Python编辑器英文菜单的中文翻译及解释 您所在的位置:网站首页 任务栏的英文单词 Python编辑器英文菜单的中文翻译及解释


2024-05-30 04:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Python编辑器,在Help菜单里找到了“IDLE Help”(如图1所示),是Python的IDLE和Shell中的菜单说明





图1 IDLE Help



File menu (Shell and Editor) 文件菜单(Shell和编辑器)

New File 新建文件

Create a new file editing window  创建一个新的文件编辑窗口。


Open an existing file with an Open dialog  使用“打开"对话框打开现有文件。

Recent Files  最近的文件

Open a list of recent files. Click one to open it  打开最近使用的文件列表。单击一个打开它。

Open Module 打开模块.

Open an existing module (searches sys path)  打开现有模块(搜索sys.path)。

Class Browser 类浏览器

Show functions, classes, and methods in the current Editor file in a tree structure. Inthe shell, open a module first


Path Browser  路径浏览器

Show sys.path directories,modules,functions, classes and methods in a treestructure   在树结构中显示sys.path目录、模块、函数、类和方法。

Save  保存

Save the current window to the associated file, if there is one. Windows that have

been changed since being opened or last saved have a * before and after the windowtitle If there is no associated file,do Save As instead


Save As  另存为

Save the current window with a Save As dialog The file saved becomes the newassociated file for the window.


Save Copy As..将副本另存为…

Save the current window to different file without changing the associated file  将当前窗口保存到其他文件,而不更改关联的文件。

Print Window  打印窗口

Print the current window to the default printer 将当前窗口打印到默认打印机。

Close  关闭

Close the current window (ask to save if unsaved)  关闭当前窗口(如果未保存则要求保存)。

Exit  退出

Close all windows and quit lDLE (ask to save unsaved windows)  关闭所有窗口并退出空闲状态(要求保存未保存的窗口)。




图2 File菜单



Edit menu (Shell and Editor)    编辑菜单(She和编辑器)

Undo  撤消

Undo the last change to the current window A maxlmum of 1000 changes may beundone


Redo   重做

Redo the last undone change to the current window  重做对当前窗口的上次撤消更改。

Cut  切割

Copy selection into the system-wide clipboard,then delete the selection  将所选内容复制到系统范围的剪贴板中;然后删除所选内容。

Copy  复制

Copy selection into the system-wide clipboard  将所选内容复制到系统范围的剪贴板中。

Paste  粘贴

Insert contents of the system-wide clipboard into the current window   将系统范围剪贴板的内容插入当前窗口。

The clipboard functions are also available in context menus   剪贴板功能也可以在上下文菜单中使用。

Select Al   全选

Select the entire contents of the current window  选择当前窗口的全部内容。

Find...  查找…

Open a search dialog with many options  打开包含许多选项的搜索对话框

Find Again   再找一次

Repeat the last search, if there is one   如果有,重复上一次搜索。

Find Selection   查找选定内容

Search for the currently selected string,if there is one  搜索当前选定的字符串(如果有)。

Find in Files  在文件中查找…

Open a file search dialog.Put results ina new output window  打开文件搜索对话框。将结果放入新的输出窗口。

Replace  替换…

Open a search-and-replace dialog  打开“搜索和替换"对话框。

Go to Line   转到行

Move cursor to the line number requested and make that line visible  将光标移到请求的行号并使该行可见,

Show Completions   显示完成

Open a scrollable list allowing selection of keywords and attributes.See Completionsin the Editing and navigation section below,


Expand Word  展开字

Expand a prefix you have typed to match a full word in the same window, repeat to geta dillerent expansion


Show call tip   显示呼叫提示

After an unclosed parenthesis for a function,opena small window with function.parameter hints.See Caliltips in the Editing and navigation section below


Show surrounding parens    显示周围的parens

Highlight the surrounding parenthesis     突出显示周围的括号。

图3 Edit菜单




Format menu (Editor window only)   格式菜单(仅限编辑器窗口)

lndent Region   缩进区域

Shift selected lines right by the indent width(default 4 spaces)    按缩进宽度右移选定行(默认为4个空格)。

Dedent Region   Dedent  地区

Shift selected lines left by the indent width (defauft 4 spaces)    按缩进宽度向左移动选定行(默认为4个空格))。

Comment Out Region    注释区域

lnsert # in front of selected lines   在选定行前面插入。

Uncomment Region    非注释区域

Remove leading # or#ll from selected lines    从选定行中删除前导或。

Tabify Region  禁忌区

Turn leading stretches of spaces into tabs.(Note: We recommend using 4 spaceblocks to indent Python code.)


