对话联合国前副秘书长Erik Solheim:中国成为全球绿色发展的领先者 您所在的位置:网站首页 中文写作纠正措施 对话联合国前副秘书长Erik Solheim:中国成为全球绿色发展的领先者

对话联合国前副秘书长Erik Solheim:中国成为全球绿色发展的领先者

2023-05-31 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  最近,联合国前副秘书长兼环境规划署执行主任埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim)到访中国,并开启了超过一周的密集行程和访问。在他的行程中,新浪财经ESG评级中心有幸与索尔海姆先生就ESG等话题进行了对话交流。















  Q:You previously served as the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. What do you believe are the most pressing environmental challenges facing the world today?

  A:The world is facing three big environment crises. Climate change, pollution and the destruction of nature. They are closely interlinked. Coal and fossil fuels are main causes of both climate change and pollution. Climate change is a main threat to many ecosystems, only slight changes in ocean temperature may wipe out coral reefs for example.. And even more importantly - the solutions are much the same. If we switch from fossiles to renewables or restore ecosystems like rainforests,  we help overcome alle the crises.

  Q:Recently, you have visited many Chinese companies and institutions and participated in some projects. What are your feelings about this trip to China? Is there anything that impresses you? How do you evaluate China‘s current actions on environmental protection, climate change and other issues?

  A:China has become an absolute frontrunner in green development within just one decade.China is far ahead of any other nation in every single environment technology. 82% of all solar panels, and 70% of electric batteries were made in China last year. 70% of all high speed rail is running on Chinese tracks and 98% of electric buses drive on Chinese roads.

  China has also moved to leadership on nature protection. Its by far the biggest tree planting nastion. Successful conservation of giant pandas in Sichuan and snow leopards in western China has brought these species back from the brink. Cleaning of rivers in Zhejiang, greening of deserts in Inner Mongolia or establishing ecofriendly cities like Shenzhen, Hangzhou or Suhou has brought China to the forefront of global green efforts.

  Q:In recent years, China has undergone a significant shift in its attitude towards ecological environment and has implementer several measures towards sustainable development. However, there is still room for improvement. In your opinion, what steps can be taken to further promote the practice and implementation of sustainable development in China?

  A:Lucid waters and lush mountains are like silver and gold. Forcus is no longer just on growth, but on high quality growth and on establishing an ecological civilization. This has among other things led towards victory  in the war on pollution.

  Looking ahead the most important is that China stays the course and dont deviate from this great adventure. This will also help further develop a beautiful China.

  Q:What do you believe governments, businesses, and investors should do to work together to promote the development of ESG investments and sustainable development? What specific measures do you believe should be taken to promote this collaboration?

  A:Governments need to set the direction, regulate markets and set the rules. Bringing change to scale demands green leadership from business. Its important that business and governments everywhere work hand in hand to find the right regulations which help business take green developments to scale. A continued deep  dialogue between governments and business is the demand of the day. Environment must become a citizens movement, mobilizing ordinary citizens to push to change.

  Q:You have many fans in China who affectionately refer to you as “索叔”. Could you please share a few words of wisdom with young people in China? Also, if you have more photos from your trip to China, we would be happy to share them through the Sina Finance ESG Evaluation Center.

  A:My call to young Chinese is with the words of this great Indian Mahatma Gandhi: «You need to be the change you want to see in the world.». A green, peaceful, people friendly future will not come by itself. Young Chinese are lucky to live at the most promising time in Chinese history. They should engage in politics, business, academic life and with friends and family to create a wonderful green future for China and inspire the rest of the world.

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  (新浪财经ESG评级中心 李涛 马青)











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