人鼠之间(1992)Of Mice and Men、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 人鼠之间中英对照 人鼠之间(1992)Of Mice and Men、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

人鼠之间(1992)Of Mice and Men、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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你在开玩笑You're kidding me.像你这么英俊的人一定有很多情人A good-looking guy like you must have had a million sweethearts.你叫乔治 对吗Your name's George, ain't it?你在这做什么 -没什么 在这凉快凉快而已What the hell you doing out here? - Nothing. Just trying to keep cool.我没跟你说话 -那你跟谁说呢I ain't talking to you. - Who you talking to?我跟他说的 -他叫乔治I'm talking to him. - His name's George.我知道I know what his name is.你在这做什么What are you doin' out here?做我该做的事 -好吧Minding my own business. - Yeah.上次我在这里抓到一个家伙The last guy I caught out in the barn,把他海扁了一顿 然后把他赶出了我的农场I beat the hell out of him and kicked him off my ranch.(哼唱声)(humming)回房♥子里去 -你管不着我 科里Get on back to the house. - You don't own me, Curley.闭嘴Shut up.回房♥子里去Get back in the house.非常高 得有一万英尺左右..very high. About 10,000, 12,000 feet.你喜欢你的小狗吗 蓝尼How do you like your pup, Lennie?我很喜欢 它是白色的 跟我想要的一样I like that puppy. It's white, like I wanted.蓝尼 -嗯Lennie. - Yeah.我说过不要把小狗带到这来 -乔治 我没有把小狗带来I told you not to bring that pup in here. - George, I ain't got no pup in here.乔治 给我 给我 把它还给我George, give... give... Give it to me!乔治 还给我 乔治 我没想伤害它George, give it to me. George, I didn't mean no harm.乔治 求你了 我会把他带回马棚的George, please, I'll take it back to the barn.我只是想跟它玩儿一小会儿I just want to feel him a little bit.好吧All right.不准再带它出来了Don't you take him out no more.天啊Jesus.他还像个孩子一样 不是吗He's still just like a kid, ain't he?你们谁有威士忌吗Either of you guys got a slug of whisky?我有点肚子疼 -没有 如果有我早就自己喝了I got a gut ache. - I ain't. I'd drink it myself if I had.我肚子不疼I ain't got no gut ache.过来Come here.老天爷 你闻到那条狗的臭味了吗 坎迪God Almighty, that dog of yours stinks, Candy.他没有牙了 他得风湿都快死了He's got no teeth. He's all stiff from rheumatism.他对你没什么好处 老天 他活着甚至都没什么意思了He ain't no good to ya. Hell, he ain't no good to hisself.你为什么不宰了他呢 坎迪Why don't you just shoot him, Candy?得了吧Well!我不能那样做I couldn't do that.我跟他一块很长时间了I had him too long.我跟他一块放羊I herded sheep with him.那条可怜的老狗一直都在受罪That poor old dog just suffers hisself all the time.不 不是的No. No.听着Look.带他出去开枪打他的后脑勺Take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head.就是这儿Right there.天 他甚至都不知道怎么回事Hell, he'd never even know what hit him.啊Aw...我不能那么做I couldn't do that.我跟他一块很长时间了I had him too long.我来替你杀了他 那就不用你来做了I'll shoot him for ya. Then it won't be you that done it.不 -斯利姆的老婆有一窝小狗No. - Slim's bitch has got a litter right now.我会替你求斯利姆让他给你一只的I'll bet you Slim would give you one of her pups to raise.是的 你可以随便挑一只想要的Sure. You can have any one of them pups you want.不 不 不行No, no, no.卡尔森说得对 坎迪Carlson's right, Candy.那条狗活着已经没意思了That dog ain't no good to hisself.嘿 斯利姆 看这个Hey, Slim. Read this.“亲爱的编辑 我读你们的杂♥志♥有六年了 它是市场上最棒的”''Dear Editor, I read your magazine for six years. It's the best in the market.''“我喜欢读彼得·兰德写的故事”''I like stories by Peter Rand.''你让我读这个干嘛 -继续看 看底下的名字What you want me to read that for? - Go on. Read the name at the bottom.“祝你好运 威廉·唐纳” -你见到比尔·唐纳了''Yours for success, William Tanner.'' - You met Bill Tanner?