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双语新闻播报(March 13)

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双语新闻播报(March 13)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-03-13 15:16

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> Rare Orchid Species Found in China's Yunnan罕见!我国发现极度濒危物种彩云兜兰唯一已知野生居群



Chinese scientists have found a rare plant species Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes in southwest China's Yunnan Province. It is the only known wild population of such plants in China. 近日,我国科研人员在云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区福贡段发现国家一级重点保护野生植物彩云兜兰。

In early 2023, the staff of the Fugong management branch of the Gaoligong Mountains national nature reserve started a field investigation on Paphiopedilum.这是我国目前唯一已知的彩云兜兰野生居群。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区福贡管护分局工作人员于2023年初对兜兰属植物开启野外实地调查。

On Feb. 27, researchers discovered a wild Paphiopedilum plant in the hillside grass at an altitude of more than 1,300 meters in the Gaoligong Mountains. 上月27日,研究人员在高黎贡山海拔1300多米的山坡草丛中,发现了一种野生的兜兰属植物。

It was identified as the rare species Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes by experts with the Institute of Botany under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.经中国科学院植物研究所兰科专家鉴定,该植物被确定为极度濒危物种——彩云兜兰。

"Since 2004, I have gone to the Gaoligong Mountains for some 100 field investigations and found more than 30 new species of Orchidaceae, but not a single wild plant of Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes," said Jin Xiaohua, a researcher from the institute. According to Jin, the species is only distributed in southwestern Yunnan and northern Myanmar. Its flowering period is from December to March of the following year. “我从2004年起前往高黎贡山进行了上百次野外调查,在当地发现兰科植物新种30多种,但一直没有发现野生的彩云兜兰。”中国科学院植物研究所研究员金效华介绍,彩云兜兰仅分布于我国云南西南部和缅甸北部等地,花期为每年12月至次年3月,是观赏价值较高的名贵花卉。

The species is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.彩云兜兰被世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录列为濒危物种。

> Scientists use AI to translate animal languages动物之间是咋唠嗑的?让AI技术为你解答!

Rare elephant twins are seen after they were born to an elephant family in the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya on Jan 20. ANDREW WASIKE/ANADOLU AGENCY/GETTY IMAGES


Have you ever wondered what animals are talking about? 你有没有想过动物们平时都在聊啥?

With the development of AI, we may be able to understand their languages! 随着AI技术的发展,我们也许能够听懂他们的语言。

All around the animal kingdom, there are sounds that we can hardly pick up and decipher. 在动物王国里,有很多我们很难听到和破译的声音。

Elephants for example talk with each other using infrasound– far below our human hearing range. 大象用远低于人类听觉范围的次声波唠嗑。

Coral in the ocean also sends sound waves to attract baby coral to safer areas to grow. This is surprising as coral doesn’t have any ears!海里的珊瑚也是通过发出独特的声波吸引珊瑚宝宝到安全的地方去,更神奇的是:珊瑚是没有耳朵的!

After the sounds are recorded, AI can study their meaning. 这些声音被记录后,AI就可以研究它们的意思。

For example, Israeli researchers about three things: food, sleep positions and invasion of personal space.举个例子:以色列的研究人员通过使用AI翻译了15000种蝙蝠的叫声:超过60%的声音与食物、睡姿、侵犯领地的争吵有关。

Hippos fire a tornado of poo to tell other hippos about their territory. 河马捍卫领地的时候,会用“粑粑龙卷风”吓跑对方。

Sperm whales use clicking sounds to talk with each other. 抹香鲸通过“咔哒”声与彼此交谈。

They also have dialects. 它们之间甚至还有方言!

Asiatic wild dogs talk through whistle sounds. They whistle to coordinate attacks on other animals much larger than them.亚洲野狗通过哨声沟通,遇到体型较大的对手时,它们会通过哨声召唤同伴。

> China inaugurates national university for the aged终身学习 乐享生活 国家老年大学正式揭牌



Recently, China inaugurated a national university for the aged. 近日,国家老年大学正式挂牌成立。

The Seniors University of China (SUC) provides students with skills training, cultural inheritance education, social services, scientific research and international exchanges, and offers both online and offline teaching activities for the elderly nationwide.国家老年大学承担技能培训、文化传承、社会服务、科学研究和国际交流等任务,面向全国老年人开展线上线下相结合的教学活动。

Elderly people in China will have the opportunity to continue their education in a national-level university beginning in the 2023 spring semester and onwards. 从2023年春季学期起,中国的老年人将有机会在国家老年大学继续学习。

The establishment of The Seniors University of China (SUC) for the aged is a concrete measure to address the aging population in China and an important milestone in the reform and development of education for the elderly, said China's Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng, at the inauguration ceremony.中国教育部长怀进鹏在成立仪式上表示,国家老年大学的成立是积极应对人口老龄化的具体举措,也是我国老年教育事业改革发展的重要里程碑。

The aging of China's population is becoming more evident, with the number of people aged 60 or above in China expected to exceed 300 million by 2025. 中国人口老龄化日益明显,预计到2025年,中国60岁及以上人口将超过3亿。

Grasping demographic trends, China has introduced a raft of measures to broaden senior citizens' access to education. 把握人口趋势,中国出台了一系列措施,扩大老年人受教育的机会。

According to a document released by China's State Council in August last year, the country aims to establish at least one university for the elderly in every county-level region by 2025.根据中国国务院去年8月发布的一份文件,到2025年,中国的目标是在每个县级地区至少建立一所老年大学。

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