使用Pluto SDR实现GPS定位 您所在的位置:网站首页 什么手机可以接收卫星信号 使用Pluto SDR实现GPS定位

使用Pluto SDR实现GPS定位

2024-07-01 21:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

你可曾想过GPS全球定位系统是怎么实现米级甚至厘米级的定位的?你可曾好奇过为什么小小手机就可以连接到天上的卫星知晓自己的具体方位?今天我来向大家展示使用Pluto SDR接收GPS信号,实现定位。


首先你需要有一个ADI公司推出的Pluto SDR,或是基于Pluto SDR固件的第三方SDR,如果你还没有配置Pluto SDR的运行环境,可以参考我的这一篇文章。

其次你需要一根专门用于接收遥远GPS卫星信号的高增益接收天线,如下图这一根。 在这里插入图片描述 GPS接收天线是有源天线,需要直流馈电,可以使用Bias-Tee实现。 在这里插入图片描述 将RF端与SDR相连,RF+DC端与有源天线相连,最后接上DC直流,即可给天线供电。请一定要在接上负载后再接直流电,否则可能烧毁器件!


除了Pluto SDR的运行环境外,还需要安装gnss-sdr,这是一个专门基于SDR设备的全球卫星定位系统库,可以让SDR对接收到的导航数据进行解码,获得准确定位。


sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git pkg-config libboost-dev \ libboost-date-time-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-thread-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-serialization-dev \ libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev liblog4cpp5-dev \ libuhd-dev gnuradio-dev gr-osmosdr libblas-dev liblapack-dev \ libarmadillo-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libhdf5-dev \ libgnutls-openssl-dev libmatio-dev libpugixml-dev libpcap-dev \ libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgtest-dev googletest \ python3-mako python3-six


git clone https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr cd gnss-sdr/build cmake .. make sudo make install volk_profile volk_gnsssdr_profile



gnss-sdr --version





mkdir work cd work wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnss-sdr/files/data/2013_04_04_GNSS_SIGNAL_at_CTTC_SPAIN.tar.gz tar -zxvf 2013_04_04_GNSS_SIGNAL_at_CTTC_SPAIN.tar.gz



[GNSS-SDR] ;######### GLOBAL OPTIONS ################## GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps=2000000 ;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############ SignalSource.implementation=File_Signal_Source SignalSource.filename=/home/your-username/work/data/2013_04_04_GNSS_SIGNAL_at_CTTC_SPAIN.dat SignalSource.item_type=ishort SignalSource.sampling_frequency=4000000 SignalSource.samples=0 ;######### SIGNAL_CONDITIONER CONFIG ############ SignalConditioner.implementation=Signal_Conditioner DataTypeAdapter.implementation=Ishort_To_Complex InputFilter.implementation=Pass_Through InputFilter.item_type=gr_complex Resampler.implementation=Direct_Resampler Resampler.sample_freq_in=4000000 Resampler.sample_freq_out=2000000 Resampler.item_type=gr_complex ;######### CHANNELS GLOBAL CONFIG ############ Channels_1C.count=8 Channels.in_acquisition=8 Channel.signal=1C ;######### ACQUISITION GLOBAL CONFIG ############ Acquisition_1C.implementation=GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition Acquisition_1C.item_type=gr_complex Acquisition_1C.pfa=0.01 Acquisition_1C.doppler_max=10000 Acquisition_1C.doppler_step=250 Acquisition_1C.blocking=true ;######### TRACKING GLOBAL CONFIG ############ Tracking_1C.implementation=GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking Tracking_1C.item_type=gr_complex Tracking_1C.pll_bw_hz=40.0; Tracking_1C.dll_bw_hz=4.0; ;######### TELEMETRY DECODER GPS CONFIG ############ TelemetryDecoder_1C.implementation=GPS_L1_CA_Telemetry_Decoder ;######### OBSERVABLES CONFIG ############ Observables.implementation=Hybrid_Observables ;######### PVT CONFIG ############ PVT.implementation=RTKLIB_PVT PVT.positioning_mode=Single PVT.output_rate_ms=100 PVT.display_rate_ms=500 PVT.iono_model=Broadcast PVT.trop_model=Saastamoinen PVT.flag_rtcm_server=true PVT.flag_rtcm_tty_port=false PVT.rtcm_dump_devname=/dev/pts/1 PVT.rtcm_tcp_port=2101 PVT.rtcm_MT1019_rate_ms=5000 PVT.rtcm_MT1077_rate_ms=1000 PVT.rinex_version=2

注意SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG字段第二行需要改为你刚刚下载的数据文件的实际路径。 这个新文件命名为my-first-GNSS-SDR-receiver.conf或其他什么名字,但后缀一定是.conf。


gnss-sdr --config_file=./my-first-GNSS-SDR-receiver.conf



$ gnss-sdr --config_file=./my-first-GNSS-SDR-receiver.conf Initializing GNSS-SDR v0.0.19 ... Please wait. Logging will be done at "/tmp" Use gnss-sdr --log_dir=/path/to/log to change that. Processing file /home/your-username/work/2013_04_04_GNSS_SIGNAL_at_CTTC_SPAIN.dat, which contains 1600000000 [bytes] GNSS signal recorded time to be processed: 99.999 [s] Starting a TCP/IP server of RTCM messages on port 2101 The TCP/IP server of RTCM messages is up and running. Accepting connections ... ...