Untabify Region    未分裂地区

Tun all tabs into the correct number of spaces   将所有制表符转换为正确的空格数。

Toggle Tabs   切换选项卡

Open a dialog to switch between indenting with spaces and tabs    打开一个对话框,在缩进空格和制表符之间切换。

New indent Width   新缩进宽度

Open a dialog to change indent width. The accepted default by the Python communityis 4 spaces


Format Paragraph    设置段落格式

Reformat the current blank-line-delimited paragraph in comment block or multilinestring or selected line in a string. All lines in the paragraph will be formatted to lessthan N columns, where N defaults to 72.


Strip trailing whitespace    册除尾随空白

Remove trailing space and other whitespace characters after the last non-whitespace(character of a line by applying str.rstrip to each line,including lines within multiline  strings. Except for Shell windows, remove extra newlines at the end of the file.



图4 Format菜单




Run menu (Editor window only)    运行菜单(仅限编辑器窗口)

Run Module     运行模块

Do Check Module. If no error, restart the shell to clean the environment, then executethe module: Output is displayed in the Shell window. Note that output requires use ofprint or write When execution is complete,the Shell retains focus and displays aprompt.At this point one may interactively explore the resultt of execution This issimilar to executing a file with python -i file at a command line.


Run... Customized    运行  自定义

Same as Run Module, but run the module with customized settings. Command LineArguments extend sys.argv as if passed on a command line. The module can be runin the Shell without restarting

与运行模块相同,但使用自定义设置运行模块。命令行参数扩展sys. argv,就像在命令行上传递一样。模块可以在Shell中运行,而无需重新启动。

Check Module   检查模块

Check the syntax of the module currently open in the Editor window.If the module hasnot been saved IDLE will either prompt the user to save or autosave,as selected inthe General tab of the ldle Settings dialog,If there is a syntax error, the approximatelocation is indicated in the Editor window


Python Shell    蟒蛇壳

Open or wake up the Python Shell window   打开或唤醒Python Shell窗口。

图5 Run菜单




Shell menu (Shell window only)    Shell菜单(仅限Shell窗口)

View Last Restart    查看上次重新启动

Scroll the shell window to the last Shell restart.将shell   窗口滚动到最后一次shell重新启动。

Restart Shell    重新启动Shell

Restart the shell to clean the environment    重新启动shell以清理环境。

Previous History    以前的历史

Cycle through earlier commands in history which match the current entry    循环浏览历史记录中与当前条目匹配的早期命令。

Next History    下一个历史

Cycle through later commands in history which match the current entry  循环查看历史记录中与当前条目匹配的后续命令。

lnterrupt Execution    中断执行

Stop a running program   停止正在运行的程序。

图6 Shell菜单






Debug menu(Shell window only)   调试菜单(仅限Shell窗口)

Go to File/Line   转到文件/行

Look on the current line:with the cursor,and the line above for a filename and linenumber. If found,open the file if not already open, and show the line. Use this to viewsource lines referenced in an exception traceback and lines found by Find in Files.Also available in the context menu of the Shell window and Output windows.


Debugger (toggle)    调试器(切换)

When activated, code entered in the Shell or run from an Editor will run under thedebugger. In the Editor, breakpoints can be set with the context menu. This feature isstill incomplete and somewhat experimental.


Stack Viewer   堆栈查看器

Show the stack traceback of the last exception in a tree widget, with access to localsand globals.


