愉快的周末生活英语作文(通用15篇) 您所在的位置:网站首页 令人放松的照片英语作文 愉快的周末生活英语作文(通用15篇)


2024-01-25 09:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇1

  Today I and my other five classmates went to McDonald's, we had a fun activities, let me introduce you to everyone!

  We visited the first McDonald's kitchen, the kitchen of aunts raised a lot of interesting questions to us, we are scrambling to vies to answer first the topic, happily took the prize. Began to activities, parents also participate, we played three games, I slowly to introduce. The most interesting is suction table tennis, of course! The second is water transfer, the third is to touch the balloon. Our team is shake, slogan "shake, shake, first forever." And we spell, Hamburg, slogan is "Hamburg, Hamburg, best!"

  Start game, we lived through a straw table tennis, quickly ran to the basket and put table tennis. Ran back again. Absorb another table tennis again go...... In this way, the aunt announced our team's victory, the players shouted happily!

  Water is to use small teeth lid, aunt on the water to the first person to Gary, bite a lid and one by one generation. We win again.

  Touch the balloon is the hardest, is tied in with colorful balloons, hop, take each other balloons one by one break, balloons one by one to break off deafening! We lose this one! The results of two to one, we still prevailed, great! We took the package, drank coke, just unwilling to go home.

  Return home, I feel today, is a special sense. Much in the future I must attend, because it makes me feel complete one of the things on his own, or with everyone's cooperation, the success of every time, is so impressive and happy!







  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇2

  Today is Sunday, my mom thinks there will be a general cleaning, and my dad and I agreed.

  began to clean up, dad cleaned the room. and I? Of course it is sweeping the floor! Mother cleans the windows.

  Dad was in a mess in the room. At the beginning, Dad cleaned the floor well. After the beginning, we only heard a "plop" and we knew something was broken! At first glance, it turned out that my mother's most beloved glass bottle was broken. I thought to myself: This time there is a good show to watch! Dad saw me laughing, so he said, "Laugh what you laugh, and go!" I had no choice but to continue cleaning. Dad hurried to coax my mother after he said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I didn't mean it. I will accompany you after cleaning. It's not too late for you to buy one!" Mom burst into laughter when she heard it.

  Dad went to watch TV after cleaning to see if there was nothing to do, and he saw it with gusto. Mom saw it and yelled at Dad: "Go clean the table, don't be idle."

  Come here for a while, I will wash the cups after I finish sweeping the floor. I can’t help but complain when I see so many cups. I blame my mother for buying so many cups. Now, it’s enough for me to wash. But I still washed it, because there is no other way. I went to see my mother again. I was stunned by the look. She was mopping the floor while chatting with the dad who was wiping the table, and she mopped the floor clean.

  Dad is not sloppy either. Dad polished the table to the floor shiny, like glass. "Awesome, admire." I said.

  "Oh!" Mom yelled. It turned out that the ground was too slippery. Mom stepped on and fell.

  Today is really a happy Sunday!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇3

  "After school! After school!" I returned home with a happy mood. The first thing I did when I walked into the house was to climb into bed and watch TV. I have been studying tensely at school for 5 days, and it's time to relax my mood!

  Saturday is a busy day. I got up at 9:00 in the morning and had breakfast. I went to the watch repair shop to get my watch and went on the road with my dad. We have to go to my grandmother's house before dinner. Today we are going to celebrate our 49-year-old grandmother's birthday. At 1:00, I started to eat. The dishes came one by one. My sister was sitting next to me. After she ate some dishes crazy, she went to play with her good friends. I also wanted to follow, but my father refused to let me go. He said that he had to wait for everyone to eat well before leaving, otherwise he would be very rude. I had to sit down and kept stuffing into the empty stomach. After eating, we went home. When I got home at 3:00, I lay down for a while and then went to do my homework.

  Evening is my happiest time. Dad, uncle, grandpa and grandma all gathered at grandma's house to spend an unforgettable birthday for me. The cake was bought by my uncle and it is very beautiful. Dad helped me put in candles, I made a wish and started eating cakes. My birthday is very ordinary, just a cake can solve the matter. Originally, my father was going to climb the mountain this week, but his mother was not there, so he pushed the time and arranged the mountaineering to the next weekend.