... Current receiver time: 14 s New GPS NAV message received in channel 3: subframe 1 from satellite GPS PRN 20 (Block IIR) New GPS NAV message received in channel 0: subframe 1 from satellite GPS PRN 01 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 4: subframe 1 from satellite GPS PRN 32 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 2: subframe 1 from satellite GPS PRN 17 (Block IIR-M) Current receiver time: 15 s Current receiver time: 16 s Current receiver time: 17 s Current receiver time: 18 s Current receiver time: 19 s Current receiver time: 20 s New GPS NAV message received in channel 3: subframe 2 from satellite GPS PRN 02 (Block IIR) New GPS NAV message received in channel 0: subframe 2 from satellite GPS PRN 01 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 4: subframe 2 from satellite GPS PRN 32 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 1: subframe 2 from satellite GPS PRN 11 (Block IIR) New GPS NAV message received in channel 2: subframe 2 from satellite GPS PRN 17 (Block IIR-M) Current receiver time: 21 s Current receiver time: 22 s Current receiver time: 23 s Current receiver time: 24 s Current receiver time: 25 s Current receiver time: 26 s New GPS NAV message received in channel 3: subframe 3 from satellite GPS PRN 20 (Block IIR) New GPS NAV message received in channel 0: subframe 3 from satellite GPS PRN 01 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 4: subframe 3 from satellite GPS PRN 32 (Block IIF) New GPS NAV message received in channel 2: subframe 3 from satellite GPS PRN 17 (Block IIR-M) New GPS NAV message received in channel 1: subframe 3 from satellite GPS PRN 11 (Block IIR) First position fix at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:31.740000 UTC is Lat = 41.2749 [deg], Long = 1.98754 [deg], Height= 100.795 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:32.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274888307 [deg], Long = 1.987581872 [deg], Height = 86.928 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:32.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274964746 [deg], Long = 1.987510141 [deg], Height = 90.557 [m] Current receiver time: 27 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:33.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274921885 [deg], Long = 1.987605767 [deg], Height = 73.365 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:33.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274866502 [deg], Long = 1.987553835 [deg], Height = 83.313 [m] Current receiver time: 28 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:34.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274904024 [deg], Long = 1.987612510 [deg], Height = 87.615 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:34.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274877911 [deg], Long = 1.987553312 [deg], Height = 81.405 [m] Current receiver time: 29 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:35.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274916750 [deg], Long = 1.987576650 [deg], Height = 108.288 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:35.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274803167 [deg], Long = 1.987562527 [deg], Height = 90.144 [m] Current receiver time: 30 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:36.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.275044618 [deg], Long = 1.987619037 [deg], Height = 102.346 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:36.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274878468 [deg], Long = 1.987557377 [deg], Height = 102.764 [m] Current receiver time: 31 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:37.000000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274995336 [deg], Long = 1.987554843 [deg], Height = 113.653 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:23:37.500000 UTC using 4 observations is Lat = 41.274951615 [deg], Long = 1.987600581 [deg], Height = 92.064 [m] Current receiver time: 32 s ...


... Current receiver time: 1 min 40 s Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:24:45.500000 UTC using 5 observations is Lat = 41.274821613 [deg], Long = 1.987629659 [deg], Height = 69.292 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:24:46.000000 UTC using 5 observations is Lat = 41.274817101 [deg], Long = 1.987576895 [deg], Height = 43.517 [m] Position at 2013-Apr-04 06:24:46.500000 UTC using 5 observations is Lat = 41.274830209 [deg], Long = 1.987583859 [deg], Height = 54.475 [m] Stopping GNSS-SDR, please wait! Total GNSS-SDR run time: 37.106698 [seconds] GNSS-SDR program ended. Stopping TCP/IP server on port 2101




上面这个配置文件只是个实例,实际使用Pluto SDR时需要专门的配置文件,可以从官方仓库找到,这里我们使用基于Pluto SDR的这个配置文件,将其下载到本地。

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr/main/conf/gnss-sdr_GPS_L1_plutosdr_realtime.conf


gnss-sdr --config_file=./gnss-sdr_GPS_L1_plutosdr_realtime.conf







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