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2023-09-18 20:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”天坛“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Temple of Heaven。以下是关于天坛的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Temple of Heaven

Located in the south of Beijing, the temple of heaven is a place where ancient Chinese emperors worshipped the gods and prayed for the gods to protect farmers' harvest. The temple of heaven is different from other royal buildings. The main building is round.

According to the ancient Chinese concept of heaven and earth, the tile color of the temple of heaven is blue, which symbolizes the blue sky. Blue seems to be a road connecting people and the spirit of heaven. The emperor talks with the gods on behalf of his subjects and works for the interests of the people.

In short, the temple of heaven is a very good place. You can visit it no matter where you come from, I suggest you visit the temple of heaven LaoShe Teahouse, which is another place with Beijing characteristics. Its name is LaoShe Teahouse.

Because the famous modern Chinese playwright Lao she wrote a famous drama Teahouse, which is very popular, so LaoShe Teahouse is named after this play. People can easily experience the life in Beijing by drinking a cup of green tea.




Last Friday, we had the autumn tour for the third grade of senior high school. We were all very excited because it was the first group activity after we reorganized our class. We visited the National Museum and the temple of heaven.




Tulou is a mixture of sand and clay, not calcined with a certain proportion of sand and clay sand. The wall is made up of wall panels (some adobe brick walls) and columns and other structures. In short, wooden house refers to any house with two or more floors.

Adobe wall is used as the load-bearing system. According to modern Chinese dictionary, the so-called "building" is "a house with more than two floors". Therefore, even if the weight of bearing wall is used as column and beam, the house on the first floor can not be called Tulou.

Tulou is the unique large residential area in the world, and it is praised It is the treasure of Chinese traditional dwellings.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/ronr12yo.html







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