  7:00, I went to Huier.com, and I will give a speech next week. I made the slides and speech drafts early. 7:30, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 7:35, I go to bed, ready to see my favorite happy base camp. At 9:05, I went to bed.

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇4

  The teaching work every week is busy and fulfilling. There are four or five classes every day for the children in two shifts. Basically, the working day of the day is spent in class. Tutoring students, correcting homework, preparing lessons, and sorting out teaching plans, these basically take up time to complete. Therefore, the working hours of the week are busy, and whenever the weekend comes, it means that we will have a pleasant weekend time.

  The theme of this week’s entertainment is barbecue. On Sunday, I met with three or five colleagues and friends to prepare ingredients, tools, and drinks on sunny days. In addition, how excited and excited it is to make DIY hand-made. On the weekend, I will be at Teacher Li’s Invited us to spend a wonderful afternoon at her house. We prepare the ingredients for barbecue together: lamb, prawns, pork belly, chicken wings, chicken sausages, onions, potato chips, enoki mushrooms, peppers, etc. Drinks are also very rich: yogurt, red wine, cola, sprite and homemade passion fruit drinks and so on. Next is the fruit: oranges, apples, tangerines, etc., just seeing the full of food on the table, the heart is happy to bloom.

  Next, we took the seasoning together and made our own loving barbecue. The ingredients made a sizzling sound on the grill, and put the pork belly with the dipping sauce on the lettuce and stuffed it with a bite. Ah, how delicious this is.

  One afternoon, we spent it in an atmosphere of fighting, eating and drinking. At work, we are co-workers who work together; in life, we are good friends who can make jokes. This kind of life satisfies me because there are the right people, food, and beautiful scenery. It is exactly this sentence: In this world, only love and food can not be disappointed!

  Working hard on weekdays, relaxing and entertaining on weekends, this is really an enviable life!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇5

  Today, the sun is shining and spring is blooming. Seeing that the weather is so good today, my mother smiled and said to my brother and me: "It's rare to have such a good weather, let's go to Xinyi Square to play!" My brother and I danced happily.

  While we were walking and playing, we ate the fragrant and crispy chicken chop on the way. After walking for about half an hour, I finally arrived at Xinyi Square. Wow! There are so many people there! There are so many people. Some people are skating, some are flying kites, and some are playing sports equipment. My brother and I were happy, and joined this big battle.

  We were playing happily. I suddenly discovered that there are sports equipment similar to bicycles. Bicycles are my favorite. So, I quickly climbed up and rode up. Soon, my brother discovered that I was having a great time playing and he wanted to ride too. I haven't enjoyed it yet, and I didn't want to let him ride, but he didn't agree. He didn't expect that he had deliberately put his feet in the seams of the car. Wow! The younger brother cried and said, "You cried until you hurt my feet. I want to tell my mother, oh oh oh oh!" I quickly said, "Brother, I'm sorry! I don't know where your feet are, I will ride for you. Don't tell your mother." The younger brother said excitedly: "Okay." Almost forgot the pain just now.

  We played until noon, and my mother said: "It's late, it's time for lunch. Let's take you to the bridge rice noodles. After eating the bridge rice noodles, I will send my brother to the Mathematical Olympiad class. The younger brother quickly said: "Okay!" Because crossing the bridge rice noodle is our favorite.

  Ok! ――The rice noodles are delicious, but as soon as I finish the rice noodles, I will rush to the Mathematical Olympiad class! We had to leave Xinyi Square reluctantly.

  This is my happy weekend!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇6

  It is rare for my dad to be at home on weekends, so I finished my homework early. After repeated rumors with my little sister, my parents decided to take us to the New Century Hotel to have a special buffet, and also to feel the atmosphere of the hotel.

  According to my mother, this time we went to a five-star hotel, which is currently the best hotel in Chizhou. Along the way, I tried to suppress a curiosity.

