“逃避问题”英语怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 修辞问题英语怎么说 “逃避问题”英语怎么说?


2024-06-19 18:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. avoid: 回避问题



Robin: So, are you gonna talk to Marshall?

Ted: He's gonna want the apartment. I'm gonna want the apartment. It's gonna lead to an argument, so no.

Robin: Hmm, that's really healthy. So, when a serious issue comes up, your response is just to avoid it?

Ted: I should really make this call.


Robin: 嗯,你打算跟马潇好好谈谈吗?

Ted: 他也想要公寓,我也想要公寓。我们谈着谈着肯定会吵起来,所以我不打算跟他谈。

Robin: 嗯……还真是明智的选择。所以,大事临头,你的回应就是:避而不谈

Ted: 我要打电话了。(这里解释一下:之前另一好友让Ted隔一会给他打电话,所以Ted“打电话”这个举动就是在逃避Robin提出的问题。)


2. bury your head in the sand: to ignore an unpleasant situation and hope it will stop if you try not to think about it



You'll never solve your problems if you just bury your head in the sand—you have to face them.(一味逃避并不能解决问题,你必须面对问题。)

If you bury your head in the sand now, you'll lose your house. (你再这样逃避问题,房子就保不住了。)


3. overlook: to ignore something wrong that someone has done, especially because it is unimportant忽略


I'll overlook your mistake this time. (你这次犯的错误就这么算了。)

Mrs White tends to overlook any small faults the girls may have. (怀特太太不打算计较这些姑娘的小过失。)

Although this is a first offence it cannot be overlooked. (这次冒犯虽然仅是初犯,但也不可原谅。)


4. let it pass: to decide not to punish or criticize someone for doing something wrong, although you might do so if they do it again下不为例


I think they've broken the school rules, but I'll let it pass. (他们违反了校规,我这次可以不理会,但下不为例。)

Tom had insulted her, but she thought it better to let it pass this time. (汤姆侮辱了她,但她觉得这次最好不要追究。)


5. shut/close your eyes to: to ignore something and pretend it does not exist because it is unpleasant or difficult to deal with无视(困难的或令人不悦的)问题


The officials in charge of the Chernobyl power station had shut their eyes to the danger. (切尔诺贝利核电站的负责人无视危险的存在。)

Of course, it is tempting to criticize other countries and close your eyes to all the problems of your own society. (当然,人人都喜欢批评他国政治、无视本国问题。)


6. turn a blind eye: if someone in authority turns a blind eye to illegal activity or bad behaviour, they ignore it and pretend they do not know about it睁一只眼闭一只眼


If my sister did something wrong my mother always turned a blind eye. (我妹犯错时,我妈总是睁一只眼闭一只眼。)

The guards turned a blind eye when the prisoners stole food from the kitchen. (囚犯从厨房偷东西吃,警卫睁一只眼闭一只眼,并不说穿。)






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