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东京塔 英语,东京铁塔英文和中文的介绍

2023-03-23 05:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,东京铁塔英文和中文的介绍 2,关于日本东京铁塔的英文资料 3,东京的英语单词 4,东京铁塔的英文介绍资料 5,求关于东京铁塔的故事或传说~ 6,日本东京铁塔的资料 7,Eiffle Tower的英文简介。词汇要稍微简单一点的。 8,日本东京银座地铁站 简单用英文介绍下,谢谢! 1,东京铁塔英文和中文的介绍

英文的:Tokyo Tower is a communications and observation tower located in Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo, Japan. At 332.5 metres (1,091 ft), it is the tallest artificial structure in Japan. The structure is an Eiffel Tower-inspired lattice tower that is painted white and international orange to comply with air safety regulations. Built in 1958, the tower's main sources of revenue are tourism and antenna leasing. Over 150 million people have visited the tower since its opening. FootTown, a 4-story building located directly under the tower, houses museums, restaurants and shops. Departing from here, guests can visit two observation decks. The 2-story Main Observatory is located at 150 meters (492 ft), while the smaller Special Observatory reaches a height of 250 meters (820 ft). The tower acts as a support structure for an antenna. Originally intended for television broadcasting, radio antennas were installed in 1961 and the tower is now used to broadcast both signals for Japanese media outlets such as NHK, TBS and Fuji TV. Japan's planned switch from analog to digital for all television broadcasting by July 2011 is problematic, however. Tokyo Tower's current height is not high enough to adequately support complete terrestrial digital broadcasting to the area. A taller digital broadcasting tower known as Tokyo Sky Tree is currently planned to open in 2011. 中文的:东京塔,正式名称日本电波塔,位於日本东京港区芝公园,是一座是以巴黎艾菲尔铁塔为范本而建造的红白色铁塔,但其高333公尺,比艾菲尔铁塔高出13公尺,是全世界最高的自立式铁塔。东京塔也为日本同名电视剧、电影和小说。



东京铁塔号称日本第一塔,矗立于东京都港区芝公园西侧,被视为东京市区的象征性建筑。东京铁塔建于1958年,据说是以法国埃菲尔铁塔为蓝本,其333米的高度还高出埃菲尔铁塔10米。 东京铁塔红白相间的塔身十分醒目,每到夜晚,更是灯火通明,一派辉煌景象。除了游玩观赏,东京铁塔自建立之初便有着重要的实际用途,即作为日本nhk等7大电视台、21家电视中转台和广播台的无线电发射塔。 东京铁塔在150米和250米处分别设有大展望台和特别展望台,150米的大展望台有电梯直达,如果想到更高,可由大展望台另乘电梯,通达250米的特别展望台。从展望台的落地玻璃可看到东京市区的建筑布局,甚至西方的富士山和横滨地区,都在开阔视野之内。展望台的地面镶有透明俯视窗,可向下俯瞰东京铁塔的内部构造,直接感受所处高度。如果体力充沛,也可以尝试沿563级台阶拾级而上,到展望台观赏这得来不易的美景。 除了一睹塔容和登塔观景,东京铁塔下的铁塔大楼亦有不同的设施可供游览。一楼是提供饮食等的休息厅,还设有漂亮的水族馆;二楼是驻有多家店铺的商场;三楼则有灯光音响效果逼真的蜡像馆可供参观,以及趣味横生的3维迷宫可以游玩;四楼不仅有一个电视摄影棚,还有寓教于乐的科学展示屋、范围广泛的世界纪录馆等。




皇宫 Imperial Palace 东京塔 Tokyo Tower 东京国立博物馆 National Museum of Tokyo 东京迪斯尼乐园 Tokyo Disneyland 国会议事堂 National Diet Building 阳光城 Sunshine City 地下城 Underground City 银座 Ginza 上野公园 Ueno Park 上野动物园 Ueno Zoo 富士山 Mount Fuji 箱根 Hakone 日中友好纪念碑 Japan-China Friendship Monument 广岛和平纪念公园 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 鹿岛神宫 Kashima Shrine 清水寺 Kiyomizu Temple 岗山 Arashiyama Mountain


333m Height of the Tower. Since its opening in 1958, the Tokyo Tower has been the world's tallest self-supporting steel tower. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 320 m high.

