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2024-06-03 03:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

It will take some time to learn all the phrasal verbs, so let’s take a look at them one by one. Below you will see the most common ones with the verb ’take’.学习所有的短语动词需要一些时间,所以让我们一个一个地看一看。下面你会看到最常见的动词“take”。

Phrasal Verbs with Take含有Take的动词短语

1. be taken aback:to be shocked大吃一惊

I’d been taken aback by his behaviour at first, but it didn’t seem so shocking later on.一开始他的行为让我大吃一惊,但后来似乎没那么震惊。

2. take after somebody:resemble a parent (looks or behaviour)模仿某人:像父母(外貌或行为)

I take after my mother; I have the same hair colour and the same green eyes. Who do you take after?我喜欢我的母亲;我有同样的头发颜色和同样的绿色眼睛。你要找谁?

3. take away:remove something from somebody / subtract (mathematics)/ carry food home from a restaurant拿走,夺去:从某人身上拿走某物/减去(数学)/从餐馆把食物带回家

Dad! Josh wants to take away my doll. Come and help me!/If you have five apples and take away two, you’re left with three./A sandwich and a large Coke to take away, please.爸爸!乔希想拿走我的洋娃娃。来帮帮我!/如果你有五个苹果,拿走两个,剩下三个。/请给我一个三明治和一大杯可乐。

4. take away from something:make the value of something seem less夺走某物:使某物的价值看起来不那么重要

The fact that she’d cheated in the exam took away from her achievements.她在考试中作弊的事实使她的成绩失效。

5. take something apart:to disassemble拆开某物

I think you should take the keyboard apart to clean it properly.我认为你应该把键盘拆开,把它清洗干净。

6. take something back把东西拿回去

to say that you don’t really mean what you’ve said or written说你说的或写的不是真的

Okay, okay, I’ll take it back. You’re not the worst singer I’ve ever heard.好吧,好吧,我把它拿回去。你不是我听过最差的歌手。

7. take down:separate the pieces of a structure / write down记下来:把一个结构的各个部分分开/写下来

We’ll have to take down the cupboard if we want to paint the walls./My colleague will show you the flat while I take down your personal details.如果我们想粉刷墙壁,就得把碗橱取下来。/我记下你的个人资料时,我的同事会带你去看那套公寓。

8. take for something:to regard as接受某物:认为

I don’t like being taken for an idiot./I won’t take no for an answer.我不喜欢别人把我当成白痴。/我不会接受不的回答。

9. take in:give home to somebody / notice, absorb (and understand) / make clothes tighter/ to deceive收纳:把家交给某人/注意、吸收(和理解)/使衣服更紧/欺骗

Last week I took in a kitten and she’s already the queen of the house./I took in every word he said. It was an amazing speech./I’ll have this dress taken in at the waist, it’s too big./I’m easily taken in, so please don’t lie to me.上周我收养了一只小猫,她已经是家里的女王了。/他说的每一句话我都听进去了。演讲很精彩。/我要把这件衣服收腰,太大了。/我很容易被收腰,所以请不要骗我。

10. take off:remove clothing / remove hair (at the hairdresser’s) / airplane begins to fly/ to leave/ to become successful起飞:脱掉衣服/脱掉头发(在理发店)/飞机开始飞行/离开/成功

You don’t have to take off your shoes, just go right ahead./Can you take off just a little at the back, please?/The plane took off twenty minutes late, but landed on time./They took off in the middle of the party./My career took off immediately after I’d graduated.你不必脱鞋,就走吧。/请你在后面脱一点好吗?/飞机晚点二十分钟起飞,但准时降落。/他们在晚会中途起飞。/我毕业后事业立即起飞。

11. take on:accept a job, responsibility / to employ, hire somebody承担:接受工作,承担责任/雇用,雇用某人

I can’t take on any extra work, I’m too busy./They want to take on ten more assistants.我不能承担任何额外的工作,我太忙了。/他们想再请十个助手。

12. take over:gain control接管:增益控制

You can stop now, I’ll take over from here./Unfortunately, my company was taken over by a multinational firm and I lost my job.你现在可以停下来,我从这里接手。/不幸的是,我的公司被一家跨国公司接手,我失业了。

13. take out:invite and go out with someone (to a restaurant, theater, disco etc) / to obtain some service/ get money from your bank account/ to kill somebody外卖:邀请某人出去(去餐馆、剧院、迪斯科舞厅等)/获得一些服务/从你的银行账户上取钱/杀死某人

George is taking me out to dinner tonight./I had to take out a loan to start my business./Let’s stop at the ATM. I need to take out some money./The serial killer was taken out by snipers.乔治今晚要带我出去吃饭。/我得借点钱才能开始我的生意。/我们在自动取款机前停一下。我需要拿出一些钱。/连环杀手被狙击手干掉了。

14. take (it) out on somebody:make someone feel bad, because you are feeling bad too向某人发泄:让某人感觉不好,因为你也感觉不好

Hey, I understand that you’ve had a horrible day, but don’t take it out on me.嘿,我知道你今天过得很糟糕,但别把它发泄在我身上。

15. take somebody through something:to explain something in detail to somebody带某人经历某事:向某人详细解释某事

I hope the instructions were clear. I can take you through it again if you want.我希望指示很清楚。如果你愿意,我可以再带你去。

16. take to:to start liking/ to make a habit开始喜欢/养成习惯

I’d been worried whether my dog would get on well with the new puppy. I shouldn’t have worried- he took to it immediately./I’ve taken to drinking my coffee black- I’d like to lose weight.我一直担心我的狗是否能和那只新小狗相处得很好。我不该担心-他马上就开始了。/我已经开始喝咖啡了-我想减肥。

17. take up:start a new sport, hobby, school subject / fill space (or time)/ start again, resume开始:开始一项新的运动、爱好、学校主题/填补空间(或时间)/重新开始、继续

When I’m fluent in English, I’ll take up Spanish lessons./This cupboard takes up too much space, I don’t want it in my living-room./We took up where we had left off.当我英语流利的时候,我会上西班牙语课。/这个柜子占了太多的空间,我不想把它放在客厅里。/我们走上了我们离开的地方。

18. take somebody up on something:accept an offer接受某人的提议

You’re always welcome to stay with us when you’re in Paris./Thank you, I’ll take you up on that the next time I come to France.当你在巴黎的时候,我们欢迎你留下来。/谢谢,下次我来法国的时候我会带你去的。

19. take something up with somebody:mention something in order to seek help from somebody与某人发生关系:提及某事以寻求某人的帮助

Why don’t you take the matter up with your local MP (Member of Parliament)? I’m sure he or she could help./I hope you’ve taken an interest in phrasal verbs. Remember: the verb ‘take’ also has many different meanings in itself, why not revise them here and now? It takes time and practice to learn a foreign language.你为什么不把这件事交给你当地的议员(议员)处理呢?我相信他或她能帮上忙。/我希望你对短语动词感兴趣。记住:动词take本身也有很多不同的意思,为什么不现在就修改一下呢?学习一门外语需要时间和实践。

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