宣化上人一九九三年访台开示 宣公上人讲述 Venerable Master Hua's Talks on the Dharma in 1993 in Taiwan Lectures by the Venerable Master Hua 您所在的位置:网站首页 中国百年预言诗宣化上人解释 宣化上人一九九三年访台开示 宣公上人讲述 Venerable Master Hua's Talks on the Dharma in 1993 in Taiwan Lectures by the Venerable Master Hua

宣化上人一九九三年访台开示 宣公上人讲述 Venerable Master Hua's Talks on the Dharma in 1993 in Taiwan Lectures by the Venerable Master Hua

2024-06-22 18:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What is meant by clouds heavy and dark, vapors dense and gloomy? It refers to the time when the Empress Dowager Ci Xi was administering the state affairs from behind a hanging curtain. At that time both the sun and moon were dimmed. It was as if there were no sunshine. The clouds were dark, the atmosphere gloomy. Why? Because the dragon has gone back to the earth, and mud is modeled into a monkey. This dragon has burrowed into the earth and a monkey is modeled with mud. They were playing with the monkey. Who was the monkey? It was the last emperor of the Qing dynasty, Xuan Tong. "Xuan" means to proclaim, and "Tong" means to rule. Xuan Tong ascended the throne when he was only three years old. As the emperor, he sat on the lap of the Prince-Regent. But the child didn't understand anything and just sat on the throne crying. The Prince-Regent said, "Don't cry, it will all be over soon." You could say that the words "It will all be over soon" were a prophetic statement indicating that Xuan Tong would not be emperor for long. You could also say that it was a presage indicating the Qing Dynasty would soon be over. A three-year-old child enjoys only three years of blessings. This means he only had three years' reward of blessings.






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