Auto-open Stack Viewer     自动打开堆栈查看器

Toggle automatically opening the stack viewer on an unhandled exception   切换在未处理的异常上自动打开堆栈查看器。

图7 Debug菜单


这个在IDLE和Shell当中都有,主要是配置两个窗口的字体、显示、行号等功能,特别是行号,这个在其他代码编辑器是常见的,Python默认是没有显示行号的,如果要显示必须在“Show Line Numbers”打开,注意这个功能只存在于IDLE中。


Options menu (Shell and Editor)    选项菜单(Shell和编辑器)

Configure IDLE    配置空闲

Open a configuration dialog and change preferences for the following: fonts,indentation,keybindings, text color themes, startup windows and size, additional helpsources,and extensions. On macoS,open the configuration dialog by selectingPreferences in the application menu For more details,see Setting preferences underHelp and preferences


Most configuration options apply to all windows or all future windows.The option itemsbelow only apply to the active window


Show/Hide Code Context (Editor Window only)      显示/隐藏代码上下文(仅限编辑器窗口)

Open a pane at the top of the edit window which shows the block context of the codewhich has scrolled above the top of the window. See Code Context in the Editing andNavigation section below


ShowHide Line Numbers (Editor Window only)    显示/隐藏行号(仅限编辑器窗口)

Open a column to the left of the edit window which shows the number of each line oftext The default is off,which may be changed in the preferences(see Settingpreferences)       


Zoom/Restore Height     缩放/还原高度

Toggles the window between normal size and maximum height The initial size defaults to 40 lines by 80 chars unless changed on the General tab of the ConfigureIDLE dialog.The maximum height for a screen is determined by momentarily maximizing a window the first time one is zoomed on the screen Changing screensettings may invalidate the saved height This toggle has no effect when a window ismaximized


图8 Option菜单





Window menu(Shell and Editor)     窗口菜单(Shell和编辑器)

Lists the names of all open windows; select one to bring it to the foreground(deiconifying it if necessary)


图9 Window菜单


这里面的内容太重要了,但是一般会被使用者忽略。几乎所有的Python问题你都可以在里面找到答案,只是可惜没有中文版,但是借助各类翻译软件也可以翻译出一个八九不离十,强烈推荐大家平常多去翻 翻,你会发现可以挖出很多宝藏。我这篇文章的内容就来自于这个菜单里的“IDLE Help”。这里面还有一个好玩的菜单,那就是“Turtle Demo”,这里面有很多利用Python画图的程序示例,非常强大哦。


Help menu(Shell and Editor)    帮助菜单(Shell和编辑器)

About IDLE   关于空闲

Display version, copyright, license, credits, and more    显示版本、版权、许可证、信用证等。

IDLE Help    空闲帮助

Display this IDLE document,detailing the menu options,basic editing and navigation,and other tips


Python Docs     Python文档

Access local Python documentation, if installed,or start a web browser and showing the latest Python documentation


Turtle Demo    海龟演示

Run the turtledemo module with example Python code and turtle drawings    使用示例Python代码和turtle图形运行turtledemo模块。

Additional help sources may be added here with the Configure IDLE dialog under theGeneral tab. See the Help sources subsection below for more on Help menu choices




图10 Help菜单




Context Menus  上下文菜单

Open a context menu by right-clicking in a window(Control-click on macoS)Contextmenus have the standard clipboard functions also on the Edit menu


Cut   切割

Copy selection into the system-wide clipboard, then delete the selection    将所选内容复制到系统范围的剪贴板中;然后删除所选内容。

Copy   复制

Copy selection into the system-wide clipboard   将所选内容复制到系统范围的剪贴板中。

Paste    粘贴

Insert contents of the system-wide clipboard into the current window   将系统范围剪贴板的内容插入当前窗口。

Editor windows also have breakpoint functions. Lines with a breakpoint set arespecially marked. Breakpoints only have an effect when running under the debugger.Breakpoints for a file are saved in the user’s idlerc directory


Set Breakpoint    设置断点

Set a breakpoint on the current line    在当前行上设置断点。

Clear Breakpoint    清除断点

Clear the breakpoint on that line    清除该行上的断点。

Shell and Output windows also have the following   Shell和输出窗口也有以下内容。

Go to file/line    转到文件/行

Same as in Debug menu    与“调试”菜单中的相同。

The Shell window also has an output squeezing facility explained in the Python Shellwindow subsection below


Squeeze     挤压

lf the cursor is over an output line,squeeze all the output between the code above andthe prompt below down to a 'Squeezed text label



图11 Context菜单

十一、设置首选项(Setting preferences)

点击“Option”,点击“Configure IDLE”可以进入首选项设置,包括字体、文字大小等编辑器界面设置,还包括一些常规设置,例如打开IDLE默认是进Shell还是编辑器呢?还有扩展功能的使用等,都在这里面了。


