【精彩活动】暑期 STEAM 带你探索神奇的“光” 您所在的位置:网站首页 保定的驴肉火烧有哪些特别之处 【精彩活动】暑期 STEAM 带你探索神奇的“光”

【精彩活动】暑期 STEAM 带你探索神奇的“光”

2024-07-01 23:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



杭师大东城实验学校505班—丁梓旭 俞陈锘

1、北京(北京烤鸭):北京烤鸭闻名世界,不管是国人,还是友人都必须一尝。以色泽红艳,肉质细嫩的特点闻名。Beijing Roast Duck is famous in the world. Both Chinese and friends must try it. It is famous for its red color and tender meat.

2、陕西(陕西肉夹馍)陕西肉夹馍是先做好馍,然后把肉腌好,客人想要的话,拿出一块在砧板上用刀剁碎还有配菜辣椒,剁好后放进肉里就可以吃了。Shaanxi Roujiamo is to make steamed buns first, then marinate the meat. If the guests want, they take out a piece of steamed buns and chop it with a knife on the chopping board, and then put it into the meat to eat.

3、山东(山东煎饼)山东煎饼,汉族特色面食。源于山东属鲁菜系。山东煎饼含有蛋白质,粗纤维,碳水化合物等多种营养成分,非常薄,以五谷杂粮为原料制成。Shandong pancake, Han nationality special wheaten food. Originated from Shandong, Shandong belongs to Shandong cuisine. Shandong pancakes contain a variety of nutrients such as protein, crude fiber, carbohydrate and so on. They are very thin and are made from coarse cereals.

4、四川(四川担担面)汉族特色面食,著名的成都小吃,是用面粉擀制成面条,煮熟,舀上炒制的猪肉末而成。成菜面条细薄,卤汁酥香,咸鲜微辣,香气扑鼻,十分入味。Han people's special pasta, the famous Chengdu snack, is made by rolling flour into noodles, cooking and scooping up fried pork powder. The cooked noodles are thin, crisp and fragrant with marinade, salty and fresh, slightly spicy, fragrant and very tasty.

5、河北(河北驴肉火烧)驴肉火烧是一种华北地区极为流行的传统小吃,起源于保定。广泛流传于冀中平原,卤好的驴肉伴着老汤汁加入酥脆的火烧里面。作为河北省餐饮文化中心和冀菜发源地的保定,驴肉火烧经过勤劳的河北人民不断地发展和推广,终于使驴肉火烧闻名大江南北。Donkey meat fire is a very popular traditional snack in North China, originated in Baoding. Widely spread in the central Hebei plain, the marinated donkey meat is added to the crisp fire with the old soup juice. Baoding, as the food and beverage culture center of Hebei province and the birthplace of Hebei cuisine, donkey meat fire has been developed and popularized by hardworking Hebei people, and finally made donkey meat fire famous across the river.

6、天津(天津狗不理包子)狗不理包子是天津市汉族传统风味小吃,始创于公元1858年,是中华老字号之一。狗不理包子的面、馅选料精细,制作工艺严格,外形美观,特别是包子褶花匀称,每个包子都不少于15个褶。刚出笼的包子,鲜而不腻,清香适口。Goubuli steamed stuffed bun is a traditional snack of the Han nationality in Tianjin. it was founded in 1858 ad and is the first of "Tianjin's three unique products". it is one of China's time-honored brands. Goubuli steamed stuffed bun has fine flour and stuffing selection, strict manufacturing process and beautiful appearance, especially the steamed stuffed bun has well-proportioned pleats, and each steamed stuffed bun has not less than 15 pleats. The steamed buns just released are fresh but not greasy, with a pleasant fragrance.

7、台湾(台湾蚵仔煎)蚵仔煎 发源于泉州,起源是先民在无法饱食下所发明的替代粮食,是一种贫苦生活的象征,蚵仔煎据传就是这样的一种在贫穷社会之下所发明的创意料理。是闽南、台湾等地的经典小吃。The oyster omelet originated in Quanzhou. It originated from the substitute food invented by the ancestors when they could not eat enough. It is a symbol of poor life. It is said that oyster omelet is such an innovative food invented in poor society. It is a classic snack in southern Fujian and Taiwan.

505班 丁梓旭 俞陈锘

看来同学们一个个都是小吃货呀!“舌尖上的中国”可是名不虚传,大家搜集了这么多的美食。OK, 让我们共同开启本期课程。



shadow art

看了这些来自比利时艺术家Vincent Bal的shadow art(影子艺术),你是否知道,是什么让这些普通物品附有艺术呢?Yes! It’s light(光).“光”就是是我们本期STEAM课程要学习的话题。让我一起跟随Paul 揭开“光”的神秘面纱。

01.The eye and the camera

New words

1. light ray 光线

2.reflection 反射

3.refraction 折射

4.shadow 阴影

同学们,我们通过五官来感知世界,分别是sight(视力)、sound(声音)、touch(触摸)、taste(味道)、smell(嗅觉) ,人类的眼睛和相机有着哪些相似之处呢?让我们跟随Paul来听一听。

Lesson 1 The eye and the camera

02. Color

Good fortune or death?


Lesson 2 Color

03.Using light





亲爱的同学们,我们都知道光随处可见,但有没有光是我们看不到却真实存在的?答案是“有”。比如我们出门防晒要防的紫外光线UV,红外光线IR等。同学们,你知道么?这些不可见光的用处可广了,让我们跟随Paul 来探索下。

Lesson 4 UR&IR

Your mission

OK, 学习了本期课程,相信大家一定收获满满。是不是不断感慨“光”的奇妙?想必大家都迫不及待想动手做点什么了吧!让我们整理一下本期课程都有哪些任务吧。








视频:Paul J.T. Newman


审核:胡迪芳 返回搜狐,查看更多






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