  The road is not very long, but I feel as if I have walked for decades. When I got there, I couldn't wait to jump out of the car, ignoring that it was raining outside, so I ran in with my jacket on.

  Wow! Before entering the gate, my sight was attracted by a fountain. There are dozens of fountains in a large but not deep pool, and there is a colorful neon light under each fountain. With the ups and downs of the water, it changes to different colors, neat and orderly. The lights and the sound of the water blend together, creating a blurred night scene and setting off the hotel very much.

  entered the door, and the whole hotel looked even more magnificent. Several vivid artificial flowers are placed on the black marble table in the center of the hall, and on the right is a cash register that is cleaner than the bed. There are countless other decorations, which makes people mistakenly believe that they have entered the palace.

  The restaurant on the left is even more lively. It has both European style and classic style. If it weren't for all Chinese people, it would really make people confused which country it is in.

  The sparrow is small, but it has all five internal organs, not to mention this is a phoenix! Things like chocolate fountains, seafood, barbecues, and beverages are not uncommon here, and they are overwhelming. I ate for a while, until my dad took away my food.

  What a pleasant weekend!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇7

  On Saturday afternoon, I participated in a performance recorded by Zhengzhou TV Station. There are more than a dozen other friends in Taekwondo.

  We went to the show on a TV bus. Although the weather was very hot, we were all very excited and extremely excited. Along the way, we sang, danced, and danced in the car, and the expectation was beyond words.

  Soon, we arrived at the scene. We performed in the fourth group. The previous program was performed by other schools. It was wonderful and attractive. When it was our group's turn to play, our first group performed the pose. With the strong music, the performance of the friends was very dedicated and powerful, and every movement was coordinated, which won bursts of applause from the audience. Immediately afterwards, each of us performed solo, taking turns out of the field. I was the first to perform side-to-side kicks, kicking in the air. The coach told me not to be timid, not to be afraid. Just play normally as usual. When I stepped onto the stage, I took a deep breath and suddenly felt a lot easier. I raised my left foot and kicked at the bullseye in the coach's hands. I forgot that I was on the stage. All the movements were done in one go, very smooth. Especially when the performance was broken, I kicked three boards in a row. When I stepped off the stage, the coach said: "It's great!" Then Zhang Haozhe kicked six boards in a row, and in one kick, the boards were scattered around his feet like flowers. Just listen to the screams and cheers coming from the audience from time to time... Our performance ended with everyone's cheers. In order to thank the friends, the program team sent us different drinks. We were very happy.

  Finally, our performance won a special prize. When we stood on the podium, we laughed happily, and the laughter echoed over the scene for a long time.

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇8

  My parents took me to Taigong Lake on Saturdays and Sundays, and I discovered some strange phenomena in these two days.

  On Saturday night, when we finished our meal from Malian Terrace to Taigong Lake, I saw that the sky in the distance was colorful, the bottom layer was black with a layer of orange on top; orange with a layer of green on top , The green color is blue. There are still pieces in the distance, some like snakes and some like horses. My father told me that it is called sunset. This is the first time I have seen the sunset, it's so beautiful! But when I climbed Mount Tai last year, when I got up at 4 o'clock in the morning to watch the sunrise, I saw the sunrise. My father said these are all natural phenomena.

  When I went to Taigong Lake again on Sunday, I found another strange thing. Have you ever seen a big tree hit the bottle? I saw it with my own eyes. There is a big bag hanging from the big tree, which is filled with liquid like water. The needle is ed into the trunk, and the liquid will flow into the trunk drop by drop, just like when we hit a bottle. My mother told me that it is to nourish the tree!

  After seeing the big tree getting an injection, we went fishing again. I caught some small shrimps and loach myself, and I also caught a big yellow eel. But the big yellow eel was very strange. After we took it home, we saw its whole body standing upright in the water, motionless. We pinch it, and it doesn't move! I thought it was dead! Dad said to take a plastic bag to freeze it in the refrigerator, and let grandpa cook it tomorrow! But as soon as my father finished speaking, the giant eel sank to the bottom of the water and swam around, as if he could understand people's words. Until this morning, I have found the big yellow eel sticking out its head several times. I don't know what's going on! What do you guys say?

