python如何写二进制乘法 您所在的位置:网站首页 乘法的python语句 python如何写二进制乘法


2023-03-15 06:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我编写这个python程序是为了能够理解如何实现乘法算法。我已经把我所有的工作,所有的指示和我所做的事情的“主”拷贝放在一起,这样就不必浪费时间在3-4个文件之间切换了。我的问题是如何开始学习shift_left函数和binary_multiplaction函数。我不知道怎么开始。在import unittest

import sys

def binary_addition( a, b ):


Binary addition.

:param a: the first operand - a tuple of bits

:param b: the second operand - a tuple of bits

:type a: tuple

:type b: tuple

:return: the sum, as a tuple of bits

:rtype: tuple


# first, ensure that the 2 arrays have the same number of bits,

# by filling in with 0s on the left of the shortest operand

diff = len(a)-len(b)

if diff > 0:

# concatenating a tuple of size with tuple b (all elements are 0s)

b = ((0,) * diff) + b

elif diff

# concatenating a tuple of size with tuple a (all elements are 0s)

a = ((0,) * (-diff)) + a

c = 0

s = [0] * (len(a)+1)

for j in reversed(range(0, len(a))):

d = (a[j] + b[j] + c) // 2

s[j+1] = (a[j] + b[j] + c) - 2*d

c = d

s[0] = c

# removing unneeded 0s on the left

if s[0] == 0:


return tuple(s)

def shift_left(a,n):


Shift an array of bits to the L, by adding n 0s on the right.

#. construct a tuple of n elements, all 0s

#. concatenate it to the tuple that has been passed in

#. return the concatenation

:param a: a tuple of bits

:param n: the number of positions over which to shift

:type a: tuple

:return: if n > 0, the L-shifted array; otherwise, the original array; *if the first parameter (`a` ) is not of the `tuple` type, the function should handle it nicely and return an empty tuple. A test in the test suite below checks that this requirement has been met.*

:rtype: tuple



return a + (0,) * n

def binary_multiplication(a, b):


Multiply arrays of bits.

#. Initialize the cumulative sum of product (a tuple with 0 as its only element)

#. Go over the bits in `b` (the second multiplicand), in *reverse order*: if current bit is 1, add to the cumulative sum the operand `a`, L-shifted by 0 for rightmost bit, by 1 for bit k-1, by 2 for bit k-2, ...

#. return the cumulative sum

:param a: first multiplicand - an array of bits

:param b: second multiplicand - an array of bits

:type a: tuple

:type b: tuple

:return: an array of bits

:rtype: tuple



class Multiplication_unittest( unittest.TestCase):

def test_binary_addition_1(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((1,0,1),(1,1,1,1)), (1,0,1,0,0))

def test_binary_addition_2(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((1,1,1,1),(1,0,1)), (1,0,1,0,0))

def test_binary_addition_3(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((1,0,1,1),(1,1,1,1)), (1,1,0,1,0))

def test_binary_addition_4(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((0,),(1,)), (1,))

def test_binary_addition_5(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((1,),(1,)), (1,0))

def test_binary_addition_6(self):

self.assertEqual( binary_addition((0,),(0,)), (0,))

def test_shift_left_1(self):

""" Trying to shift a value that is _not_ a tuple (ex. an integer) returns an empty tuple """

self.assertEqual( shift_left( 5, 3 ), () )

def test_shift_left_2(self):

""" Shifting by 0 places returns the array that has been passed in """

self.assertEqual( shift_left((1,1), 0 ), (1,1) )

def test_shift_left_3(self):

""" Shifting an empty tuple by 1 place return a tuple with 0 as a single element """

self.assertEqual( shift_left((), 1 ), (0,) )

def test_shift_left_4(self):

""" Shifting a 1-tuple (with 0 as the only element) by 1 place """

self.assertEqual( shift_left((0,), 1 ), (0,0) )

def test_shift_left_5(self):

""" Shifting a 1-tuple (with 1 as the only element) by 1 place """

self.assertEqual( shift_left((1,), 1 ), (1,0) )

def test_shift_left_6(self):

""" Shifting 110 (6) by 3 places returns 110000 (6x8=48) """

self.assertEqual( shift_left((1,1,0), 3 ), (1,1,0,0,0,0) )

def test_multiplication_1(self):

""" Short operands: 0 x 0 """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (0,),(0,)), (0,))

def test_multiplication_2(self):

""" Short operands: 0 x 1 """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (0,),(1,)), (0,))

def test_multiplication_3(self):

""" Short operands: 1 x 0 """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (1,),(0,)), (0,))

def test_multiplication_4(self):

""" Short operands: 1 x 1 """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (1,),(1,)), (1,))

def test_multiplication_5(self):

""" Short operands 2 x 1"""

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (1,0),(1,)), (1,0))

def test_multiplication_6(self):

""" Long operands """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1),(1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1)), (1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1))

def test_multiplication_5(self):

""" Operands of different sizes """

self.assertEqual( binary_multiplication( (1,0,0,1,1),(1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1)), (1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1))

def main():


if __name__ == '__main__':







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