沙县小吃:走出国门的中国美食(1) 您所在的位置:网站首页 中国美食菜谱英文 沙县小吃:走出国门的中国美食(1)


2024-03-14 02:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Foodie or not, it’s likely you’ve heard of Shaxian Delicacies. 不管你是吃货与否,你或许都听说过沙县小吃。

The chain, originating in Shaxian county, Fujian province, has been a success across the country. According to local officials, there are over 80,000 restaurants serving Shaxian traditional snacks nationwide. But it is also a global hit. The chain has eateries in 61 foreign countries and regions. They are beloved by foreigners. 这家源于福建省沙县的连锁品牌已经在中国大获成功。据当地官员介绍,全国有超过八万家供应沙县传统小吃的餐馆。而如今,沙县小吃也风靡全球。这家连锁品牌在61个国家和地区开设餐馆,深受外国人喜爱。

In 2018, a Shaxian Delicacies restaurant opened in New York City, only to close three hours later after all the dishes sold out. 2018年,一家沙县小吃在纽约开业,三小时后所有菜品便抢售一空,只得暂停营业。

“It is amazing that the Shaxian Delicacies can open its eatery near my house in America. The flavors of the food here are just the same as I remember,” Ms Zheng, who was born in Fuzhou city, capital of Fujian province, told China Daily. “沙县小吃能在美国的家附近开店,真是太棒了!这里食物的味道跟记忆里的一样!”出生于福建省省会福州的郑女士在接受《中国日报》采访时表示。

Though it has kept the “taste of home”, the Shaxian Delicacies chain is always creating tastes tailored to different local needs. For example, the owner of its franchise in France uses green tea powder, which is very popular there, rather than spinach seeds in the flour wrappers. Wu Shaohua, owner of the Shaxian Delicacies eatery in Portugal, specially prepares “fried meat” and “fried spring rolls” for local residents who like fried food. 沙县小吃连锁店虽然保留了“家的味道”,但也在不断改良口味,适应不同地方需求。比如,法国分店的店长用当地十分受欢迎的绿茶粉代替面皮中的菠菜籽。葡萄牙沙县小吃店店长吴绍华特意为喜欢油炸食品的当地居民准备了“炸肉”和“炸春卷”。

Apart from the delicious food, a clean environment also keeps customers coming back. The owner of the Shaxian Delicacies eatery in New York, Shao Binfang, a 34-year-old Chinese American born in Fuzhou, designed an open kitchen in her restaurant. 除了美食外,干净的环境也是留住回头客的因素。纽约沙县小吃的店长邵彬芳是一位出生在福州的美籍华裔,她在店里设计了开放式厨房。

“When the customers can see the cooking process, it puts them at ease over food safety,” Shao told People’s Daily. “当顾客能看到烹饪过程时,就会对食品安全感到放心,”邵彬芳在接受《人民日报》采访时表示。

21英语网站版权说明  (Translator & Editor: Wang Yue (Intern) AND Wang Xingwei) 打印 以上文章内容选自《21世纪学生英文报高中版》,详情请见《21世纪学生英文报高中版》高二815期






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