中美文化的差异英语例子 您所在的位置:网站首页 中美文化差异例子英语作文 中美文化的差异英语例子


2023-06-15 11:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”中化的差异例子“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Examples of differences in Sinochem。以下是关于中化的差异例子的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”中化的差异例子“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Examples of differences in Sinochem。以下是关于中化的差异例子的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Examples of differences in Sinochem

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is a good idea to find a job when you are a ager or a student. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples. Part time work may affect students' academic research.




This article should be well organized and well developed, using clear and appropriate explanations, examples and / or details. Beethoven, a German composer, began to be deaf in, but he was completely deaf. This obstacle does not prevent him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in the history of art.

His music includes symphonies, Piano Concertos, several senators, etc., and has developed from ancient times Transition from Canon to romance (if people stick to their dream, even if it's hard to make it a reality or a real dream, for example, students may try to paraphrase the information they've learned from the research, but can't cite their sources, or they may not be able to look at paragraphs as quotations, study them as writing projects, and then treat the page as if it were in other cirtances When my grandparents were still children, the students would deliberately imitate the works of other writers as their own. Only when my grandfather was my grandfather, most of the writers' works were the spouts of animal labor or human labor. He wanted to go to Beijing to take a big exam, but he spent half a month riding to Beijing, because airplanes are becoming the burden of most modern people An affordable means of transportation takes me only a few hours to get there, not to mention the comfortable environment on the plane or train.

Compared with the local trucks in the past, beautiful, great, important and excellent CEOs are. For example, an example is used as an example to prove that an example, especially an example, must be specifically ilrated by an ilration.




content fontsize:px importantfontfamily : Song typeface, "Simsun" L ineheight:px importantcolor : content pfontsize:px Import add import: PX antmargin:px Contrary to the belief that sentinels risked their lives for the cause of the whole group, the professor said that mongoose sentries were actually not very vulnerable to threats, and alerted sentinels to groups Threatening to attract the predator's attention, the speech captured the Sentinels' attention, refuting the fact that the mongoose were altruistic because they actually got nothing in the exchange of services, and studies have shown that when they perform this altruistic duty, they have a full stomach and better The professor also provides a different underlying motivation for people to believe that donating organs or sharing food with people in need is altruistic. She said that people get appreciation from this behavior, which can be considered more important than material benefits+.


内容fontsize:px importantfontfamily:宋体,“Simsun”lineheight:px importantcolor:内容pfontsize:px导入添加导入:pxantmargin:px importantextalign左撇子写作样本写作样本(本次讲座完全驳斥了讲座中所说的,感知到的利他主义行为不过是为自己谋取利益的偷偷摸摸的方法与过去认为哨兵为了整个群体的事业冒着生命危险的信念相反,教授说猫鼬哨兵实际上不太容易受到威胁,警报哨兵向群体发出威胁,从而引起捕食者的注意,因此,这篇演讲吸引了哨兵们的注意力,这篇演讲驳斥了这样一个事实:这些猫鼬是利他主义的,因为它们实际上在交换服务的过程中一无所获,研究表明,当他们履行这种利他主义的职责时,他们有一个饱腹的胃,并且有更好的机会逃离危险,因为他们首先目睹了这一点,教授还提供了一个不同的潜在动机,使人们相信捐赠器官或与有需要的人分享食物等行为是利他主义的,她说人们从这种行为中获得了赏识,这可能被认为是比物质利益更重要的东西+。

标签: 英语 托福 万能 美文 文化






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