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完形填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)Monday, 12 MarchI was out in the Rose Garden neighbor when I received a radio call telling me to ___1___ an accident nearby. A taxi driver had knocked down a cyclist on the corner of Hill Road and Green Street. The cyclist suffered back injuries and was sent by ambulance to the nearest hospital. The taxi driver was in a state of shock when I tried to interview him. ___2___ there were no passengers. This has been another busy day. We police officers never know what will happen, so there’s no chance of getting bored!Tuesday, 13 MarchA five-year-old boy fell into a pool in the Green Park neighborhood. Fortunately, an elderly man Terry Lim was passing by when the incident took place and he called 110. When I reached the ___3___, I wasted no time and jumped into the pool right away. I managed to save the boy in the nick of time. When I took him home, his mother was so ___4___ and she gave me bags of food and drink for my lunch!Wednesday, 14 MarchI saved another life today. This time it was an eighty-year-old man who had stopped ___5___ When Officer Max and I received the emergency call, we quickly took our first aid kit(急救包) and drove our patrol car there. We immediately started CPR and kept it up while waiting for the ___6___ to arrive. Five minutes later, when they came, the man had started to breathe and he was taken to hospital right away. Over the past couple of days, I had saved two people’s lives and that for me, is the best part of a police officer’s job.1.A.support B.investigate C.prevent D.attend2.A.Luckily B.Sadly C.Finally D.Recently3.A.station B.goal C.boy D.scene4.A.frightened B.excited C.thankful D.angry5.A.eating B.breathing C.smoking D.exercising6.A.street cleaners B.bus drivers C.ambulance workers D.chief editorsChoose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)A thoughtful giftDon’t focus on the price tag when you want to choose a gift. Instead, get creative and think about a different set of values.CareThere are many things you can buy for friends, family members or even teachers. From a framed photograph to a small gift, each present sends a powerful message. And the closer you are to a person, the more ___7___ your present can be—it’s a real chance to prove how well you know them and their interests. Before you make a purchase, think about the ___8___ of the person you’re buying for. It’s not the price of the gift, but the thought behind it.TimeYou can give your time in so many ways.Homemade presents are special and show you care enough to make an effort. ___9___ with emotion can also bring a sense of happiness. It could be knitting a scarf with their favourite colour, making a greeting card with a self-created poem inside or baking lovely cupcakes. Whatever you decide, make it amazing—for them and for you. And a gift doesn’t even have to be “___10___”. It could be simply hanging out together, including watching your friend’s must-see movie, visiting your mother’s favourite museum or asking a grandparent to tell you more about his/her childhood. The gift of time is ___11___—think carefully about how the other person would wish to spend a few hours or a day together.MeaningWhy wait for a birthday or Christmas From “I’m sorry” to “I love you” and “thank you” to “good luck”, gifts can take many messages and ___12___ inner feelings of regret and thankfulness when you are too shy to speak them out. It’s a wonderful feeling for the giver, too, as the person will be surprised and touched by such a display of care and attention.7.A.powerful B.beautiful C.personal D.attractive8.A.nationality B.advantage C.family D.taste9.A.Deciding B.Creating C.Delivering D.Cheering10.A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing11.A.precious B.dull C.limited D.common12.A.keep B.exchange C.carry D.expressChoose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