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇9

  This week, I had a nice weekend. Just after school on Friday afternoon, my mother took me to Zhongda International. I went to the second floor and saw a KTV like a dressing room. So I walked in with my mother.

  After entering this small KTV, I found that although this KTV is very small and can only accommodate two people, it is very delicate inside. There are microphones placed on both sides of the KTV, earphones on top of the microphone, and a large screen. There are many things on the big screen, you can order songs, receive coupons, etc. There are two types of song on demand, one is song by name, and the other is song by singer. To receive a coupon is to receive a coupon for singing KTV. You have to scan the code first and then operate it on your phone. I immediately feel so troublesome!

  Mom took the phone and scanned the code. After paying the money, my mom ordered me a song. She first clicked on the song "Actor", which belonged to Xue Zhiqian. Then I ordered a lot of songs.

  While I was singing, I pushed the door with my hand and found that the door couldn't be opened! I thought: "Won't my mother and I be locked in like this?" I sang until the time was up and I found that the door could be opened again. What a false alarm!

  After singing, I walked out of Zhongda International, and I moved to my new home. My new home is in the "Champs Elan Court". My mother and I took bus 184 first, and then took bus 260 before going home.

  After I got home, I started to do my homework. I think there is a lot of homework! Fortunately, I finished my homework at eight or nine o'clock. I wanted to go to the neighbor to jump rope, but I didn’t expect the neighbor’s mother to say: “I went down with Grid just now. It rained outside, and we both ran back.” So, I told my parents and I asked again. Can Mom and Dad go to the neighbor's house to play for a while? Mom and Dad agreed, and I went to the neighbor to play again.

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇10

  At noon on Saturday, I checked all my homework and after finishing my school bag, I called my alumni Xiao Cao and went to the park together.

  It’s been a long time since I came out to let the wind go. The park is crowded with people. We rode our bicycles across the wide road in the park. We were attracted by a fierce basketball game when we walked at the entrance. "Cut", a sideways three-pointer made a successful shot, so beautiful! I wish I could go in and play a half.

  After the ball game, we reluctantly left and went to the chairs in the corner of the park. Lying on the chairs, we enjoyed the warm afternoon sun and the beautiful autumn scenery, discussed various problems and solutions encountered in study and life, and exchanged relevant skills in the game. I was chatting energetically when suddenly a little boy of the same age walked over and looked to us while playing a yo-yo. The rope that went around instantly attracted me. I held my breath and stared at the little boy's hand. He seemed to see what I was thinking, so he stopped and said politely: "You can play once." I quickly took the yo-yo and acted like him, Zola I always couldn’t coordinate with the right-handed. When I was secretly anxious, he saw through my mind again. He stepped forward and taught me a few tricks seriously. All the friends present were shocked. It turned out that he was a master at Yoyo. what! We laughed at each other and introduced ourselves to each other. It turned out that we were still alumni, so we became good friends. In the future, we will have another partner to communicate with each other in our spare time. I am very happy.

  We talked about a lot of topics as we wanted. It was five o'clock in the afternoon unknowingly. It was time to say goodbye. We opened our hearts and sang "When I grow up" loudly, and walked home.

  Today is the first time I have asked friends out to play without the company of my parents, and I also met new friends who have common hobbies. What a pleasant weekend!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇11

  After a week of intense study, it was time to relax. On Saturday night, my mother decided to take me to the street for snacks.