是的 一个秃头 开着一架耕耘机Yeah. Bald-headed guy, drove a cultivator.就是他That's him.坎迪 如果你愿意的话 我现在就把那条狗从痛苦里解救出来Candy, if you want me to, I'll put that old dog out of his misery right now.一点儿都不会伤害他Won't hurt him at all.让我们等到明天吧 -我真不明白你 咱们来送他走吧Let's wait till tomorrow. - I don't see why. Let's get it over with.这有只臭狗我们睡不着觉We can't sleep with that stinking dog in here.好吧All right.带他走吧Take him.来吧 孩子 来Come on, boy. Come on.他甚至都不会感觉到He won't even feel it.来吧 孩子 来Come on, boy. Come on.卡尔森Carlson...挖个洞 -好嘞Get a shovel. - Yeah.坎迪Candy.你可以随便挑一只小狗You can have any one of them pups you want.呃 有人要打牌吗Uh... Does anybody wanna play a little rummy?是的Yeah.你来You deal.(枪声)(gunshot)(啜泣声)(sobs)嘿 嘿Hey, hey.嘿 嘿Hey, hey.斯利姆 -嗯Slim? - Yeah.我不能跟他一块干 那会害死我的I can't keep up with that guy. It'll kill me.好吧All right.杰克 -嗯Jack! - Yeah.你来替迈克Take Mike's place.啊 斯利姆 -等一会儿Aw, Slim. - Just for a while.迈克 你替杰克去吧Mike, you take Jack's place.你上去You're on there.你跟蓝尼在一块多久了 乔治So how long you and Lennie been together, George?很长时间了 真的是很长时间A long time. A real long time.是吗 有点意思 你们一起旅行Really? Seems kinda funny, you two travelling around together.这有什么意思What's funny about it?哈 一个傻瓜和你这么聪明的人一块儿Well, a cuckoo like him and a smart guy like you.呃 我没那么聪明 不然我就不会每月领着50块钱干这活儿了Well, I ain't so smart or I wouldn't be bucking barley for my 50 bucks a month.也许吧I guess you're right.你们怎么遇到的呢How'd you two meet up?呃 我认识他的姑妈克拉拉Well, I knew his Aunt Clara.他还是个孩子时她就带着他了 她把他养大的She took him when he was a boy. She raised him up.她死的时候 蓝尼正和我一块工作When she died, Lennie just come along with me working.呃Uh-huh.我过去常常拿他开玩笑 因为他笨到连自己都照顾不了I used to play jokes on him cos he's too damn dumb to take care of himself.他会做我说的任何事He'd do any damn thing I told him.把那个放在后面Put that on back in here.有一天 很多人在萨克拉门托河边One day, a bunch of guys standing around on the Sacramento River,我转身对他说“跳进去 蓝尼”I turns to him and I says ''Jump in, Lennie.''他就跳了进去And he jumps.他不会游泳 我们把他救上来时他险些淹死Couldn't swim a stroke. He damn near drowned before we could get to him.他非常感激我把他救出来 然后他忘了是我让他跳进去的He was so damn nice to me for pulling him out, he forgot I told him to jump in.他是个很好的人He's a nice fella.一个实实在在的好家伙A guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella.嗯Yeah.他老是惹上麻烦 因为他实在是太笨了He gets in trouble all the time cos he's so goddamn dumb.就像在威德的事情一样Like what happened up north in Weed.他在威德做了什么事What'd he do in Weed?他看到了一个女孩He seen this girl,穿红裙子的女孩in a red dress,他是有多笨 他and the dumb bastard that he is, he just...他想触摸所有他喜欢的东西 所以他摸了那个穿红色裙子的女孩He wants to touch everything he likes, so he reaches out to touch this red dress.然后那个女孩开始尖叫 那让蓝尼有些混乱了So the girl starts screaming, and that gets Lennie all mixed up,他抓住她不肯放她走so he holds on and he won't let go,因为那是他唯一可以想到去做的事情cos that's the only thing he can think to do.然后发生了什么So what happened?呃 她挣脱开在田地里叫喊着乱跑Well, she runs off across the field, screaming.然后我跟蓝尼就逃走了So me and Lennie take off running.过了一会儿我们听到一群人带着狗在后面追Pretty soon we hear a bunch of guys with dogs coming after us.我们躲在渠道里 直到安全了才逃走Had to hide in the irrigation ditch until it was safe to get away.他并没有伤到那个女孩吗He didn't hurt the girl none?






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