4,000t The Tokyo Tower weighs about 4,000 tons. It is much lighter than the Eiffel Tower, which weighs 7,000 tons, a result of remarkable advances in steel manufacturing and construction technology.

140 drums Paint used for the Tower was 28,000 liters, equal to 140 drums. The Tower is painted orange and white according to the Civil Aeronautic Law.

24 broadcast waves This is the number of broadcast waves that Tokyo Tower is transmitting. Among them, 14 are analog waves and 10 are digital waves, which show that most broadcast stations in Tokyo are transmitting their waves from the Tower.

176 lights One hundred and seventy-six floodlights installed in various parts light up the Tower. The Tower is illuminated with an orange light in winter and white incandescent light in summer, delighting visitors and passers-by.


讲的8明确呢。。。 东京铁塔号称日本第一塔,矗立于东京都港区芝公园西侧,被视为东京市区的象征性建筑。东京铁塔建于1958年,据说是以法国埃菲尔铁塔为蓝本,其333米的高度还高出埃菲尔铁塔10米。 东京铁塔红白相间的塔身十分醒目,每到夜晚,更是灯火通明,一派辉煌景象。除了游玩观赏,东京铁塔自建立之初便有着重要的实际用途,即作为日本nhk等7大电视台、21家电视中转台和广播台的无线电发射塔。 东京铁塔在150米和250米处分别设有大展望台和特别展望台,150米的大展望台有电梯直达,如果想到更高,可由大展望台另乘电梯,通达250米的特别展望台。从展望台的落地玻璃可看到东京市区的建筑布局,甚至西方的富士山和横滨地区,都在开阔视野之内。展望台的地面镶有透明俯视窗,可向下俯瞰东京铁塔的内部构造,直接感受所处高度。如果体力充沛,也可以尝试沿563级台阶拾级而上,到展望台观赏这得来不易的美景。 除了一睹塔容和登塔观景,东京铁塔下的铁塔大楼亦有不同的设施可供游览。一楼是提供饮食等的休息厅,还设有漂亮的水族馆;二楼是驻有多家店铺的商场;三楼则有灯光音响效果逼真的蜡像馆可供参观,以及趣味横生的3维迷宫可以游玩;四楼不仅有一个电视摄影棚,还有寓教于乐的科学展示屋、范围广泛的世界纪录馆等。

景点旅游提示 门票:820日元。由大展望台到特别展望台电梯票价:600日元。 到达方式:乘坐地铁三田线到芝公园站,或乘坐日比谷线(hibiya)到神谷町站(kamiyacho),或乘坐大江户线到赤羽桥站。 开放时间:9:00-21:00。






7,Eiffle Tower的英文简介。词汇要稍微简单一点的。

The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel; IPA pronunciation: "eye-full" English; "eh-fehl" French) is a famous landmark in Paris. It was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for a fair called the Exposition Universelle. It is 300 metres tall, but this height does not include the 24 m aerial (antenna) on the top; the total height of the structure is 324 m (1058 feet). There are also 1,665 steps inside the Eiffel Tower. It weighs 10,000 tons.

The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel for the 100th year of the French freedom. At first, the Eiffel Tower was to be made in Barcelona, Spain, but the people of Barcelona did not want it. When the tower was built, it was only meant to be kept for 20 years. People did not like the Tower and wanted it taken apart. After the 20 years was over, the tower became the property of Paris again. By this time, the city had learned that the tower could be used to help with communications. The military used the tower to communicate during battle. When the tower was used in the capture of the spy, "Mara Hari", nobody wanted it taken apart.

8,日本东京银座地铁站 简单用英文介绍下,谢谢!

Ginza Station (银座駅, Ginza-eki) is a metro station in Chūō, Tokyo, Japan, serving the Ginza commercial district. It is the fourth-busiest Tokyo Metro station after Ikebukuro, Kita-senju and Ōtemachi. History Ginza Station opened in March 1934 as part of an extension of the Tokyo Underground Railway line (now the Ginza Line) from Asakusa. The Marunouchi Line began service to Ginza in December 1957, and the Hibiya Line platforms opened in February 1963. The Hibiya Line platform, which runs east-west between the north-south Ginza Line and Marunouchi Line platforms, was actually built before World War II as part of a planned TUR line to Shinjuku. 长了点,自己剪接吧。可以不要历史介绍。






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