid(int nid) { this.nid = nid; } public int getTid() { return tid; } public void setTid(int tid) { this.tid = tid; } public String getNtitle() { return ntitle; } public void setNtitle(String ntitle) { this.ntitle = ntitle; } public String getNzz() { return nzz; } public void setNzz(String nzz) { this.nzz = nzz; } public String getNnr() { return nnr; } public void setNnr(String nnr) { this.nnr = nnr; } public Date getNdate() { return ndate; } public void setNdate(Date ndate) { this.ndate = ndate; } public String getNzy() { return nzy; } public void setNzy(String nzy) { this.nzy = nzy; } public int getNlook() { return nlook; } public void setNlook(int nlook) { this.nlook = nlook; } public String getNimg() { return nimg; } public void setNimg(String nimg) { this.nimg = nimg; } @Override public String toString() { return "News [nid=" + nid + ", tid=" + tid + ", ntitle=" + ntitle + ", nzz=" + nzz + ", nnr=" + nnr + ", ndate=" + ndate + ", nzy=" + nzy + ", nlook=" + nlook + ", nimg=" + nimg + "]"; } }  数据操作类:NewsDao package com.china.dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.sql.Date; import com.china.entity.News; import com.china.util.DBHelper; public class NewsDao { // 添加新闻 /** * 添加新闻 * @param news 要添加的新闻对象 * @return 成功返回1,失败返回0 */ public int addNews(News news) { // 声明对象 int i = 0; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { // 连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); ps = con.prepareStatement( "insert into news(nid,tid,ntitle,nzz,ncontent,nzy,ndate,nlook) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,sysdate,0)"); // 给占位符赋值 ps.setInt(1, DBHelper.getNextId("news", "nid")); ps.setInt(2, news.getTid()); ps.setString(3, news.getNtitle()); ps.setString(4, news.getNzz()); ps.setString(5, news.getNnr()); ps.setString(6, news.getNzy()); // 执行sql语句 i = ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { DBHelper.closeDB(con, ps, null); } return i; } // 删除新闻 /** * 删除新闻 * @param nid 要删除的新闻编号 * @return 成功返回1,失败返回0 */ public int delete(int nid) { int i = 0; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { //连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); ps = con.prepareStatement("delete news where nid="+nid); //执行sql语句 i = ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { DBHelper.closeDB(con, ps, null); } return i; } // 修改新闻 /** * 修改新闻 * @param nid 要修改的 新闻编号 * @param news 修改后的新闻 * @return 成功返回1,失败返回0 */ public int upNews(int nid,News news) { int i = 0; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { //连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); ps = con.prepareStatement("update news set tid=?, ntitle=?,nzz=?,ncontent=?,nzy=?,nimg=? where nid="+nid); //给占位符赋值 ps.setInt(1, news.getTid()); ps.setString(2, news.getNtitle()); ps.setString(3, news.getNzz()); ps.setString(4, news.getNnr()); ps.setString(5, news.getNzy()); ps.setString(6, news.getNimg()); //给占位符赋值 i = ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { DBHelper.closeDB(con, ps, null); } return i; } //查询单个 public News getByid(int xy) { News n = null; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { //连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); ps = con.prepareStatement("select * from news where nid="+xy); //执行sql语句 rs = ps.executeQuery(); //处理结果 if(rs.next()) { int nid = rs.getInt(1); int tid = rs.getInt(2); String ntitle = rs.getString(3); String nzz = rs.getString(4); String nnr = rs.getString(5); Date ndate = rs.getDate(6); int nlook = rs.getInt(7); String nzy = rs.getString(8); String nimg = rs.getString(9); //创建对象 n = new News(nid, tid, ntitle, nzz, nnr, ndate, nzy, nlook, nimg); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { DBHelper.closeDB(con, ps, rs); } return n; } //分页查询: /** * 分页查询 * @param pageIndex 页码 * @param pageSize 每页数据条数 * @return 查询到的集合 */ public ArrayList pageNews(int pageIndex,int pageSize){ //声明对象 ArrayList nlist = new ArrayList(); int start = (pageIndex-1)*pageSize+1; int end = pageIndex*pageSize; Connection con = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { //连接数据库 con = DBHelper.getCon(); String sql = "select * from(select a.*,rownum mid from news a)b where mid>=? and mid=? and mid=? and mid






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