Several times a week, teenager Karina Moore trains at her local pool to jump from the high-diving board into the water—in an attempt(努力) to become a national diving champion.Karina first knew about diving during a family break in Spain. There was a high-diving board in the hotel. Young people were diving off it. Karina didn’t join in, ____13____ she was a strong swimmer. Then after returning home, she discovered a long-distance runner she’d always admired had started diving for relaxation. So she became more ____14____.Karina joined a beginner’s training class at her local pool. They had several classes jumping onto soft materials before trying the high board. “The water looked a long way down,” says Karina, “but after our training, I felt I would ____15____ it. I didn’t injure myself! I couldn’t wait to get started, although the other weren’t so keen! Anyway, I wasn’t disappointed by the experience.”In Karina’s area, there’s now lots of interest in high diving, but it’s sometimes ____16____ for swimmers to find suitable practice facilities. Although the pools are deep enough, they’re in use so often by diving club that other people don’t get opportunities to practice. Fortunately, though, Karina’s coach noticed her talent and helped her develop her techniques. After only two years, she won competitions in her area.But what’s it like to ____17____ diving so much “I train 20 hours a week,” says Karina, “I won’t pretend it’s easy. You have to enjoy it to spend so much time doing it! It’s not easy for my parents, either. They drive me to training sessions early in the morning, and that costs money. But they’ve had financial help from sport organizations, ____18____. And my school work and social life are good. I still meet my friends, and there’s always the phone. The only thing I hadn’t realized was that the poor water would damage my hair. But I’ll definitely keep on diving!”13.A.because B.if C.when D.though14.A.interested B.relaxed C.excited D.surprised15.A.try B.dive C.join D.manage16.A.enjoyable B.difficult C.common D.useful17.A.go on B.depend on C.focus on D.hold on18.A.luckily B.hardly C.possibly D.likelyChoose the words or expressions to complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语,完成短文)We’ve all heard people say, “Oh that person is so creative!” about someone who is great at art. But art is just one area where people can be creative.Any time you try something ____19____ to solve a problem you’re being creative. In engineering, that might mean mixing different materials to make a special box that will protect an egg. At home, it could mean making up a game to amuse yourself. You can be creative every day!Are some people naturally more creative than others Maybe, but anyone can get more creative with practice. Here are some ____20____ that work for experts (行家、能手) who are creative in very different ways.Look for detailsArtist Georgia O’Keeffe found beauty in things that others passed over. She became famous for her huge paintings of small flowers. She said: “I’ll paint them big and people will be ____21____ when they take time to look at them again.”Explore and ____22____Shigeru Miyamoto is the brains behind some of world’s most popular video games: Super Mario. He developed his creativity when he was growing near Kyoto, Japan. He spent hours exploring nature and going on adventures in his mind. As a game designer, he still finds joy in making up new worlds.Keep creatingLin-Manuel Miranda wrote some well-known musicals and he wrote songs for the movie Moana (海洋奇缘). In an interview, he was asked if he was writing another musical. His answer: “____23____.”Don’t give upDr Lonnie Johnson is the inventor of the Super Soaker water gun. When he was in high school, he wanted to build a real robot that he had seen on TV. He didn’t stop trying ____24____ he was told that the TV robots had people inside. After a year, he succeeded. He later became an engineer and a rocket scientist. Now he develops technologies to