关于订单的12句英文表达 您所在的位置:网站首页 下一批英文 关于订单的12句英文表达


2023-08-14 05:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. We'd like to order your products. We'll send our order confirmation today.我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。

2. Did you get our order for your telephones?你是否收到了我们订电话机的订单?

5. Is there anything I can book for you now?目前有什么我可以代您订购的吗?

6. What we can order from you right now are cotton goods.现在我们能向你订购的只有棉织品。

7. Can you tell me the name and quantitiy?你可以告诉我货名和数量吗?

8. Unless you order in March, we won't be able to deliver in June.除非你方三月订货,否则我们无法6月送货。

9. I'm ready to place an order with you, but only on the condition that the goods are restricted to Finland.我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是:货物只限卖给芬兰的公司。

10. Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods will be useless.前寄样品必须在8月底以前到达伦敦,否则所订货物都将无效。

11. Can we make a change to order No. 29734?我们可以修改一下29734号订单吗?

12. We want to increase the number of AR-26s on order No. 99725.我们想增加99725号订单上AR-26的数量。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)






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