兔肉饥饿症:为什么你肚子里装满了瘦肉也会死 您所在的位置:网站首页 不吃碳水会不会死 兔肉饥饿症:为什么你肚子里装满了瘦肉也会死


2024-07-14 07:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

pickycheestickeater In modern society, eating lean is healthy. In the wild, fat is vital and rarer than you think. 在现代社会,吃瘦肉是健康的饮食。但在野外,脂肪比你想象的更重要也更稀有。 nerbovig Then we broke the food chain and now have infinite access to calories. 现代社会打破了食物链,人类获得了无限的卡路里。 Angry_Robot And salt! Electrolytes, baby. 还有盐!电解质,宝贝。 Tahh I have a rabbit, that bastard eats me out of house and home. And thin as a rail. The thing is a poop machine, that's why it is so lean. 我养了只兔子,那混蛋快把我吃穷了。但仍然瘦得像一根栏杆。这东西是个大便制造机,所以才这么瘦。 MagicMarmots Gotta eat the brain, eyes, and liver to survive on just rabbit. Source: Les Stroud. 只靠吃兔子也能活下来,但你得吃掉它的大脑,眼睛和肝脏 ShiraCheshire Also a bad idea. Mad cow disease 这也是个坏主意。朊病毒原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gingrpenguin Not sure about rabbits but generally aslong as the rabbit hasnt eaten another rabbits brain its own brain should be ok. Mad cow disease was because we fed cows cows (including the brains) and that passed to humans. 兔子我不确定,但一般来说,只要兔子没有吃其他兔子的大脑,那么这个兔子的大脑应该是可以食用的。 疯牛病是因为我们给牛吃了掺有牛杂碎的饲料(包括牛的大脑),所以将朊病毒传染给了人类。 Mortalytas Never eat a rabbit with a spotted liver, it has tularemia. 千万不要吃肝脏有斑点的兔子,它有兔热症。 wufnu Visited friends for their wedding in ChengDu. The guy's parents wanted to get us something really nice to eat after arrival so they got some roasted rabbit heads. I always hated when someone wanted to be super hospitable so they paid large amounts of money for "fancy food"; almost always horrific. Anyway, I tried to eat the brain (the part they said was best). It was like eating flavorless butter. Guessing that's what straight up cholesterol tastes like. Btw, best part was the tongue. In case you were curious. 去成都参加朋友的婚礼。朋友的父母想给我们准备些好吃的,所以他们准备了烤兔头。我一直讨厌那些想要表现得超级好客的人,因为他们会花很多钱买所谓的“高档食物”;对我来说这些“高档食物”总是很可怕。 总之,我试着尝了兔脑(他们说这是最好吃的部分)。就像吃无味的黄油。我猜这就是纯胆固醇的味道吧。 如果你们好奇的话。顺便说一下,最好吃的部分其实是兔舌。 SheeEttin You shouldn't eat the brains of any animal. Deer have a wasting disease that hasn't made it to humans, yet. Mad cow disease is similar. 你不应该吃任何动物的大脑。鹿会得一种狂鹿症,但尚未感染到人类。疯牛病也是如此。 flamespear Deer wasting disease likely has made it to humans. It just takes a long time to detect because of the nature of prion diseases. But anyway in a starvation situation you're better off eating the brains than worrying about wasting disease because you're going to die anyway if you don't. 狂鹿症可能已经感染到了人类。因为朊病毒的性质,它需要很长时间才会发病。 但不管怎样,在饥饿的情况下,你最好吃掉大脑,而不是担心疾病。因为如果你不吃,无论如何你都会死。 reverblueflame Prions can live in the brain of any animal, will silently stay in the body for up to 15-20 years before killing with no cure. Prions are just misfolded proteins and only denature at high temperatures (won't break down in compost), so if they get on salad and you eat it, you're dead. 朊病毒可以生活在任何动物的大脑中,会在体内默默地停留长达15-20年,直到杀死宿主。朊病毒只是错误折叠的蛋白质,只有在高温下才会变性(不会在堆肥中分解),所以如果它们出现在沙拉上,而你吃了它,你就可能会死。 BelmontIncident This is one of the things that make starving in a group so terrible. By the time people eat their own dead, there's not enough fat on people who starved to help much. 