deliver clean energy worldwide. In a TED Talk, he said, “Just like with the robot, I don’t know any better than ‘Try’.”19.A.meaningful B.difficult C.important D.unusual20.A.examples B.tips C.stories D.experiments21.A.satisfied B.proud C.surprised D.pleased22.A.imagine B.discover C.share D.investigate23.A.Never B.Maybe C.Always D.Almost24.A.because B.until C.unless D.althoughChoose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文)Each country has their own rules about dining, so knowing what to do can be a little tricky. Everyone wants to be polite and no one wants to look ____25____. Therefore, it’s important to learn the local dining rules so you can travel like a pro. To help you out, we’ll talk about 4 different countries and our tips on the rules.America: No elbows!Like most western countries, in America it’s impolite to put your elbows on the dining table. Of course, no one will ____26____ this rule if you’re eating at McDonald’s. But at fancier restaurants or business dinners, you’ll want to remember to keep your elbows down.Italy: Don’t ask for cappuccinos afternoon!Italians are proud of their fantastic coffee, and they have strict rules about drinking it, too!____27____ Italians, a cappuccino is strictly a morning drink and is too heavy for the afternoon. If it’s later in the day, a lot of places will say “no” if you ask, so you’re better off just ordering an espresso.Japan: Feel free to slurp! In North America, it’s generally polite to eat as ____28____ as possible. But, in Japan, eating noodles loudly is a sign of appreciation! So the next time you go for ramen (拉面), don’t ____29____ the sound.Korea: Look away while drinking!Koreans love to drink, and it’s a big part of their work culture. So it’s important to show respect and be polite when they’re out with their co-workers. When taking a sip of alcohol, they ____30____ making eye contact with their elders. They might even turn their bodies away when they drink from their cups.25.A.natural B.rude C.excited D.strict26.A.prepare for B.care about C.depend on D.laugh at27.A.Instead of B.Because of C.According to D.In addition to28.A.loudly B.slowly C.quickly D.quietly29.A.worry about B.turn off C.deal with D.give up30.A.escape B.repeat C.keep D.avoidChoose the best words or phrases and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)Imagine walking into a movie theater without being greeted by the smell of popcorn. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it For decades, popcorn and movies have gone hand in hand. However, the relationship between the two is ____31____ than you may think.Back in the 1920s, movie theaters were built with elaborate decorations. They were a place of luxury(奢华). Many of them had carpets, stages, curtains and live bands (现场乐队). And their owners hated popcorn. It wasn’t because popcorn was unpopular. The snack had been loved by people, especially kids, for decades. Sold from a cart (手推车), popcorn had been a ____32____ of a roadside food. Movie theater owners were against popcorn because they believed it would ____33____ the top-quality atmosphere they wanted to create.In the mid-1920s, more movie theaters opened. Not all of these new theaters were luxurious. They allowed people to eat popcorn while watching movies. A couple of years later, America suffered the Great Depression (1929-1933). Lots of people became unemployed (失业). In order to survive (生存), theaters ____34____ an idea. They lowered their ticket prices. And moviegoers would often buy a bag of popcorn ____35____ it was the only snack that had remained cheap. Soon, movies and popcorn became a popular pairing across the United States. Some theater owners even bought machines to produce popcorn themselves. The smell of popcorn filled movie theaters all over.Today, popcorn is considered an essential part of the movie-going experience. Mike Goles, a theater owner in the United States, said, “Sometimes, people come to theaters just for the