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双语新闻播报(November 11)

#双语新闻播报(November 11)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

双语新闻播报(November 11)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-11-10 20:21

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> Annual themes feel pulse of cyberspace on WIC互联网科技赋能乌镇峰会 助力牢握网络空间脉搏

Visitors check out medical equipment supported by artificial intelligence at a WIC exhibition venue in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday. WEI XIAOHAO/CHINA DAILY

The 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit takes place from Nov 9 to Nov 11 in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province. 2022年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会11月9日至11日举行。

With the theme of “Toward a Shared Digital Future in a Connected World — Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace”, this year's summit is empowered by artificial intelligence, cutting-edge technologies, and big data. 今年峰会以“共建网络世界共创数字未来——携手构建网络空间命运共同体”为主题,以人工智能、前沿技术、大数据等方式为其赋能。

The summit is not only a chance to present the latest achievements in the internet industry but also a chance to show the comprehensive application of modern high-tech.此届峰会不仅是一场展示互联网行业最新成果的盛宴,也是一次高新技术综合应用得以展示的良机。

Many cutting-edge technology applications, such as AI, the metaverse, augmented reality and virtual reality, have been employed to provide visitors with an interactive experience in conference venues, exhibition areas, scenic spots, and townships during the summit. 本届峰会期间,人工智能、元数据、增强现实和虚拟现实等前沿技术应用,为会议场地、展区、景区和乌镇内的参观者提供了互动体验。

To achieve the coverage of 5G signals, 40 10-gigabit optical cables are connected during the summit. 为实现5G信号全覆盖,峰会期间连接了40条万兆光缆。

Compared with the first WIC in 2014, visitors can feel the fast development of the internet. 与2014年首届世界互联网大会相比,参与者可以充分感受到中国互联网发展之迅速。

A total of 2,165 5G base stations were built in the city, of which 279 are located in Wuzhen. 乌镇所在的浙江省桐乡市共建成2165个5G基站,其中279个位于乌镇。

To ensure the internet bandwidth capacity, the bandwidth capacity in important places has been doubled.为了保证互联网的带宽容量,重要场所的带宽容量增加了一倍。

More than 400 domestic and foreign companies from 40 countries and regions display their latest products through on-site and online exhibitions. The new products and technologies include digital infrastructure, digital common prosperity, and cyberspace governance. 本次峰会有来自40个国家和地区的400多家国内外企业通过现场和网络展览展示他们的最新产品和技术,包括数字基础设施、数字共同繁荣、网络空间治理等。

To provide a platform for companies that cannot participate in offline exhibitions, the conference initially launched the Internet Light Cloud Exhibition Hall.为了给无法参与线下展会的企业提供一个平台,大会还首次推出了互联网云展厅。

> President Yoon vows justice for Itaewon crush as six officials booked for investigation韩总统誓言为梨泰院事故伸张正义 6名官员被立案调查

People pay tribute near the scene of the stampede during Halloween festivities, in Seoul, South Korea, Oct 30, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Monday criticized the police response to the deadly Halloween crush in Seoul, pledging to hold accountability to any officials found responsible for sloppy responses and to reform police and safety management systems. 韩国总统尹锡悦11月7日批评警方对首尔万圣节踩踏事件的应对不力,承诺将追究任何应对不力的官员的责任,并改革警察和安全管理体系。

Yoon made the remarks during a meeting held to review crowd control and other safety regulations in the wake of the tragedy that killed 156 people on October 29.在10月29日造成156人死亡的事故发生后,尹锡悦在一次会议上对人群控制和其他安全法规进行了审查,并发表了上述言论。

"We need major innovations in the way police prepare against risks and prevent accidents in order to protect the people's safety," he said. "I will make sure the truth is thoroughly determined regarding this tragedy and disclose the process to the public in a transparent manner that leaves not a trace of doubt." 他说:“我们需要在警察防范风险和预防事故的方式上进行重大创新,以保护民众的安全。 我将彻底查明这一悲剧的真相,并以没有任何疑问的透明方式公开整个过程。”

Yoon also offered a formal apology during the meeting, saying he is sorry and apologetic to the bereaved families who are suffering an unspeakable tragedy, and to the people who share the pain and sorrow. "I do not dare to compare myself to the parents who lost their sons and daughters, but as the president who ought to protect the people's lives and safety, I am heartbroken." 尹锡悦还在当天的座谈会上表示:“向遭受难以言表的悲剧的遇难者家属和分担痛苦和悲伤的国民表示抱歉和歉意。我不敢把自己和那些失去儿女的父母相比,但作为一名应该保护人民生命和安全的人,我感到心碎。”

Six individuals were booked for an investigation on charges of professional negligence resulting in the deaths in the Itaewon crowd crush, including the now-suspended police chief for the district of Yongsan, the fire chief and district head, officials said Monday. 据有关人士7日透露,有6人因被指控在梨泰院事件中犯有公务过失致死伤罪被立案调查,包括首尔龙山区警察厅厅长、消防署署长、区厅长等人。

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