hand it to me 您所在的位置:网站首页 关于hand的词组 hand it to me

hand it to me

2023-03-12 05:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

hand it to me发音




hand it to───赞扬;承认...的长处

hand it to someone───把它交给某人

hand in glove───合作;勾结着;亲密地

hand gesture───手势

hand in hand───手拉手地;联合

hand to mouth───现挣现吃地;仅够糊口地

hand tool───[机]手工具

hand tools───[机]手工具(handtool的复数)

hand towel───擦手巾


The newspaper is there on the chair. Could you hand it to me?───你能把椅子上的报纸递给我吗?

Do you see the hammer there? Hand it to me, please.───那儿的那把锤子你看见没有请递给我。

Hand it to me and kneel, Son of Adam," said Aslan.───把剑递给我,跪下,亚当的儿子。”阿斯兰说。

I worked hard for that scholarship by busting my ass to get good grades. I earned that scholarship. They didn't hand it to me for nothing.───我玩命努力地学习以争取好成绩,才挣得奖学金。这奖学金,他们不是白送我的。

However, I can only ask my parents to take the letter out and hand it to me.───然而我却只能让爸爸妈妈帮我把信取出轻轻递到我手里边

He muttered, "That Entertainment Weekly there? Could you hand it to me? "───他低声说:“那本《娱乐周刊》你能帮我递过来吗?”

Kevin: There should be no problem, then. Also, I'm looking forward to reading your marketing plan. When will you hand it to me?───凯文:那么,应该就不会有什么问题了。另外,我也期待着看到你的行销方案。你什么时候能给我?

Hand it to me right now.───現在就把它交給我。

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