popcorn. They don’t even ____36____ what is playing!”31.A.closer B.younger C.longer D.cooler32.A.symbol B.mess C.reward D.waste33.A.limit B.spread C.damage D.transport34.A.came up with B.became aware of C.were full of D.made sure of35.A.since B.although C.even if D.but36.A.value B.care C.understand D.describeChoose the best answer and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) It was a weekend in spring. The warm sun shone on the grassland around the farm. Ken was the eldest son of the farmer’s _____37_____ children. He was not happy.His mother was busy in the kitchen. She saw his son’s unhappy expression. “Come on, Ken, tell me the trouble,” she said.Ken answered, “Mother, I don’t want to take the children to the grassland. I want to please myself!”“Were you told to take the children to the grassland by your Father ” Mother asked.“Yes. He said I was to take them to play on the grassland, and not to leave there until he came back from the market.”“_____38_____, what is it you want to do ”“I want to go with my net down to the Butterfly Valley. There will be lots of butterflies out this spring day. And the other boys at school are all collecting. They have more than I do.”“Oh, dear! But I can guess why your father gave those orders. He knew that this is a very busy day for me.” his mother said. “And as this is market-day at the town, he would be away until dinner time. So, you see, he has left you in charge. You are in father’s place this morning to guard the farm and all of us, especially the little kids. Don’t you think it’s an honor to be _____39_____ ”Something happened in Ken’s heart because of his mother’s words. He walked quietly away. After all, what were the butterflies compared with the kids left in his charge “Hip, hip, hooray!” Ken cheered. He had won a _____40_____ — over himself.“Hi, Charlie! Hi, Jack! Come along! And where’s little Bob We’re going to the grassland, and I’ll teach you to play a new game!” he shouted. All the kids enjoyed a happy day.At the dinner table, Father showed the family a new bike. He said to Ken, “Now I’ll tell you why I wanted you to stay at home this morning. It was for this _____41_____. Look, my boy! For weeks back I’ve been planning to buy this bicycle for you. Today I bought it, and it’s yours!”For a few seconds Ken could not believe his eyes. The good, kind father had been planning for this boy’s _____42_____! “Oh, Father!” Ken’s eyes were filled with tears.37.A.three B.four C.five D.six38.A.Besides B.Instead C.At last D.So far39.A.trusted B.served C.praised D.watched40.A.seat B.gift C.victory D.prize41.A.game B.advice C.surprise D.outing42.A.research B.collection C.competition D.pleasureChoose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)What’s in your face Your face might be the most unique (特别的) part of your physical appearance. ____43____ has something about their face that’s a little different. And that difference makes facial recognition (面部识别) possible.This technology can be seen in many films. In the science-fiction classic: A Space Odyssey, a powerful AI-controlled computer called HAL 9000 is able to “____44____” the emotions of human astronauts by scanning (扫描) their faces. And in the 1987 action classic: Robocop, a half-robot police officer identifies (识别) a criminal by scanning his ____45____ and finding it in a computer.Today, facial recognition tech has become reality. It is mainly used as a ____46____ method to identify criminals. In 2018, facial recognition technology was used to identify and catch criminals who were attending concerts by Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung. And if you have a recent model of Apple’s iPhone, you probably already known that you can unlock the phone with your face. But those are ____47____ a few of the things we can use facial recognition for. The possibilities, it seems, are endless.Take Grab for example. Grab is a ride-hailing (叫车服务) company in southeast Asia that uses facial recognition technology to protect passengers from danger. The technology works by scanning the faces of both the driver and the passenger, allowing passengers to make sure that they have been matched up with the ____48____ driver.Facial recognition is more common than you might realize.43.A.Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D.No one44.A.read B.draw C.show D.speak45.A.information B.figure C.photo D.apartment46.A.amusement B.science C.politics D.safety47.A.still B.just C.nearly D.hardly48.A.careful B.correct C.close D.confidentChoose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Do you sometimes wonder if life will always be the same Perhaps nothing ever seems to ____49____ You wake up in the morning, get ready for school and then somehow, by the time your head hits the pillow at night, it’s as if you’ve just lived a repeat of the day before. It might not seem like it but, whether you’re aware of it, you do move forward every single day. Here’s a fun way to see all the ____50____ you’re making.Keep a recordBefore you go to bed tonight, take out a fresh notebook (a larger size will work better for this). Write down the date at the top of the first page, then ____51____ the day in your mind. Think of all the things you did, saw, heard, tasted, smelled or touched. Maybe you learned a new concept in maths, a handy skill in the kitchen, an easier way to draw faces, and an awesome skateboard trick. While exercising, did you lift ____52____ weights, run longer, walk further or stretch better Everything counts, even if a tiny step.It’s all in the detailNext, describe what happened during the day and what you learned. It can be just a few words or several paragraphs. Add whatever mattered most to you — it might be a teacher’s ____53____, a grade that you’re proud of or congratulations from a friend. Perhaps you ____54____ found the courage to speak up for a cause you care about, acted on something that’s been troubling you or decided to take part in an activity for the first time.49.A.change B.appear C.matter D.increase50.A.mistakes B.promises C.progress D.sense51.A.prepare for B.go over C.search for D.work out52.A.safer B.richer C.thinner D.heavier53.A.complaints B.praise C.fear D.advice54.A.finally B.carefully C.hurriedly D.simplyAmy Purdy’s challenges began when she was 19. She was working, snowboarding as much as possible, feeling independent and happy. Then she developed a serious illness, bacterial meningitis (脑膜炎). At the hospital, doctors said she had a 2% chance of survival. When Amy ___55___ came home two and a half months later, she had lost both of her legs below the knee. Soon Amy got her first pair of artificial (假的) legs. They were so painful and ugly. Amy wondered how she would ever be ___56___ again. She knew she had to figure out how to live with her new challenges. She asked herself this question: What if her life were a book, and she were the author How would she want her story to go The question made her start daydreaming. She ___57___ herself walking, helping others, and snowboarding again. Having such a dream was the first step on her new journey. Four months later, Purdy was snowboarding again — with ___58___. She needed better artificial feet and legs, but she couldn’t find anything that worked. In order to live her dream, she had to be creative: she decided to design a pair of legs herself.Instead of trying to ___59___ what she calls the “borders” in her life, Amy pushed off them, using them to force herself to reach higher and farther. It’s a strategy(策略) that has worked very well. In 2011 and 2012, Purdy won back-to-back World Cup championships in snowboarding. And that same spring, she inspired millions with her performances on the TV show Dancing with the Stars. She made it all the way to the finals, and got a medal. ___60___ writing a book about her experiences, Amy has founded an organization to help others with disabilities enjoy sports. She gives talks encouraging people to meet challenges, just as she has done.55.A.completely B.suddenly C.finally D.carefully56.A.active B.successful C.creative D.confident57.A.continued B.practiced C.required D.imagined58.A.pleasure B.breath C.difficulty D.patience59.A.make sure B.break down C.get tired of D.point out60.A.Because of B.With the help of C.Based on D.In addition to参考答案:1.B2.A3.D4.C5.B6.C【解析】【导语】本文是作者作为一名警察写的三篇日记。