英语作文组织演讲比赛的提案 您所在的位置:网站首页 举办演讲比赛的英语作文120字 英语作文组织演讲比赛的提案


2024-06-26 11:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”组织演讲比赛的提案“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Proposal for organizing a speech contest。以下是关于组织演讲比赛的提案的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Proposal for organizing a speech contest

Friendship encourages me. If you have a friend, you will be happy. If you have a friend, you will be happy.

If you have a friend who gives you his hand in an emergency, you will feel lucky. Thank God, I am a happy, rich and lucky girl. Friendship is the most precious wealth and eternal memory of my difficult year because of my body It's bad.

I have to stay in the hospital, but this is my second year of high school. I'm worried about my study and my future. What I feel is not just pain, but despair.

As far as I know, a friend of my high school political teacher came to save me. This old man is also a famous lawyer with busy practice. However, he gave up more than a year's practice career.

He taught me in the hospital almost every day. He gave me knowledge and confidence in the future. With his help, I overcame the difficulties and became a college student who could not express my thanks in words because he had done too much for me.

He told me that he was very happy to light up a road for me and hoped that I had a brand-new future. I was very lucky to have such a good friend. I love him and respect him in my heart.

He is teacher Lei, father Lei, and most importantly, I am Forever best friend.




Title The Power of Dreams

Ladies and gentlemen distinguished judges and fellow participants

I stand before you today to talk about the power of dreams. Dreams have a profound impact on our lives shaping our aspirations and driving us towards success. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. famously said "I have a dream" it is these dreams that push us beyond our limits and inspire us to achieve greatness.

Dreams serve as guiding lights illuminating the path to our desired goals. They motivate us during challenging times reminding us of the ultimate prize awaiting us at the end of our journey. Dreams give us hope and with hope comes the determination to conquer obstacles no matter how daunting they may seem.

Moreover dreams have the power to unite people from diverse backgrounds. They transcend borders languages and cultures connecting individuals with shared aspirations. Dreams create a sense of belonging and foster collaboration as like-minded individuals come together to pursue their common objectives. From the civil rights movement to the fight against climate change dreams have been instrumental in driving collective action and effecting widespread change.

However dreams alone are not enough. We must also possess the courage to pursue them relentlessly. It is easy to be discouraged by setbacks or intimidated by the enormity of our dreams. But it is during these challenging moments that our character is truly tested. The strength to persist despite the odds is what separates dreamers from those who merely envision a better world.

As young individuals we have the responsibility to dream big and work tirelessly towards our goals. We are the ones who can bring about transformative changes in our society. Let us not be afraid of failure or the judgment of others. Let us embrace our dreams with unwavering determination knowing that they have the potential to shape not only our personal lives but also the course of history.

In conclusion the power of dreams should never be underestimated. They possess the ability to ignite passion unite communities and effect positive change. It is through the pursuit of our dreams that we can make this world a better place for generations to come.

Thank you.


我今天站在这里谈论梦想的力量梦想对我们的生活产生了深远的影响塑造了我们的愿望并推动我们朝着成功迈进正如马丁·路德·金 Jr.(Martin Luther King Jr.)著名地说过“我有一个梦想”正是这些梦想推动我们突破自己的极限激励我们取得伟大成就








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When they like to give their children as gifts in this life, they suffer a lot. It is filial parents who let the old people live in their old age.



标签: 英语 高中 万能 比赛 演讲






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