英文学术写作:摘要(Abstracts) 您所在的位置:网站首页 书桌英文怎么写英语 英文学术写作:摘要(Abstracts)


2024-07-05 03:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


WHAT IS AN ABSTRACT? An abstract is a self-contained, short, and powerful statement that describes a larger work. Components vary according to discipline. An abstract of a social science or scientific work may contain the scope, purpose, results, and contents of the work. An abstract of a humanities work may contain the thesis, background, and conclusion of the larger work. An abstract is not a review, nor does it evaluate the work being abstracted. While it contains key words found in the larger work, the abstract is an original document rather than an excerpted passage.

2.什么时候需要写摘要 When submitting articles to journals, especially online journalsWhen applying for research grantsWhen writing a book proposalWhen completing the Ph.D. dissertation or M.A. thesisWhen writing a proposal for a conference paperWhen writing a proposal for a book chapter 3.两种主流摘要类型

Descriptive abstracts and Informative abstracts

4.两种主流摘要类型的区别 DescriptiveInformative字数限制100~120250左右但不能超过全文长度的10%内容purposemethodscopepurposemethodscoperesultsconclusionsrecommendation 5.摘要六要素

Topic specification 主题 常用词: test, discuss, study, investigate, consider, examine 常用句: The paper examines … and considers … 本文研究了…并考虑了… The authors consider two specific subjects which… 作者考虑了两个…的专题。 This article discusses the reasons for … and offers and insight into… 本文研讨了…的原因并阐明了对…的观点。 The influence of … on … is investigated. 研讨了…对…所产生的影响。 This paper analyzes some important characteristics of … 本文分析了…的一些重要特征。

Background information 背景信息

Purpose Statement 研究目的 常用词: seek, aim, purpose, objective 常用句: This paper seeks to justify … in terms of … 本文追求的目标是从…的角度来论证… One of the purpose of this study is to … 本研究的一个目的是… The aim of this study is to carry out analysis for … 本项研究的目的是对…进行分析 This primary objective of the study was to determine … 本项研究的主要目标是确定…

Methodology and Data 研究方法与研究数据 常用词: test, experiment, evaluate, assess, compare, agree with, be based on, use, apply, adopt 常用句: Two basic technology are used to lay down … 两种常用的技术用于制定… Such a statistic method has been applied to … 这样的统计方法已经被应用于… The present work evaluates the properties of … 当下的工作评估了… 的属性 The role of … has been critically assessed by… …的作用经过了…的严格评估 The experiments on … have been carried out using … …的实验是使用…的方法来实现的 The method is based on … 该方法是基于…

Results /Findings 研究结果 常用词: find, give, develop, provide, derive, establish, design, conclude, arrive at 常用句: The paper provides the quantitative background to … The results found that 85% of respondents(受试者) used non-standardized assessments… The author has developed two methods of … A theoretical model has been developed to predict … A theoretical treatment of a new model of … is given. Data pertinent to … are given. The paper concludes that …

Implications/Conclusions 展望/总结


常用词: present, describe, illustrate, deal with, support, address, involve, concern, relate to, look at 常用句: The author presents a … principle 作者阐述了一个…的原则 The paper presents the data in terms of … 本文用…阐述了…的数据 The brief history of … is presented. 本文阐述了…的简史 This paper describes the principles and techniques of … 本文描述了…的原则和技术 Performance goals and various approaches to … are briefly described. 简述了运行目标和达到…的各种途径。 This paper addresses the problem of … 本文讨论了… 的问题 This paper deals with … 本文论述了… This paper is concerned to assessments of … 本文专论如何评估… This paper is concerned with the analysis of … 本文对…进行了分析 The article looks at … 本文考察了…






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