1.句意:当我接到一个无线电电话告诉我调查附近的事故时,我正在玫瑰园附近。support支持;investigate调查;prevent阻止;attend参加。根据“We police officers never know what will happen”可知,作者是一名警察,因此此处表示正在调查发生的事故。故选B。2.句意:当我试图采访他时,出租车司机处于震惊状态。 幸好没有乘客。Luckily幸运地;Sadly伤心地;Finally最终;Recently最近。根据前文可知,出租车司机撞到了一个骑自行车的人,因此此处表示的是幸好车内没有乘客。故选A。3.句意:当我到达现场时,我没有浪费时间,立即跳进了游泳池。station车站;goal目标;boy男孩;scene现场。根据“When I reached the…, I wasted no time and jumped into the pool right away.”可知,作者到达了事情发生的现场。故选D。4.句意:当我带他回家时,他的母亲非常感谢,她给了我几袋食物和饮料当我的午餐!frightened受惊的;excited激动的;thankful感激的;angry生气的。根据“she gave me bags of food and drink for my lunch!”可知,男孩的母亲是十分感激的。故选C。5.句意:这次是一位八十岁的老人,他停止了呼吸。当马克斯警官和我接到紧急电话时,我们迅速拿起急救箱,开着巡逻车去了那里。eating吃;breathing呼吸;smoking抽烟;exercising锻炼。根据后文中“We immediately started CPR”以及“the man had started to breathe”可知,此处指的是一位停止呼吸的老人。故选B。6.句意:我们立即开始心肺复苏术,并在等待救护人员到达的同时继续进行。street cleaners 街道清洁工;bus drivers公交司机;ambulance workers救护人员;chief editors主编。根据“We immediately started CPR and kept it up while waiting for…to arrive”可知,他们正在等待救援人员的到来。故选C。7.B8.D9.B10.C11.A12.D【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了如何选择一个体贴的礼物。7.句意:你和一个人越亲密,你的礼物就越漂亮——这是一个真正的机会来证明你有多了解他们和他们的兴趣爱好。powerful强有力的;beautiful美丽的,漂亮的;personal个人的;attractive有吸引力的。根据“And the closer you are to a person, the more …your present can be—it’s a real chance to prove how well you know them and their interests.”可知,给和自己关系亲密的人送礼物,关系越亲密,送到礼物就越漂亮。故选B。8.句意:在你购物之前,考虑一下你要买东西的人的喜好。nationality民族;advantage优势;family家庭;taste喜好,口味。根据“it’s a real chance to prove how well you know them and their interests”可知,应该考虑你要买东西的那个人的喜好。故选D。9.句意:带着情感创造也能带来幸福感。Deciding决定;Creating创造;Delivering投递;Cheering欢呼。根据“Homemade presents”可知,自制礼物需要自己创造的,故选B。10.句意:礼物甚至不需要是“某种东西”。everything一切;anything任何事;something某事,某物;nothing没有什么。根据“It could be simply hanging out together, including watching your friend’s must-see movie, visiting your mother’s favourite museum or asking a grandparent to tell you more about his/her childhood”可知,礼物形式不仅仅局限于“某种东西”,故选C。11.句意:时间是珍贵的礼物——仔细考虑一下对方想要怎样度过这几个小时或一天。precious珍贵的;dull无聊的;limited有限的;common普遍的。根据“think carefully about how the other person would wish to spend a few hours or a day together”可知,时间这份礼物是珍贵的,故选A。12.句意:从“对不起”到“我爱你”,从“谢谢你”到“祝你好运”,礼物可以承载很多信息,在你害羞不敢说出口的时候表达内心的遗憾和感激。keep保持;exchange交换;carry携带;express表达。根据“inner feelings of regret and thankfulness”可知,此处指表达内心的感受,故选D。13.D14.A15.D16.B17.C18.A【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了Karina的故事,Karina在短短几年时间里取得了巨大的成就并展示了她的成功。13.句意:Karina虽然是个游泳健将,但她没有加入。because因为;if如果;when当……时;though虽然。根据“Karina didn’t join in, … she was a strong swimmer.”可知,此处使用though引导让步状语从句,故选D。14.句意:所以她变得更感兴趣。interested感兴趣的;relaxed放松的;excited兴奋的;surprised感到惊讶的。根据“she discovered a long-distance runner she’d always admired had started diving for relaxation.”和“In Karina’s area, there’s now lots of interest in high diving”可知,她发现一位她一直钦佩的长跑运动员开始跳水放松。她此时应该变得更感兴趣。故选A。15.句意:但在我们的训练之后,我觉得我能应付。try尝试;dive跳水;join加入;manage设法做到。根据“The water looked a long way down”和“I didn’t injure myself! I couldn’t wait to get started”可知,Karina觉得自己可以做到。故选D。16.句意:在Karina所在的地区,人们现在对跳水很感兴趣,但有时游泳运动员很难找到合适的练习设施。enjoyable愉快的;difficult困难的;common常见的;useful有用的。根据“ other people don’t get opportunities to practice”可知,此处指游泳运动员很难找到合适的练习设施,故选B。17.句意:但是如此专注于跳水是什么感觉呢?go on继续;depend on依靠;focus on专注于;hold on坚持不懈。根据“I train 20 hours a week”可知,她花费了时间在跳水上,也就是说专注于跳水。故选C。18.句意:幸运的是,他们得到了体育组织的资助。luckily幸运地;hardly几乎不;possibly可能地;likely可能。根据“had financial help from sport organizations”可知,得到了体育组织的资助是幸运的。故选A。19.D20.B21.C22.A23.C24.D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇议论文,主要讲变得有创造力的几个方法。19.句意:任何时候你尝试不同寻常的方法去解决一个问题时你是有创造力的。