  That night, my mother rode a bicycle to take me there. As soon as I got there, I saw many people lining up to buy those delicious food. I saw an aunt holding a piece of fragrant roasted tofu. I wanted to eat it too, but I didn't have the guts to ask the aunt where I could buy it. I asked my mother: "Do you know where to buy roasted tofu?" Mom said, "Oh, there." Then, my mother gave me the corresponding money and asked me to buy it. Standing in front of the stall, I smelled the scent of roasted tofu and drooled. After standing in line for a long time, I finally bought grilled tofu and couldn't help but ate it. I walked back, and I saw my mother lined up to buy delicious fat brother Xu Liang's roasted hoofs. She asked me if I wanted to, and I quickly said: "Yes, yes!" Because this store has been on TV! After I bought the roasted hooves, I quickly ate a bite. I was full of praise: "It's so delicious. It's really delicious. You deserve to be on the TV. My mother also tasted a bite and said, "It's so delicious. Fragrant and waxy. "We haven't enjoyed it yet. I ate another bowl of white fungus soup and a box of potatoes. There are a few red goji berries in the white fungus soup. The main thing is sweet and greasy. I like to eat sweets. I think it's very good. Eat. Potatoes are also delicious, full of spicy flavor, there are lotus roots and bean sprouts in it. Everything is available. Mom ate two bowls of rice noodles, and it was medium! She said: "This rice noodle is not only delicious, but the soup is also delicious. , Hot and sour and delicious, very warm after drinking. "After a while, we are ready to go home.

  We decided to walk home with our bicycles because we were too full to eat and need to walk to digest these delicious foods. The street is very beautiful. My mother and I walked and talked. I think my life is very good. happy!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇12

  This weekend morning, my mother, grandma, took my brother and me to the supermarket. There is a paradise in the supermarket. My mother asked me and my grandmother to accompany my brother to play in it. I helped my brother up to the second floor of the paradise. I slid down from the slide with my brother in my arms and rushed into the ocean pool at once. I brought a lot of ocean balls and buried my brother. I was buried with only hair left, but he didn't respond. I was a little worried. So he "rescued" him quickly. When clearing the ocean ball, he laughed, oh! It turned out he was teasing me!

  Brother came out of the ocean ball pool and got on the toy car. I watched. My brother drove the car here for a while, and then drove the car there for a while. Without paying attention, the car fell to the ground. The younger brother fell from the car and fell with all four legs upside down, like a turtle with its shell facing down and belly facing up. He was a little at a loss. Looking at his embarrassed appearance, I couldn't help laughing. I took my brother to the second floor of the paradise again. The younger brother swayed the ropes on both sides of the single-plank bridge and walked slowly forward step by step. When he was about to reach the other side, his foot suddenly sank into the square gap between the ropes, and I immediately helped my brother clear the siege.

  After passing the single-plank bridge, there is a tunnel in front of which there is a steep slope. I climbed up the slope first, grabbed my brother tightly with my hands, and tried to pull him up, but failed; I got down from the slope and pushed my brother vigorously with my hands, intending to push him up, but failed. Then, I tried many more methods, but the results failed. As a result, my brother and I had no choice but to go back the same way.

  We played for a long time. My brother was very tired from playing. He fell asleep sweetly in the warm embrace of his grandma. It was almost noon, and we reluctantly left the paradise and went to have lunch. I was eating while thinking about the scene of playing with my brother just now!

  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇13

  Last Saturday, my parents and I went to visit my grandma.


  My grandma was glad about our coming, so she had already prepared a lot of fresh fruits and delicious dishes.


  We had a happy time at the table.


  In the afternoon, we climbed Daming Mountain. The scenery there was so beautiful.


  Then we had dinner in a restaurant.


  After dinner, we went to see a film.


  How interesting it was to see a film in the open air!


  Everyone was so cheerful that laughed so happily.


  What a wonderful weekend I had. I would remember it forever.


  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇14

  I have planned a happy weekend.Saturday morning, I must go to see me aunt.In the afternoon, I must go to the shopping center to go shopping.Evening, I planned makes the homework.Sunday in the morning, I watch the television, the television program is extremely interesting.In the afternoon, I planned listens to music and paints pictures.I thought this weekend I can be very weary, but is certainly very joyful.


  愉快的周末生活英语作文 篇15

  It was sunny last weekend. The sun wasshining brightly, and white clouds were floating in the blue sky. My parents and I went to climb mountains.

  It’s not easy for us to climb. My mother told me to be careful. We sang and chattedwhile we were climbing. I was so tired when I got to the top of the mountain. My parents and I sweated a lot. I realized I should keep exercising every day. The top of the mountain was very beautiful.

  I spent a happy weekend.



















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