Setting preferences    设置首选项

The font preferences, highlighting,keys,and general preferences can be changed viaConfigure IDLE on the Option menuNon-defaul user settings are saved in a .idlercdirectory in the user's home directory. Problems caused by bad user configurationfiles are solved by editing or deleting one or more of the files in idlerc


On the Font tab, see the text sample for the effect of font face and size on multiplecharacters in multiple languages. Edit the sample to add other characters of personalinterest. Use the sample to select monospaced fonts. lf particular characters haveproblems in Shell or an editor,add them to the top of the sample and try changing firstsize and then font


On the Highlights and Keys tab, select a built-in or custom color theme and key set Touse a newer built-in color theme or key set with older IDLEs, save it as a new customtheme or key set and it well be accessible to older IDLES


图12 Setting preferences

十二、文本颜色(Text colors)

在编辑器当中,用不同的颜色表示关键字、变量、类、字符串、注释等等,这个请大家平常多留心,可以让你很快发现错误,是一个很好的功能。通过点击“Option”,点击“Configure IDLE”,在打开窗口中找到“Custom Highlighting”可以进行自定义。


Text colors    文本颜色

ldle defaults to black on white text,but colors text with special meanings. For the shell,these are shell output,shell error, user output,and user error. For Python code,at theshell prompt or in an editor, these are keywords,builtin class and function names,names following class and def,strings,and comments. For any text window,these arethe cursor (when present), found text(when possible), and selected text.


Text coloring is done in the background, so uncolorized text is occasionally visible. Tochange the color scheme, use the Configure IDLE dialog Highlighting tab.The

marking of debugger breakpoint lines in the editor and text in popups and dialogs isnot user-configurable.



图13 Text colors


图14 Custom Highlighting

十三、自动缩进(Automatic indentation)



Automatic indentation    自动缩进

After a block-opening statement, the next line is indented by 4 spaces (in the PythonShell window by one tab). After certain keywords (break,return etc.) the next line isdedented. In leading indentation,Backspace deletes up to 4 spaces if they are there.Tab inserts spaces (in the Python Shell window one tab),number depends on Indentwidth. Currently, tabs are restricted to four spaces due to TclTk limitations

在block opening语句之后,下一行将缩进4个空格(在Python Shel窗口中缩进一个选项卡)。在某些关键字(break、return等)之后,下一行是dedented。在前导缩进中,退格删除最多4个空格(如果有)。Tab插入空格(在Python Shell窗口的一个Tab中),数字取决于缩进宽度。目前,由于TcI/Tk的限制,标签被限制为四个空格。

See also the indent/dedent region commands on the Format menu    另请参见"格式"菜单上的“缩进/删除区域"命令。


图15 Automatic indentation

十四、Python Shell窗口


Python Shell window    Python Shell窗口

with IDLE'S Shell, one enters, edits, and recalls complete statements.Most consolesand terminals only work with a single physical line at a time.


When one pastes code into Shell, it is not compiled and possibly executed until onehits Retum. One may edit pasted code first lf one pastes more that one statement intoShell, the result will be a SyntaxError when multiple statements are compiled as if theywere one


The editing features described in previous subsections work when entering codeinteractively IDLE's Shell window also responds to the following keys


*C-c interrupts executing command    *C-C中断执行命令

* C-d sends end-of-file;closes window if typed at a>>prompt    *C-d发送文件结尾;如果在>>提示下键入,则关闭窗口

*Alt-/ (Expand word) is also useful to reduce typing     *Alt-/(展开word)也有助于减少键入

Command history      命令历史记录

* Alt-p retrieves previous command matching what you have typed On macOS use C-p


*Alt-n retrieves next On macOS use C-n    *Alt-n检索下一个。在macoS上使用C-n。

* Return while on any previous command retrieves that command      *在任何前一个命令上返回时检索该命令


图16 Python Shell


Editor windows     编辑器窗口

IDLE may open editor windows when it starts, depending on settings and how youstart IDLE.Thereafter,use the File menu. There can be only one open editor windowfor a given file


The title bar contains the name of the file, the full path, and the version of Python andIDLErunning the window The status bar contains the line number (Ln) and columnnumber (Col'). Line numbers start with 1, column numbers with 0


IDLE assumes that files with a known .py*extension contain Python code and thatother files do notRun Python code with the Run menu.



图17 Editor windows




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