meaningful有意义的;difficult困难的;important重要的;unusual不同寻常的。根据“you’re being creative”可知用不同寻常的方法去解决问题才是创造力的。故选D。20.句意:这是从不同领域工作的专家们给的一些建议。examples例子;tips建议;stories故事;experiments实验。根据“Here are some...”及后文几个小标题可知空格处表示“建议,提示”。故选B。21.句意:她说:“我会把它们画的很大,当人们花时间再去看画时他们将会很惊喜。satisfied满意的;proud自豪的;surprised惊喜的;pleased满意的。根据“She became famous for her huge paintings of small flowers.”及“when they take time to look at them again.”可知著名画家的画作人们驻足观看时会发现细节处理到位,会感到惊喜。故选C。22.句意:探索和想象imagine想象;discover发现;share分享;investigate调查。根据“He spent hours exploring nature and going on adventures in his mind.”可知在大脑中冒险指的就是想象,故选A。23.句意:他的答案:“总是”。Never从不;Maybe也许;Always总是;Almost几乎。根据标题“Keep creating”可知是持续性的创造,故问及是否在写另一个歌剧时,答案应是“always总是”。故选C。24.句意:他没有停止尝试尽管他被告知电视机器人里面有人。because因为;until直到;unless除非;although尽管。根据“He didn’t stop trying”及“he was told that the TV robots had people inside.”可知前后是让步关系。故选D。25.B26.B27.C28.D29.A30.D【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了四个不同国家的用餐规则。25.句意:每个人都想礼貌,没有人想看起来粗鲁。natural自然的;rude粗鲁的;excited激动的;strict严厉的。根据“Everyone wants to be polite and no one wants to look”可知礼貌的反义词是粗鲁,没有人想变得粗鲁,故选B。26.句意:当然,如果你在麦当劳吃饭,没人会在意这条规定。prepare for准备;care about在乎;depend on依靠;laugh at嘲笑。根据“in America it’s impolite to put your elbows on the dining table. Of course, no one will...this rule if you’re eating at McDonald’s”可知在美国,把胳膊肘放在餐桌上是不礼貌的,但是在在麦当劳吃饭,是没人会在意这条规定,故选B。27.句意:根据意大利人的说法,卡布奇诺只适合早上喝,下午喝太浓了。Instead of而不是;Because of因为;According to根据;In addition to此外。根据“a cappuccino is strictly a morning drink and is too heavy for the afternoon”可知卡布奇诺只适合早上喝,下午喝太浓了,这个说法是根据意大利人来的,故选C。28.句意:在北美,吃饭时尽量安静是礼貌的做法。loudly大声地;slowly缓慢地;quickly快速地;quietly安静地。根据“ But, in Japan, eating noodles loudly is a sign of appreciation”可知在日本,大声吃面条是一种感激的表现,说明在北美是和在日本相反,故选D。29.句意:所以下次你去吃拉面时,不要担心声音。worry about担忧;turn off关闭;deal with处理;give up放弃。结合语境可知,在日本大声吃面条是一种感激的表现,所以不必但心吃面条弄出声音,故选A。30.句意:在喝一口酒的时候,他们会避免和长辈有眼神接触。escape逃离;repeat重复;keep保持;avoid避免。根据“They might even turn their bodies away when they drink from their cups.”(当他们用杯子喝水的时候,他们甚至会转过身去。)可知韩国人喝酒时会避免和长辈有眼神接触。故选D。31.B32.A33.C34.A35.A36.B【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了爆米花是如何走进电影院的。31.句意:然而,两者之间的关系比你想象的要更早。closer更密切的;younger更年轻的、更早的;longer更长的;cooler更凉爽的。根据“For decades, popcorn and movies have gone hand in hand.”和“However”可知,空后表示转折,它们之间的关系比“它们齐头并进”的时间更早一点。故选B。32.句意:手推车上出售的爆米花曾是路边食物的象征。symbol象征,标志;mess肮脏,杂乱;reward奖励,回报;waste浪费。根据“The snack had been loved by people, especially kids, for decades.”几十年来,这种小吃一直受到人们的喜爱,可知,此处指爆米花是路边食物的一种象征。故选A。33.句意:电影院老板们反对吃爆米花,因为他们认为这会破坏他们想要营造的高质量氛围。limit限制;spread传播;damage损坏,对……造成坏影响;transport运输。根据“Movie theater owners were against popcorn ”可知反对爆米花,应是因为有不好的影响,故选C。34.句意:为了生存,影院想出了一个主意。came up with想出;became aware of知道;发觉;were full of装满;made sure of 确保。根据“an idea”可知,应是想出了一个主意,故选A。35.句意:电影观众通常会买一袋爆米花,因为这是唯一还便宜的零食。since因为;although虽然;even if即使;but但是。空后是解释空前观众买爆米花的原因,所以用since引导原因状语从句。故选A。36.句意:他们甚至不关心在播放什么。value价值;care关心;understand理解;describe描述。根据“Sometimes, people come to theaters just for the popcorn. ”可知,有些人只是为了爆米花而去电影院的,并不关心电影院播放的内容,故选B。37.B38.B39.A40.C41.C42.D【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了一位农民和他儿子的故事。一天,Ken的父亲去集市,他叫Ken带他的弟弟们去草场玩,而Ken想带着网去蝴蝶谷。Ken感到不高兴。在Ken妈妈的开导下,Ken带领孩子们在草场度过了快乐的一天。晚上,Ken的爸爸给他带来一个惊喜,他给Ken买了一辆新自行车。这是几个星期前他父亲一直计划要做的事情。这位善良的好父亲一直在为这孩子的快乐做打算!37.句意:Ken是这个农民四个孩子的长子。three三;four四;five五;six六。根据第十段Ken喊他的弟弟去草场““Hi, Charlie! Hi, Jack! Come along! And where’s little Bob We’re going to the grassland, and I’ll teach you to play a new game!” he shouted.”可知,这个农民有四个孩子,故选B。38.句意:相反,你想做什么?Besides此外,况且,除……之外(还);Instead相反,代替;At last最后;So far目前为止。根据上文“He was not happy.”和“He said I was to take them to play on the grassland”可知,Ken不高兴,原因是他的父亲让他带领他的弟弟去草场,由此可知,Instead符合语境,故选B。39.句意:你不觉得被信任是一种荣誉吗?trusted信任,信赖;served接待,服务,提供;praised表扬,赞扬;watched观看。根据上文“So, you see, he has left you in charge. You are in father’s place this morning to guard the farm and all of us, especially the little kids.”可知,Ken的父亲让Ken代替他的位置守护着农场和家人,这是信任Ken。故选A。40.句意:他赢得了胜利——战胜了自己。