介绍长沙的英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 介绍长沙美食作文 介绍长沙的英语作文


2023-12-21 13:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”介绍长沙“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduce Changsha。以下是关于介绍长沙的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Changsha

Changsha is a beautiful city in the center of Xiangjiang River. It is famous for Mao Zedong. It is like a huge ship.

Changsha has built many beautiful roads floating on the water. The roads are wider and cleaner than before. There are endless cars.

There are countless famous snacks in Changsha, like stinky tofu in pyrotechnics. Think about Changsha in the night It is even more beautiful. Looking at the height, colorful lights are shining like stars in the sky.

It is worthy of being a city. Changsha is an ancient city and a young city. I love Changsha.




Dear Wang Ming, I am writing to remind you that we live in the same room. We are like a family, so we should love and respect each other. More importantly, we should clean our room.

Therefore, I hope you can read the following rules when you get up in the morning and abide by these rules: remember to abide by the rules in bed, do not make phone calls while sleeping, do not use other people's belongings without permission, and do not turn off the lights before leaving the room. I hope everyone can abide by these rules and make our room more and more comfortable, Li Hua.




Changsha is the capital of mankind. It is famous for its long cultural history, splendid culture and beautiful natural scenery. This morning, we arranged a one-day tour for you.

We will start our tour in Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street, which is located in the center of the city. You can buy all kinds of clothes and eat many delicious food. We will visit the lake where Chairman Mao once studied There are a lot of things that Chairman Mao used in the exhibition.

Chairman Mao's claooms and dormitories are still intact. Maybe you can learn about Chairman Mao's life at noon. We will take a walk along the Xiangjiang River.

In order to enjoy the beautiful nature in the afternoon, we plan to climb Yuelu Mountain. There are all kinds of trees, flowers and birds on the mountain. The scenery on the top of the mountain is difficult at night We will end our tour in zhuzizhou park.

We can enjoy beautiful fountains and colorful lights and firecrackers. The scenery is so wonderful that you can't miss it. I hope you will have a great time.









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