这就是群体性饥荒如此可怕的原因之一。当人们吃掉饿死者的尸体时,那些尸体本身已经没有足够的脂肪来提供帮助了。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Justice-Gorsuch if your group ever become stranded or lost in the wild, kill the fattest member of the group within the first 30 minutes to ensure this doesn’t happen to you. 所以如果你的团队在野外受困或迷路了,在30分钟内杀死团队中最胖的成员,以确保这种情况不会发生在你身上。 IDontReadMyMail Biologist here, it is not a lack of fat that is the issue but rather a flat limit on how much protein can be metabolized per day for fuel. What this means is that adding carbs will solve the issue just as well as adding fats will. Carbs get dismissed a lot these days but actually complex carbs are a perfectly viable fuel source, and it turns out a lot of native peoples evaded protein starvation via a dietary combination of lean meat with high-carb tubers/roots/corms. Obviously fat too is very useful - not arguing against fat - and some fat is essential in the diet due to the need for certain essential fatty acids. Anyway, what is actually happening in protein starvation is not lack of fat per se but rather built up of ammonia from the protein. It turns out there’s a ceiling on how many of your calories can come from protein, because when you are burning protein for fuel, the amine groups (-NH2) of the amino acids have to be removed and discarded, and those amine groups need to be converted to urea for excretion. There is a thing called Maximum Urea Conversion Rate - how fast the liver can convert amine groups to urea - and that’s what caps how many of your calories can come from protein. It’s sometimes called the “protein ceiling”. Above that limit, the amine groups start ending up as ammonia rather than urea, and so what is really going on in protein starvation is ammonia toxicity. Ammonia starts building up in the blood and that’s what causes the classic symptoms of diarrhea, confusion, tremors, etc. The protein ceiling is not a percentage of calories, BTW, some of the same symptoms occur in liver disease, because the urea conversion rate starts dropping. Anyway, extra calories beyond that protein limit need to come from either fat or carbs. 我是生物学家,问题不在于缺乏脂肪,而在于每天能代谢多少蛋白质产生能量。摄入碳水化合物和摄入脂肪一样可以解决这个问题。 如今,人们对碳水化合物比较嫌弃,但实际上,碳水化合物一直是人体完美的能量来源,事实证明,许多土著居民通过瘦肉+高碳水化合物(植物块茎/根/球茎)的饮食组合,避免了蛋白质饥饿症。当然,脂肪也很有用——不要对脂肪充满偏见——一些脂肪在饮食中是必需的,因为人体需要某些必需的脂肪酸。 总之,蛋白质饥饿症并不是缺乏脂肪,而是摄入的蛋白质产生了过多的氨。 事实证明,人体从蛋白质中获得的热量是有上限的,当你燃烧蛋白质作为能量时,氨基酸中的胺基(-NH2)必须被去丢弃,而这些胺基(-NH2)需要转化为尿素排泄出去。 但肝脏将胺基转化为尿素的速度是有限的——这就是你从蛋白质中获取热量的上限。这种转化速度有时被称为“蛋白质天花板”。超过转化限度,多余的胺基就开始变成氨而不是尿素,所以蛋白质饥饿症的真正原因是氨中毒。当氨开始在血液中积聚,就会导致腹泻、神志不清、颤抖等典型症状。 顺便说一下,肝脏疾病也会出现一些相同的症状,因为肝脏疾病会导致尿素转化率开始下降。 无论如何,额外的热量需要靠脂肪或碳水化合物提供。 DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG Beaver trappers used to combat this by roasting and eating beaver tail as its almost pure fat. 捕海狸的人过去常常把海狸的尾巴烤着吃,因为海狸的尾巴几乎都是脂肪。 redkalm In theory if you could catch fatty animals, you could live just fine off of only them. 从理论上说,只要你能抓住肥胖的动物,你就可以只靠它们活下去。 positive_contact_ Where would you get vitamin c? 