seat座位;gift礼物;victory胜利;prize奖。根据“won a”及“over himself”可知是赢得了胜利,故选C。41.句意:这是为了这个惊喜。game运动,游戏;advice忠告,建议;surprise惊喜,惊讶;outing郊游,远足。根据下文“Look, my boy! For weeks back I’ve been planning to buy this bicycle for you. Today I bought it, and it’s yours!”可知爸爸给Ken买了辆自行车,这是Ken没有想到的,由此可知,surprise符合语境,故选C 42.句意:这位善良的好父亲一直在为这孩子的快乐做打算!research研究,调查;collection收集,收藏;competition竞争,竞赛;pleasure高兴,快乐。根据上文Ken的父亲说“For weeks back I’ve been planning to buy this bicycle for you. Today I bought it, and it’s yours!”可知,pleasure符合语境。故选D。43.C44.A45.C46.D47.B48.B【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了人脸面部识别技术的作用。43.句意:每个人的脸上都有一些不同的东西。Someone某人;Anyone任何人;Everyone每个人;No one没有人。根据“And that difference makes facial recognition possible.”可知,每个人的脸上都有一些不同的东西。故选C。44.句意:在经典科幻小说《太空漫游》中,一台名为HAL 9000的强大AI控制计算机能够通过扫描人类宇航员的面部来“读取”他们的情绪。read读;draw画;show展示;speak说。根据“by scanning their faces.”可知,此处指的是读取宇航员的情绪。故选A。45.句意:在1987年的经典动作片《机械战警》中,一名半机器人警官通过扫描他的照片并在计算机中找到它来识别出一名罪犯。information信息;figure数字;photo照片;apartment公寓。根据“facial recognition tech has become reality.”可知,本篇文章讲述的是人脸识别,因此此处说的是罪犯的照片,故选C。46.句意:它主要用作识别犯罪分子的安全方法。amusement娱乐;science科学;politics政治;safety安全。根据下文中所举的例子“In 2018, facial recognition technology was used to identify and catch criminals who were attending concerts by Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung.”可知,人脸识别用作识别犯罪分子的安全方法。故选D。47.句意:但这仅仅是我们可以使用面部识别的一小部分。still仍然;just仅仅;nearly接近;hardly几乎不。根据“The possibilities, it seems, are endless.”以及“a few of the things”可知,此处指的是仅仅是一小部分。故选B。48.句意:该技术通过扫描驾驶员和乘客的面部来工作,允许乘客确保他们与正确的驾驶员匹配。careful仔细的;correct正确的;close关闭的;confident自信的。根据“passengers to make sure that they have been matched up with the…driver.”可知,乘客确保他们与正确的驾驶员匹配。故选B。49.A50.C51.B52.D53.B54.A【解析】【导语】本文阐述了如何发现自己生活中的变化。49.句意:也许什么都没有改变?change改变;appear出现;matter要紧;increase增加。根据情境和上句“Do you sometimes wonder if life will always be the same ”可知,生活有可能变了,有可能什么都没变。故选A。50.句意:这里有一个有趣的方式来查看您正在取得的所有进展。mistake错误;promises诺言;progress进步;sense感觉。根据上句“It might not seem like it but, whether you’re aware of it, you do move forward every single day.”可知,如果你没有意识到生活中的变化,下面的方法可以查看你的所有进展。故选C。51.句意:在第一页的顶部写下日期,然后在脑海中回顾这一天。prepare for为……做准备;go over复习;search for搜索;work out解决。根据“Think of all the things you did, saw, heard, tasted, smelled or touched.”可知,在脑海中回顾你一天中所见所闻。故选B。52.句意:锻炼时,你是否举重、跑得更长、走得更远或伸展得更好?safer更安全;richer更富有;thinner更瘦;heavier更重。根据“lift …weights”可知,应该表示“举重”。故选D。53.句意:增加对你最重要的东西——可能是老师的表扬,你为之骄傲的成绩,或者是朋友的祝贺。complaints埋怨;praise表扬;fear恐惧;advice建议。根据“a grade that you’re proud of or congratulations from a friend”可知,应该是老师的表扬,你为之骄傲的成绩,或者是朋友的祝贺。故选B。54.句意:也许你终于找到了勇气,为一个你关心的事业大声说话,做了一些一直困扰你的事情,或者决定第一次参加一项活动。finally最后;carefully细心地;hurriedly匆忙地;simply简直。根据上句“a grade that you’re proud of or congratulations from a friend”可知,因为这些,最终有了勇气。故选A。55.C56.A57.D58.C59.B60.D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲Amy Purdy克服假肢困难最终成功的过程。55.句意:当Amy最终在两个半月之后回到家时,她失去了她膝盖以下的两条腿。completely完全;suddenly 突然地;finally最终;carefully仔细地。根据“came home two and a half months later”可知经过长达两个半月,最终回家。故选C。56.句意:Amy想知道她怎么样能够再次活跃起来?active活跃;successful成功的;creative有创造力的;confident自信的。根据“Soon Amy got her first pair of artificial (假的) legs. They were so painful and ugly”可知装上假肢她行动不便,故应是如何能够活跃起来。故选A。57.句意:她想象她自己走路,帮助别人,并再次滑雪。continued继续;practiced.练习;required要求;imagined想象;根据“Having such a dream was the first step on her new journey.”可知上文只是一个梦,是她想象出来的。故选D。58.句意:四个月之后,Amy又开始滑雪——带着困难去滑雪。pleasure乐趣;breath呼吸;difficulty困难;patience耐心。根据“She needed better artificial feet and legs, but she couldn’t find anything that worked.”可知Amy用假肢滑雪,相当困难。故选C。59.句意:不是尝试消除生命中她所谓的“界限”,而是推开它们,用它们来逼迫她自己到达的更高更远。make sure确定;break down消除,分解;get tired of厌倦;point out指出。根据“Instead of trying to...what she calls the “borders” in her life”可知她不是去消除障碍。故选B。60.句意:除了写一本关于她经历的书,Amy找到一个组织来帮助残疾人享受运动。Because of因为;With the help of在……帮助下;Based on基于……;In addition to除了。根据“writing a book about her experiences”及“Amy has founded an organization to help others with...”可知除了写书,她还做公益帮助别人。故选D。








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