双语翻译:鲁迅《聪明人和傻子和奴才》 您所在的位置:网站首页 傻子和聪明人的故事说说 双语翻译:鲁迅《聪明人和傻子和奴才》


2024-07-14 03:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


“And I toil day and night without rest. I carry water at dawn and cook dinner at dusk. I run errands all morning and grind wheat at night. I wash the clothes when it’s fine and hold an umbrella for my master when it’s rainy. I take care of the heating stove in winter and keep cooling my master with a fan in summer.


I boil white fungus for him late at night. I wait on him at his gambling table without ever getting a tip.


Instead I sometimes get a good thrashing ...”


“Oh, dear!” the wise man said with a sigh, the rims of his eyes looking somewhat red as if he were about to shed tears.


“Sir! I can’t put up with it any more.


I’ve got to find a way out.


But what can I do?...”


“I’m sure you’ll pull through sooner or later ...”


“Really? I hope so.


But, sir, I already feel much better now as you’ve given me sympathy and encouragement after listening to my grievances.


It’s thus clear that Heaven always upholds justice ...”


A few days later, however, he again began to grumble and look for somebody to listen to his complaints.


“Sir!” he cried out tearfully.


“You know, I live in a place even lousier than a pigsty.


My master treats me like dirt. He treats his Pekinese ten thousand times better ...”


“Damn it!” the listener swore in such a loud voice as to make the slave start.


This man was a fool.


“Sir, I live in a run-down small hut which is wet, dingy, stinking and full of bedbugs. They bite me all over when I lie down to sleep.


And the place doesn’t even have a single window ...”


“Why not ask your master to have a window made?”


“How can I do that? ...”


“OK, you show me around!”


As soon as they came to the slave’s dwelling, the fool started to pound its mud wall.


“What the hell are you doing, sir?” the slave yelled with alarm.


“I’m trying to knock a hole to make a window for you.”


“No, you can’t do that! The master will be mad at me!”


“To hell with your master!” The fool continued pounding away.


“Help! A robber is breaking down our house! Hurry up, or he’ll knock a big hole in the wall! ...”


Sobbing and shouting at the top of his voice, the slave rolled round and round on the ground.


Thereupon, a whole troop of slaves arrived on the scene and drove away the fool.


The last one that came out unhurriedly on hearing the commotion was the master.


“A robber came to smash up our house,” the slave spoke respectfully and smugly. “I was the first to shout the alarm.


We together drove him away.”


“You did well,” the master praised him.


A great many people came that day to express their solicitude, among them the wise man.


“Sir, I’ve just been praised by my master for my meritorious service,” the slave said to the wise man very happily and hopefully.


“I remember you said the other day that I would pull through sooner or later. So you’re really a man of foresight ...”


“Oh, yeah ...” replied the wise man as if he, too, were happy for the sake of the slave.


On Presenting a View


I dreamed that while preparing to write a composition in a primary school classroom I asked the teacher how to present a view.


“That’s a hard nut,” said the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses.


“Let me tell you this story —”


“When a baby boy is born to a family, there is immense joy in the whole household.


When he is one month old, they invite some people over for taking a look at him — customarily, of course, in expectation of some good wishes.


“One of the guests receives hearty thanks for saying, ‘The child is destined to be rich.’


“Another is paid some compliments in return for saying, ‘The child is destined to be an official.’


“Still another, however, is given a sound beating by the whole family for saying, ‘The child will eventually die.’


“To call the child mortal is to state the inevitable while to say that the child will become very rich or a high official is probably a lie.


Yet the former gets a thrashing while the latter is rewarded.


You ...”


“I don’t want to tell a lie, and neither do I want to be beaten.


Then what should I do, sir?”


“Well, just say, ‘Ai-ya, this child! Just look! Oh, my! Hah! Hehe! He, hehehehe!'”





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