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2024-06-09 04:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

► 参会指南:

1、Badge : Please wear the badge when taking part in all events during the conference. 会议证件: 会议期间参会人员须佩带相关证件参加会议和相关的各项活动。

2、Meals 餐饮 May 9th, 2012, 2012年5月9日 BD Welcome Luncheon Participants By Invitation Only BD贵宾招待午宴 凭邀请参加 International Medical Device Forum 2012 2012国际医疗器械创新创业合作论坛 Lunch / 午餐 Ticket is required 请凭会议当日午餐券领取

Lunch / 午餐 Venue:Julie Restaurant; No.2852 Bingjiang Avenue Tel:02158793523 or 13817812416 Route Guide:Please take the lift to the 1st floor of Shanghai International Conference Center, and turn left when getting out of the maingate, just within 5 mins walk, you will arrive there. 午餐安排在毗邻上海国际会议中心的“珠丽餐厅”,请乘坐电梯下至上海国际会议中心一层,出正门左转,步行5分钟即可到达。请凭会议当日午餐券领取。 地点:滨江大道2852号珠丽餐厅 电话:02158793523或13817812416 Ticket is required 请凭会议当日午餐券领取

The Night of Innovation- Network Cocktail, by Juke Biotech Cluster 聚科创新之夜欢迎酒会 International Medical Device Forum 2012 2012国际医疗器械创新创业合作论坛 Collaboration Partnering between Key Hospitals and Industry 医疗器械企业与医院合作创新对接洽谈 Venue: Julie Restaurant, No.2852 Bingjiang Avenue 地点:滨江大道2852号珠丽餐厅 Participants By Invitation Only 凭邀请参加

May 10th, 2012, 2012年5月10日 Mingxin China Growth Fund Welcome Luncheon 名信中国成长基金贵宾招待午宴 International Medical Device Forum 2012 2012国际医疗器械创新创业合作论坛 Participants By Invitation Only 凭邀请参加

Lunch / 午餐 Venue: Julie Restaurant, No.2852 Bingjiang Avenue 地点:滨江大道2852号珠丽餐厅 Ticket is required 请凭会议当日午餐券领取

3、Speaker Guideline报告人须知 Language: English/Chinese (simultaneous interpretation) Presentation time limit: According to the conference agenda strictly. Presentation Slides: Please take your finished slides to the organizer before meeting to ensure that the slides are ready for presentation. 报告语言: 英文/中文 (提供同声传译) 报告时间: 严格按照议程安排 幻灯片提交: 请报告人在会议开始前将PPT文件交给会务工作人员,并进行调试,以确保文件完好可运行。

4、In Conference Hall会场秩序 Please arrive at the meeting room 10 minutes before the session begins and switch the mobile or beeper to vibration mode during the meeting. 为保证会议的顺利进行,请各位代表提前10分钟进入会场。会议期间,请将各自的通讯工具关闭或调至震动档。

5、Simultaneous Translation Service同声翻译服务

The simultaneous translation service for Chinese and English language is available during the conference. The Simultaneous Translation Service Desk will be available outside the venue, please take the receivers by ID card/passport, and return it back to exchange your ID card/passport after use; any problem in use, please go to the service desk for exchange. Please take good care of the receiver, any loss may result in the compensation at its original price, RMB 3000 for each. 会议期间会议提供同声翻译服务(中文和英语2种语言) 会场外设有同声翻译设备服务台,请有需要的代表前往服务台凭身份证件/护照交换领取同传设备,使用结束 后交换至服务台,换回身份证件/护照; 如使用时发现有任何问题,可至服务台换取。请注意保管各自的设备,若遗失,请照价赔偿,3000元/只 资料册-内文-xin.indd 10 2012-5-4 22:58:51

6、Secretariat秘书处 Vivian Zhang XXX Mobile:

7、Map and Address of Conference Venue会场地址 Add: No.2852 Bingjiang Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China 地址:中国上海市浦东新区滨江大道2727号 Tel/电话:+86-21-50370000 Hotel Location 地理位置(map guide/ 地图指南)






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