你从哪里补充维生素c? redkalm good question, I searched and found this: "sufficient amounts of vitamin C can be acquired from raw liver, fish roe and eggs. Lower amounts are also present in raw meat and fish" 问得好,我搜索了一下,发现了这个: “我们可以从生肝脏、鱼子和鱼卵中获得足够的维生素C。生肉和鱼中也含有较低的维生素c" WangnanJahad This is why you supplement you diet with other foods. Fish like trout, salmon and mackeral are a good source of fat. Various wild nuts, such as acorns, are very high in fat, though acorns do take a lot to process in order to be edible. Always have a variety of foods, if you can, while trying to survive. Don't rely on a single source. Collect roots and tubers, collect nuts and berrys, trap and fish for variety of meats. I know it's easier said than done, but do it anyway. 这就是为什么你要用其他食物来补充你的饮食。 像鳟鱼、鲑鱼和鲭鱼这样的鱼都是很好的脂肪来源。 各种各样的野生坚果,如橡子,脂肪含量非常高,尽管食用橡子需要很多加工程序。 在生存的同时,如果可以的话,尽量吃各种各样的食物。不要依赖单一的来源。收集植物根和块茎,收集坚果和浆果,鱼类等各种肉类。我知道说起来容易做起来难,但不管怎样还是要尽量去做。 GolgiApparatus1 Out of the three macronutrients, fat is by far the most vital. You can live forever without carbs, a long while without protein, but not very long without fat. 在三种营养物中,脂肪是最重要的。你可以永远不吃碳水化合物,可以长时间不吃蛋白质,但不吃脂肪就活不了多久。 wingjet8888 My mom was a young girl in Germany during WW2. They raised rabits for food. They would eat from the local butcher shop and make soup or gravey with it. When I was growing up in the USA, mom would tells use to make sure we ate the fat off what ever meat we were having for dinner.. 我妈妈是二战期间的一个德国小女孩。虽然他们养兔子当食物。但他们还是会在当地的肉店购买肉类和脂肪,然后做汤或肉汁。当我在美国长大的时候,妈妈会告诉我们,无论晚餐吃什么肉,一定要吃掉脂肪。 Karissa36 The traditional Eskimo diet is over 90 percent fat and protein, from fishing and hunting. So they are already eating almost exclusively what they catch or hunt. The problem appears when larger prey with more fat is not available for whatever reason. 传统的爱斯基摩人饮食中,脂肪和蛋白质占比超过90%,这些脂肪和蛋白质来自捕鱼和狩猎。他们几乎只吃自己捕获或狩猎的食物。当由于某种原因找不到有更多脂肪的大型猎物时,问题就出现了。 Oudeis16 Wish my dietician had told me this sooner. I went on a diet and was occasionally feeling faint and tried to get her to help me figure out what I was doing wrong. She just assumed I was lying and that I was trying to get her permission to eat more, period. finally look at my actual log of food I was eating. She was like... this is way too much protein. If you eat this you'll faint. NO SHIT! So I swapped in some carbs and choked them down, and like magic I started feeling better 要是我的营养师早点告诉我就好了。我之前在节食,偶尔感到头晕,试图让她帮我找出我做错了什么。她以为我在撒谎,以为我是想让她允许我多吃点东西。在我的多次反馈下,她终于看了我的食物记录了。她立刻说我摄入了太多的蛋白质。她说:如果你继续吃下去,你会晕倒。不是开玩笑!所以我换了些碳水化合物把它们咽下去,就像变魔术一样,我顿时感觉好多了。 BombBombBombBombBomb Similar with just eating chicken breast etc Its great for weight loss in the shorter term though 就像只吃鸡胸肉一样 短期来看,它对减肥的效果很好 paolarb Wow well, learned a lot from this post , rabbit fever , cannibalism. I’m ready for the next adventure !! 哇,好吧,从这个帖子中学到了很多,兔热病,食人。我准备好迎接下一个冒险了!! newanonthrowaway my grandma. She loved rabbit, a local restaurant had a rabbit fry once a month andthe whole family would go. 我的奶奶。她很喜欢吃兔肉,每个月会在当地一家餐馆吃一次兔肉薯条,全家都会去。






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